3/14/2011 10:20:37 AM -
Thursday 45mins,Friday off, Saturday 1 nour, Sunday 1.5 hours stepmill.
-Long ab strap pulldowns with Lat Assassin pulldowns bar alternating grips each set. 9 setsx8 reps per set.
-short band rear selts and pause dumbell rows working up to 125lbx 8reps per arm.
-Hammer press and bw dips 8 roundsx 8 reps pers.
Broke in a new guy on Saturday at the new store so hopefully I can train some on Saturday again until I find something else to get into business wise.
3/9/2011 12:51:35 PM -
Tuesday 45mins stepmill
-chest press, this is suck ass i know but at 530 in the morning that is what i get right now, did the stack in 1/4s
1/4 two grips neutral and regular 3 sets x10 eachx 2rounds,moved down 3 or 4 plates and repeated then one more round of 3 setsx10
then 1/2 for 2x10x 3 round, 3/4 fo 2x10 with 1x10 on close grip neutral, then full stack for 1x10 and 1x8 for 2 rounds.
Then back up the stack the same way
-hammer pullover one arm 3x10 per arm for 6 or 8 rounds
-one arm pushdowns back and forth for 5 mins.
So Monday I come in and the trash can lid is gone. Same can we have had for 1 or 2 years,maybe more. I haven't seen the night guy since Sunday after he closed up. All I know is the f'in can lid is gone. So i ask dale and sue to ask SOnny where the can lid is. Finally I get a answer from Sue this morning(wed). Well it ain't really a answer, it's, "I dunno where the lid went." You f'in worked Sunday, the lid was gone Monday,WTF? So Stefan, who runs the Boozer Store, runs around the gym thinking the Strongman used it for some reason, mainly if it was the Strongmen, it would be the guy we call the Lumbering OX(yes he walks and acts just like that, how's that for a picture) he checks everywhere, inside, outside in the sheds, in the trash in case it got broken. Nothing it is just gone?!?! Again, WTF?! This perfectly fine lid is gone now and to top it off I didn't even get a note saying, I just don't know where the can lid went, it was there at some time. So now, my can lid is MIA! who do you report that too?
3/7/2011 3:38:35 PM -
Friday 35 stepmill, Saturday 45mins, Sunday no cardio
-Long ab pulldowns standing with standing rows with same strap,6x10 each
-green band seated rows in rack with short band overhead tricep press(orange band) 20 rows and 8 tri reps per armx6 rounds
-hooked grey short on rack and hung barbell in them for more pushdowns 5x10
-Dumbell presses bb style on way down then rotating in on way up. worked up to 80sx10
3/3/2011 11:01:42 AM -
Friday 45mins, Saturday no cardio, Sunday 60 mins, Monday 35, tues 45mins, wed 40, thur 40mins stepmill and stairmaster
-cable flyes upper and lower 6x 15 upper, 6 x8 lower
-Took stump straps and short grays and did bench pressx8x4 sets
-incline bench rear delts 5x20
-dumbell hammer curl and press overhead(sort of a snatch type movement, worked up to 40lbx10(left shoulder still weak so this was a difficult and uncomfortable move with pop, crackle and more pop each rep
2/24/2011 6:57:38 AM -
Thursday,short band and stump strap bench tip
Tues 45mins stepmill,Wed 35mins stepmill at 13 level. f ed off insteasd of doing my usual hour.
Tuesday morning I went to the store and traveled my usual route. I go t within a few blocksand saw the road blocked by da police. So I went around another route only to find it blocked too. I finally get close enough and the officer lets me by to get to work. When I get out of the truck, I smell gas and look down the road to see a tanker layed on its side with city officals all around it. They have evacuated the whole block pretty much. At first it is suppose to be moved by 2 or 3, so I hang there. THey won't let any one in so nobody can come to the store. I check every 30 or 45 mins and the truck lays on its side and lays on its side and lays on it side. Finally about 3 it is obvious it will be late in teh night before it is moved so I pack it up. The strange part is there is a tanning bed next door and early in the morning there is steady traffic. I guess burning skin and the smell of gas are a acceptable combintion as long as you get your tan on.
-hammer row 6 setsx12 reps, worked up to 4 plates
-Scare crows on seated rows 6 setsx12
-bodymasters standing press 4 sets
-dips with pause at botttom 6setsx10 to 12
-dumbell presses 65sx10x10sets with 39 sec rest per set.
Also, I was messin around this morning and added a new twist to using the short bands and a stump strap.
Basically you can either take mini or monster and double one on each end of the stump strap or you can slip knot a grey or orange on each end.
Place bands in hand and throw strap over back. this adds alot of pressure and tension to the last part of the movement(or your lockout)We used the mini doubled over for dips this morning and it was tough.
Then I tried the grey doubled over and they was no way so I slip knotted it and that worked great.
My initial thought was to add it a high board press say a 5x5 lockout after me bench but its application can be for anything like a push up of any sort and really anything you can think of.
The cool part is the strap stick to the back instead of sliding or popping off back like a regular band wo
2/22/2011 6:36:54 AM -
Friday 45mins, sat 60 mins,off sunday and monday, Tuesday 45mins stepmill and stairmaster.
Still not suppose to do lower body but i wrecked myself Sunday laying floor tile. I forgot how hard it was. Felt like i did lots and lots of good mornings-back and hams tore up. I am a cheap bastard and can't stand it when I know I can do it myself. I payed for it in blood instead.
Upper tuesday am
-seated rows 8 setsx8
-pec deck 6x10
-dumbell floor press worked up to 75lbx20 reps with 1 sec pause on floor. 3 sets
-set up poor man's lat strap with chains and cable handles and did tricep extension s with pulls to chest. 6 reps on tri, 10 on chest pull.
2/17/2011 12:40:52 PM -
Wednesday 60mins, Thursday 40 mins stepmill
-Barbell row up to 315x8x2 sets
-football/swiss bar with wide grip press, worked upto 315x3
-set up handles in spud suspension straps. put box behind me and put edge of toes(top of foot) on box.
then dips for 6x 10 reps supersetted with football/swiss bar curls x 10 per set.
2/15/2011 6:44:54 AM -
Friday 55 mins, Saturday 60mins, Sunday 60mins stepmill
-standing abs and cable rear delts x 10 each x 10 sets
-rope pushdown 10 setsx10 reps, then went back up the stack increasing it a rep with each weight decrease. 10 sets more
-rope curls 10x10
-incline press 235x6x5 sets
-hammer 4x10
Still no lower work while I am doing the ten series. Very pleased so far with the results. Not as much pitch forward while standing. Don't have to spread my feet to be comfortable. Standing taller. Don't know how long it will stick afterwards without constant reinforcement of sessions but the process is what I am really after anyhow. The seperation of glued tissues and twisted bones from years of poor postur,abuse, training,etc. . You can see and feel the tissues softening and moving.
/10/2011 10:58:12 AM -
45 mins stairmaster, 25 steady, 20 intevals
-Long ab straps pulldown and lat pulls with neutral grip handle 10 reps perx8 rounds
-band rear delt 10x10 reps perarm
-decline, worked up to 315x6
-push ups handles for 6 sets to failure on each one.
2/8/2011 11:50:50 AM -
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 90 mins steady state stepmill, MOnday off
-Went in alittle early to train. I open the gym on Tuesday and Thursday. I got there as usual at 4 something and began to open up. One of the opening tasks is making coffee. We have a commercial coffee maker, it is not awesome but it makes a pot quick. Whoever closes puts a new filter in with the coffee so all you have to do is pour the water and move on. Very simple, right. So for maybe 7 or 8 years we have had this coffee maker and so far I have not had any problems at all(knock on wood) so I didn't think about it and just poured the damn water. Next thing the hot scalding water is shooting out like I am taking a hand shower. I scream,WTF!!! I grab the trash can lid to catch the water as it shoots all over the place and try not to get f'in burnt. After a second of this I spot the filter holder sitting on top of the ice maker which is about 6 or 7 feet away. So i throw the pot under neath with jetting and burning water going everywhere then leap over and grab the filter and water dispenser and throw it in there. I spend the next ten minutes cleaning up the water and wiping shit down. Now, normally shit happens and I get that, but this guy just got through asking me for more hours and wanting to do anything he could a couple of weeks ago. I told him to stop making the small mistakes and work on the small detail things at the gym. When you can do that, we can talk about other things
Well one week after "the talk" he misses one of my gym closing pet peeves, again. So I chew his ass and tell him if the damn boxes aren't straight we are done. One week later, my hand is scalded at 430am. WTF?
-dumbell flyes worked up to 60sx10 from 15lb
-standing lat machine pulls 8x10
-took short grey bands and slip knotted them on suspension straps and did push ups off them mixed with one arm short band extensions overhead. 5 rounds of each x 10 reps per
-short band standing curls(like in a cable crossover with the top cables) with one arm short band pushdowns. 20 reps eachx4 rounds.
-lots of short band work. that was the theme of the morning.
2/3/2011 6:55:12 AM -
MOre upper
Wedneday, case of the laze but got 30mins on the stepmill in. built up to level 14, then intervals for 10mins, then went to level 16 and worked down to level 6
chest supported rows and pulls to chest with feet on bench using smith machine, 10 reps eachx5 rounds
-floor press, worked up to 300x10 reps
-rollin tris with dumbells x10 reps working up to 60lbs, mostly working on shoulder stability in the left one that had surgery.
Session 2 of the ten tommorrow
2/1/2011 10:54:54 AM -
Monday and some new doings
Friday 60mins, sat and sunday 90 mins each steady, monday off
Well Saturday I was suppose to squat but that did not turn out as I forgot about the ten series starting on Friday. For several years, my massage therapist has also done rolfing and other massage techniques on me but not the ten series. So now, seemed like a good time to experience the ten.
The ten series is a comprehensive shredding and realignment of the entire body over ten 1.5 to 2 hour sessions over several weeks. I call it shredding as it goes through several layers of tissue to realign. THe way I look at realignment is that rolfing tries to bring you back to the point where you were in perfect aligment and most everything worked like it suppose to. As the years go by, the way you learn to walk, hold yourself and essentially deal with all the stresses of the outside world reeks havoc on your body and tissues causing tears, scar tissue, dominant muscles and muscle and tissue that don't function correctly. Often you hold stress in various tissues and sometimes(although it is not provable in any way) you hold emotions and emotional trauma there. By releasing this tissue, etc you can relieve some pain I believe.
Well the first session is lengthing of the torso through the obliques, some abdominals and basically along the lats. I was lucky to have to two people working on me, my therapist Barbera the Hun and this little crazy homeless looking fellow named Blake or I call him Blake the Ripper. He is known as a shredder in town. Barbera can shred but she also has great finesse.
THey both pounded my obliques where I have always been sensitive to pain withtightness and very ticklish. So imagine a hour and a half of me about the burst in giggles while at the same time trying not to cry in pain.THe cool thing was when they hooked together and moved what felt like sheets of muscle under my skin.
By the end, I was standing what felt like 2 or 3 inches taller and honestly felt stoned from all the tissue work. Now I only have 9 left. THe thing is this was suppose to be the easy one. SO long story, I was told not to squat or dead for awhile so the changes settled in.
-Assisted pull ups x10reps per moving up the stack till I could not get 10 reps so about 8 sets.
-Pec deckx10 and dumbell pressesx20. Worked up to 80lb so about 8 or 9 rounds.
-Tricep pushdowns x10 with supinating dumbell curlsx8 per arm x 6 rounds
1/28/2011 7:54:46 AM -
Wednesday and Friday
Tuesday 60mins steady state, Wednesday no cardio, Thursday 45min with intervals(5 1 min on, 1 min off, after cool off, built back up to level 16 from 6 going up every minute.
-3 laps with prowler with a hundred lbs.
-Long ab straps pulldowns with seat rows
8 setsx10 reps per exercise
-bench raw worked up to 315x6 to chest, 225x20
-band pushdownsx20reps, barbell curls with negative on way downx10, made up a jump extension with barbell where you secure the barbell about chest height and jump up into a full locked out position with arms x10 per set. Did these three for 4 rounds.
1/24/2011 9:49:35 AM -
Saturday and Monday
Friday, the wife said I was sleeping so well she didn't wake me for cardio, she was right so sleeping like a champ was awesome. Saturday and Sundsy one hour of stepmill each with steady state and no intervals.
-Got to squat with the crew and it was nice to not have to rush off to a store or cut anything. Just squated and pulled.
-Raw squat off the chain with cambered bar with 3 plate and the blue over the top of the plates 5x2
-raw sumo with a belt worked up to 405x3x4 and 500x1. Nice,solid and fairly fast so I left it there.
Monday am
-hammer row and standing abs with ropes 8 sets with 20 reps on the row and 10 to 15 on the abs
-dumbell press, worked up to 100lb for 20 reps
-close grip bench x15 to 20reps
-barbell shrugs with 315x10 with seated dumbell rear delt raisex 15 for 5 rounds.
1/20/2011 6:54:25 AM -
case of the lazy ass on wed, so no cardio but i did cut 64 shelves for the stores to finish that off so it was sort of cardio anyhow.
-bodymasters squat worked up to 7 plate x7 reps so 5 or 6 real worksets at 7 reps per set. 7 was just the number for the day
-two 154lb farmers walk dumbells for sumo pulls at 8 reps per set supersetted with revhypersx10 reps for 4 rounds
-hangin abs and ab wheel 4 rounds each
1/18/2011 11:12:50 AM -
Tuesday and Deadlift video from 2006 WPO finals
Saturday 60 mins stepmill, Sunday 10 laps sled drag in 25 degree weather. Wore my five finger toe shoes which was a mistake and sort of got some mild frost bite on me toes. Of course, the day was packed with work so I had to jump in the shower right away with frozen feet which makes it even worse so needless to say, it was a very short shower.
We had chinese Sunday night as left overs from Saturday. don't know if that was the cause or the plate of cookies or the string cheese after that but for the rest of the night I was backside drippin' so I kept my diaper underwear on(sort of like that gross diaper commerical,with the tag team song except it goes,"poop, there it is") thatis how I felt all night. The wife gets up at 4 to open the gym on Monday and occasionally I wake up too and always have to pee, so I sprint in there before she gets there. This time, I got there and instantly threw up everywhere(i know it's gross but it is funny too)I have not thrown in years so heave ho for about 5 minutes during which my nose began to bleed so snotty drip throw up butt drip was I. Obviously cardio was out for this day and training.
-Standing machine pulldowns with long ab strap pulldowns 8x10reps per and face pulls x20 reps
-Kb floor press with old school pec deck. worked up to 88lbx10 on kbs so about 7 rounds total.
-fat grip v tricep 6x10
-one arm curls x 5 reps per arm for 5 mins going back and forth.
Here is the video.I was asked to put up a deadlift video and the wife found it and I thought it would be cool to share here too.
Hey james,
the wife just got the chance to get it you tubed so here you go.
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