Thursday, December 23, 2010


12/23/2010 3:39:01 PM - Wednesday

Wed and thurs 55mins stepper. I like this alittle better then the stepmill when i am doing the intervals. Will do one more firday then take off sat and sleep in alittle and pretty much irritate the shit out of the old lady while she cooks.

-3 rounds of walking lunges around the gym parkinglot in 40 mins. Good time. Figured I would cripple myself for xmas. the cardio this morning helped but the legs are still locking down as I type. On a nice day I will for for 5 laps.

merry xmas and happy holidays to everyone.

thanks for checking us out

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


12/21/2010 9:27:23 AM - Tuesday Upper

Lazy Monday no cardio, Tuesday 50mins step mill 5 1 min intervals with 3 minute break then started back at 14 and went up every 30 sec with no breaks then cool down last 2 mins, sucked!!

Basic rows and bench
-rows all sets of 20 per arm 50,65,75,95,105,120,150lbs
-presses 8 sets of 20 with 135lb

All I had time for this morning. Not great but maintaining till the first of the year when it is a more normal schedule. Well whatever that means.

12/20/2010 11:19:31 AM - Thursday and Saturday

Tues,wed,thur stepmill 1 hour with 5 intervals per session, off Friday then Sat and Sunday 1 hour each on the stepper with 5 intervals per. Doing a semi warrior with alittle protein am(usually a shooter) nothing the rest of the day unless it is a training day and then I add in 20 grams of bcaas and some creatine chewies. Leaning pretty well even with all the crap food over the holidays so far.

-Thursday upper, all timed sets of of 5 to 15mins with 15 to 30 seconds rest. rep wise, usually start at 6 to 8 then then ending with 3 to 5
-Grey band pulls up 5 mins
-assisted pull up close neutral grip 5 mins
-Dips with knees on softee pads 5 to 10 mins
-Stablity ball pushups with feet against plate and sinking into the ball 10 to 15 mins(can't remember when i started.

-rack pulls close stance raw just below knees, 425x3x5,515x3x2, 605x2(went for 3 but it sucked and I gave up my low and upper back. done there
-close stance squats worked up to 415x5 with several sets at 325x5.

All I had in the tank so we went out and watched Tron(it was decent with some good effects)It was raining so I couldn't haul anything that day. finished up the store on Sunday. Need a few things to order but for the most part we are ready for the Jan 3 opening..

12/14/2010 1:34:27 PM - Saturday

No cardio Friday, Saturday 10 laps with two 15 sec on, with 15 sec off intervals x 5 rounds, Sunday no cardio(worked at new shop all day), Monday 60mins with 5 one min on, one minute off intervals(adding some extra in for all the crap I have inhaled over thepast week or so)

-Just squat with briefs no box, 405x5,500x3,555x3,645x3, 555x5)all i had time for with a couple of holiday parties to get through. One was get through, the other was alot of fun and of course alot of people drank to much. I took this product called forgiven where you take it after you finish and it helps with eliminating the hangover. I must admit I drank alot and was just alittle tired the next day and cut shelving all day with no vomiting or normal post drunkness. There were no shanagans on my part this time. that part fell on Chris who gets alittle frisky with EVERYONE when he drinks(normally a quite and nice guy sober) but little did we know he was a dry humpin machine upon alcohlization. Some are still tramatized as we speak. Apparantly his wife knows this well and did not forewarn anyone. When its time, she says, Chris I am leaving with or without you, she means it. Chris later texted Dale and said that she said it was okay that he could come backout and wanted Dale to come out and pick him up. If you know, Dale, that was not going to happen and I think everyone had enough drunk chris for till next year. Still lots of fun...

12/9/2010 5:07:25 PM - Thursday

-blast strap rear delts(scarecrowish) with dips with feet on bench(10 rears with 20 dipsx5 rounds
-rows with 154lb farmers walk 4x6 per arm
-kip pullups 4x6(i know, even sucky for kip style)
-floor press with fat bar 8x10 with 30 seconds rest
-flyes starting with 30lb,35, 40,.. ending with 65lbx6

12/9/2010 6:55:18 AM - Wednesday

Wed and thur 45 mins steady state and 5 intervals on each session.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Training and happenins

12/7/2010 7:03:20 AM -

Sunday 45mins stepmill,Monday 45mins and Tuesday 45mins stepmill, 10 warmup steady state, 5 1 min on 1 min off intervals,stop3 min, then steady for the rest of the way

-Quick upper circuit work
-flyes and rear delts 5 reps for eachx5t rounds with blue band seated row x10
-Hammer incline x20 reps per set x 4 rounds with same band seated rowsx10
-Mixed a curl and tri kick back together 4 rounds with 30lbsx8 reps per.

Not much but got some in. Working on another store to open in Jan so that is taking alot of my time putting in the shelving and getting it preped, plus all the other bs with licenses and set up needed to get it going. But on a good note, I was totally physically trashed from squatting and pulling on Saturday. Had not felt that beat up in awhile.

12/4/2010 3:49:55 PM -

Saturday cardio 10 laps in 50mins.

-box squats with buffalo bar and 2 blues per side. work sets 4platesx1,4.5 platesx1,5platesx1,5.5 platesx1
-weren't pretty but better ability to hold the bar so I could put more on it to finish. mid 220s so not for weight right now.
-pulls 505x1x3 pretty much no rest, 415x3x3
-old school ghr 3x8
-added alittle extra upper in. started with 25lbx5,30lbx5,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75 with no rest.

12/2/2010 2:25:55 PM -
Saturday,Wednesday and Thursday

Saturday 45mins, Sunday 60mins, Monday 50mine,Tuesday 45mins,Wednesday 55mins,Thursday 45mins stepmill. 10min steady followed by 5 intervalsx1 min on/1 min off for all sessions, then finish eac session with steady. Been rereading Lyle McDonald Stubborn fat Protocol and picking up some things I missed the first time around.

-Got some squatting in with briefs off box, one blue and buffalo bar. Work sets 505x1 for 5 singles
-Jump stretch pull with mini worked up to 365x5

-close stance leg press 4x8
-one leg back raise 4x8 per leg
-partial close stance squats on machine keeping tension on 3x20
-dumbell rdls 4x8
-cossack squats 4x8 per side

-10x10 sets close neutral grip going up each set with no rest till set 7 or 8 when it I could not recover as muc.
-blast strap push up varition with one arm doing the push up and the other staying straight and going outward like a flye. Then press up with one arm and then the flye arm comes back in to a arms extended pushup postion. 5x6 per arm
-super setted close grip,shoulder width, bench with 100lb chain and 150lb for sets of 15 to 20
-reverse grip dumbell curls 3x8
-Extra blast strap pushups for reps 4x25

11/26/2010 12:22:06 PM -
Wednesday and Thursday

No cardio friday thru monday. Tuesday 50mins stepmill, wed 8 laps sled, thursday 45mins, friday 45mins stepmill

-wide stance pull throughs and close stance straight bar good mornings worked up to 275 on gm for 5 and pull throughs x 10 per set for 6 rounds
-one leg assited pistolsx8 per leg with long ab strap pullsdownsx10x5 rounds
-reverhypers 5x10

-bench with softees worked up to 405x1,two softees,225x20 with one softee pad
-jm press 185x5
-rows with shrugger and bands
-hammer curls 6x10

ipa weekend stury(yes on purpose) to come. it involves the amish and whining..

11/18/2010 11:24:41 AM -

Wed and Thur 50 mins each with 1 min on/1 min off for 5 to 10 rounds then steady state for the rest of the time

-Training box squats cambered bar 10x10 with one minute rest
-cleansx6 with rdlsx10 x 5 rounds, 1 min rest per set
-4x15 rev hyper to finish

Just needed to get some work in lower wise before we take off tomm at 430am. We are going to try to make it to the amish market in york and load up on some really good eats and sweets.

11/16/2010 9:20:05 AM -

Sunday 10 laps, MOnday 50min and Tuesday 50 mins stepmill 30mins steady then 20 mins intervals, 1 on 1 off

Tuesday Training.
-Had alot going on so had to move the MOnday to Tuesday this week. All supersets combos with almost no rest on any of them. lat pulls and seated rows 5x10 per, blast spud strap abs and ghr abs 5x10 per, pushups off bench bar at 10 reps moving out for 5 different grips with 20 upright rowsx 5 rounds, dips and assisted pull up reverse gripx 5 rounds with dips at 20 reps and RG at 10 reps. Kinda dazed for a few minutes then got moving again.

Going to York to help the guys out this weekend so that should be alot of fun. We are taking a van up so poots and bs will be the theme for the trip.

11/13/2010 2:00:38 PM -
Thursday and Saturday

Stick to the interval thing right now so each cardio is 10 to 15 one minute sprints with one to two minutes rest after. There is a steady state part to each as well.
Tuesday 50min, Wed(could not get up so no cario)Thursday 50min, Friday(not enough guilts to come in so no cardio) Saturday 60mins

-Rope pushdowns and rope curls 10x10 going up each set.
-Flyes with dumbell handles like a ab wheel only with the flye motion mixed with push ups off the handles too 6x10 per exercise
-Rustys 5 setsx10reps going up each set and ending with 45s(good weight for my left shoulder with this motion, right arm is still on vacation)
-lying face down rear delts on floor. did not touch the gorund with them so basically I was flapping but squeezing each rep at the top.

-Raw camberedbar box squats up to 415x3x3 rounds.
-Raw sumo 405x3x5 sets
-Blast Spud strap ab swings 4x8