-Wed am 45 mins stepper
-Wed PM -MOnster mini band pulls off sumo board.We ended up raising the weights up 3 inches after the first couple of sets felt crappy.-135x3,225x3,315x3,405x3,455x2(all these were hook grip then I did 455x1 regular with a hand reversed and struggled to get one.
-Rev hypers 3x10-Thursday am-40 mins stepper-Thursday PMi got the bright idea to do regular incline presses. All of the sets were cranky and painful. 135x5x2,185x5x2,225x5x2,275x7 or8
-Bodybuilder towel straps tricep pushdowns supersetted with cable machine upright rows3x10 each
-Scrarecrows and curls supersetted with upperbody strap on seated row machine 3x8 each
Friday am Cardio-35 mins stepmill
Saturday -The angry troll finally brought my briefs back so squatting went good. We did box squats with the buffalo bar. 415x3,505x3, 595x3,685x3,775x1(no knee wraps). I didn't like it much so I wrapped up and did 775(actally 785)x2 fairly decent with the Angry Troll yelling at me. The entire time Dale and I are squatting, he is yelling how Dale is going to beat me adn squat 1200lb to get me riled up. I just look at him adn say,"I hope so, that just makes me look good as Coach" He goes on yelling how I am going to kick Dale out once he breaks my total. All I can say is I hope so. He's a good kid with the desire to do so. The troll is not happy with it and continues ranting. At this moment in time, there is always somebody stronger then you. This is just the truth of it all. The question is whether or not they bring it to the table when it counts-at least in lifting anyhow. I really could care less, but it does motivate me sometimes to piss on the box and show I still got the magic. -Rev hypers 1x20-Broke the small chain out again with a upperbody strap and dragged the chain one arm laterally around the building switching arms every 10-15 yards. This sucked sort of and I may try to get 3 laps in Sunday as I have to work the store again this Saturday and will not be able to train. This also gives the boys something to strive for
.-Sunday-45 mins stepmill
-Monday am -40 mins stepmill
Monday pm-Me and the Dale did floor press with the chainmates. Loaded up 225 on the bars and atarted with 2 chains per side x5 reps, 4 chain per sidex5 reps, 6 chains per sicex3 reps, 8 chains per sidex 3reps, tried a pinky on the ring with 10 chain and only got one. Added a 11th chain and widened the grip back to the middle finger on the rings for 2 or 3 reps off the one board. Went down a chain and did 2 reps with 10 chain off the chest.
-green band ext overnhead 3x15
-Side raises 3x10
-Ab wheel 4x10
-BB towel strap pullups 3 x 5or6 reps.
-Tues am-40 mins stepmill. Got bored ans have started doing the stepmill sideways. Not bad, may try to go up backwards later just for fun.
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