Friday, January 14, 2011

Log jammin

1/14/2011 9:38:09 AM - Friday

Thursday 60 mins stepmill, 2 rounds of intervals, 5 1min on, 1min off then 5 mins steady then started at level 18 and worked down for 12 mins.

-tbar rowx 10 reps, hammer pulloverx10 reps and leg raise with med ballx10 repsx 6 rounds.
-push up barsx8,10,12, 14, 16, 18, 20 reps mixed with hammer curls 25lbx10 reps
-pause squats off straps x10 repsx5 rounds mixed with rev hypers.

1/12/2011 9:19:05 AM - Wednesday

Tuesday 60 mins stepmill

-15 mins stepmill, 5 mins warmup, 10mins intervals
-deadlift 315x3 conventional,3 sumox 5 rounds with 15 to 30 seconds rest. Finished with 405x1,500x1,600x1 sumo raw with belt
-single leg press for 100reps per legx3 rounds adding weight each round. 10 reps per leg back and forth until the 100 was met.

600 for a single was ok considering I hadn't done alot in December and for 6 am I will take it for today. Anyhow, you get what the day gives you and that be what I gets!

Right now with the new store done, I can refocus my training with a goal. You can't do shit without goals and plans!
1/10/2011 9:28:33 AM - Monday

Saturday 60 mins stepper

Sunday, did nothing all day. Ate, slept in chair, ate slept in chair, ate slept in chair.

-Interval warmup 5 mins, then 5 one min interval with one minute rest
-Long ab strap pulldowns,seated rows, fat bar pulldowns 6 roundsx 8-10 each
-flat dumbell press worked up to 100lbx12
-quarter dips and inclines 4 roundsx8 to 10 per set
-kb cleansx8 per armx5 rounds. Worked hard on stabbing up through the kb. this position is still hard on left side but all in all not bad.

1/7/2011 10:43:28 AM - Friday

Thursday 45mins stepmill

Friday training mix
-Standing ab pulldowns with stability ball leg raise 5x20,5x10
-Rigged up some stump straps and cable handles on the pec deck for 8x10
-Used spud cable handle on assisted pullup for 10x10 used the stack for assistance and did dead stops at bottom where the arms are full length
-hang cleans 5x10 with 135lb
-hack squat 8x10
-Ran out of time.

1/5/2011 1:57:03 PM - Wednesday

Tuesday 45mins stepmill

Wednesday, no cardio but trained early. Rack pulls to 525x3 supesetted with zerchers off a box and close stance worked up to 275x6
-landmine(10 per side) and dumbell obliques, with 120lbsx8 per side
-dead snatches, worked up to 88lbx5 per side. The left was giving me a hard time and I kept missing the lockout behind me or in front as that shoulder didn't want to hold it but in try Rocky style I kept at it until they were right.

1/3/2011 2:53:33 PM - Monday

Thur 50mins, Sunday 1 hour stepmill

-Ab circuit abwheel, hanging abs, long ab strap 4 roundsx10 each
-Press incline10 to 15 reps,push press8 to 10, flyes with bw on blast spus straps 8 repsx4 rounds)worked up to 3.5 plates on the machine
-chest row 3 plates, hammer row 3 platesx10 reps perx4 rounds
-finished with some lying shoulder work wit 12lb. lying on side with db on ground to vertical position, flat on back arm straight across body, arm starting in vertical postion and touching ground overhead. 8 per movementx4 rounds.

12/29/2010 8:45:52 PM - Wednesday

Sunday 60 mins, MOnday 60 mins, tues, 50 min, wed 50 mins stepmill and stairmaster.

-light raw pulls 325x5x5
-double swings 4x10(ended with 53lb)
-one arm overhead kb squats with heels on box 4x8
-rev hypers 4x10

The rest of the week is nuts finishing up NON fun shit but it has to be done so that is that. I promise some decent training and stories. Working on Max Douchery staring a local dude at the gym but he applies to tons of dudes out there.
