Sunday, July 1, 2012

A minute to catch up!

7/1/2012 11:05:45 AM -

Thursday and Saturday

Friday 9 laps sled, Saturday 30 mins stepmill with intervals, Sunday 9 laps sled in the blazing heat and humidity.

-Blast straps bw rows 5x10
-Plate rows 100lbx10, 145lbx10,200lbx10, 245lbx8, 300lbx8. Balancing act with this one.
-plate press 100lbx20,145lbx15m,200lbx10m,245lbx10, used rolling thunder pipe to hold them together.
-we got a green band that is double in length then normal to use so I did a couple of exercises with it.
-Push downs 5x10
-one arm high position flye 4x10 per arm
-something for shoulders but can't remember

-conventional deads with hook grip 405x3,495x1,545x1,585x1,635x1ish(got to top with it and locked out but it popped lose right away), 495x3
-This is still a hook grip pr so I am not disappointed with it at all.
-4x15 rev hypers
-1x10 belt squat with rolling thunder with 400lb on it.

6/28/2012 10:42:33 AM -


Wed am 1 hour cardio

-Briefs with straight bar free squats. work sets, 505x3,595x3,685x3,775x3,905x1-ish 3/4 squat. 725x5.
Had not gone over 900 in free weight in several years. I thought sure let's give it a ride. Pick was suck,started vibrating like the old man and it would not slow down so I came back up with it. OVer all not awful but very ugly.
-rev hyper 1x15,1x10 with green band around upper back, 1x10 with 1 blue same way, 1x10 with 2 blues same way. THis was dale's idea so he gets it named dalecompress. The band around the upper back does a couple of things-forces a longer decompress at the bottom and 2/ you have to contract harder on the concentric end of it.

6/26/2012 9:13:24 AM -


Monday 1 hour stepmill

Monday Night
-Bench raw with 2 softees 315x3,365x3,405x3. to chest no pads 405x4, was looking for 5 but ran out of gas and pushed the 4th rep over my face cashing out my tris and shoulders
-dips 4x15
-used rev hyper handles with feet on pendulumfor assisted pullups
-one arm farmer's dumbell row 3x8 per arm
-turkish get ups with 25lb 3x3 per side
-45lb plate rsise 2x25

6/25/2012 8:19:51 AM -

Friday and Saturday

Friday and Sautrday 30 mins stepmill each with 2 min warm up, 26 mins of intervals and 2 minutes cooldown, Sunday 15 laps sled

Firday Training
-3 back to warm up. chest supported row, assisted pullup and standing pulls to chest using spud inc handles. 5 rounds 10 reps each.
-incline worked up to 275x8x3
-front raise/side raise dumbells combo 8 reps each way worked up to 35lb(4 sets)
-green bands flyes 5x12

-gms with cambered bar off straps. work sets 415x3,465x3,505x3,555x3
-front squats with harness off box. 275,315,365,405x3 reps each
-reverse lunges using bodymasters squat 3 x8 per leg with pause at bottom.

6/21/2012 8:45:32 AM -


Mon and Wed 1 hour each stepmill

Missed Monday to some normal employee bs so the day was shot and the brain was too drained to really do much plus the wife wanted to destress with early in the week mexican.

Wednesday night
-warmed up with rev hypers 4x12
-low (medium/close) stance box squats with ssb lowering the box with each set. 325x3x2,375x3x2,415x3x4,
- usedCambered bar on back raises barx8, 25lbx8,35lb each sidex8x2
-rev hyper 4x12.

THe cambered bar back raises were a new one for dale, charles and mike. So there backs were lit up and mike walked out like he had to poop.

6/17/2012 9:04:11 AM -

Friday and Saturday

Doing some interval work and cutting the time on the stepmill so
-Friday 30 mins with 3 min warm then 2 min on 1 off(well cut the pace is half), 3 on 2 off, 4 on 3 off abd 5 on 4 off, 2 on 1 off
-Saturday 30 mins with 3min warms with 13 one minute on, one min half pace, 2 min cool down
-Sunday 10 laps regular sled

Friday upper
-Band pull aparts with lying incline dumbell rows , 6 sets with 15 band reps and 8 dumbell rows
-Floor press worked up to 275x5x5
-Dumbell flyes worked up to 70lbx8(5 sets total)
-100lb plate tricep extension(almost like a pull over but a tri ext instead) 4x10
-Standing pulls to chest rotating 3 bar placements-high neck, top of chest, top of abs. Each one 10 reps x 10 sets non stops
-Tricap pushdowns the same way 10 reps per set with 3 different grips nonstop for 100 reps

Meetings from 130 to 430, yeah!!!

Saturday lower
-rdls work sets 405x3x2,455x3x2,495x3x2,555x3, 585x3
-reverse hyper 4 setsx15 reps
-foam rolled hips and quads before starting
-Was still beat up from Wed so canned it there.

No meetings, yeah!!! Watched Prometheus. I like sci fi horror alot and this movie was pretty good. It is sort of a prequel to the Alien movies I hear but it does give you some backround to those stories, sort of. Anyhow it was dark, I had popcorn and coke zero and no phones!

6/14/2012 8:50:38 AM -


Wed am 1 hour stepmill

Wed pm
-Rev hypers to warm up 3x15
-one leg press with 8 on left, 6 on right. Started with one 45 on one side for a set, then added 1 45lb for a set,etc(7 work sets total non stop. Good warm up for the squat.
-box squat with briefs. 505x3x2,555x2,3,595x2,3x4
-rack pulls raw at knees 495x3,585x3x2
-Rev hypers 3x15

Decent for not squatting in a couple of weeks.

AC is out at the house and has been for 3 days now. THe fan blade broke off and locked up the motor. This has happened a couple times as out ac is a older unit and I am too cheap ass to get a new one. It will have to really be on its last death bed where I can't strap some electric cords to it and bring it back to life. Anyhow as you know it is hot in sc during the summer and the last two times this happened I was doing the bb thing so everything pissed me off and before that 300 fat guys who was also pissed off at everything that required being uncomfortable. As we wait on parts for it, which should be today, the hotness has not bothered me much this time. It is on bake at 350degrees in the house but with the fans on me it is not so awful. THe wife told me this along time ago that I could wrap a ice pack in a towel and put it on me tummy and that would help out. Of course, to mess with her, I yell, "there is no f in way that is going to work" She gives me some crap, well s#*t, really and I laugh because nothing is better then aggravting the piss out of your ole lady, except yelling at old cat which gets her even more riled up. She goes to be aggitated at me which is very very normal at the house so I figure what the hell,let me see if this really works so I get the ice pack, wrap it up, put my ear plugs in(cause 9 cats and dog make a shit ton of noise,all night!, then strap on the cpap machine and hit the hay. With the fan rollling on you and the ice pack freezing the belly I fall out quickly. I wake up 3 hours later with the ice pack warm as pee and sweat soaked matress. I get another ice pack and go back to sleep cause it works. I tell her the next day that it helped and you know when they win one they are going to rub it back on you and she does. She says I am doing my tiny victory dance right now! I laugh and plot my revenge, well not really..Hopefully it will be done today, running out of ice packs..

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