Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After traveling all weekend for Tatty's wedding in Florida, I could not raise the mustard to get up and do cardio on Monday. It was a good trip and everyone seemed very happy. The wedding was quick adn they wrote there own vows. Tatty got emotional and had to stop for a couple of times. I was seated in the back saying, Gametime son. Get it right. Just loud enough for Sue to yell at me. That guy who justs says the wrongest things was wide open for most of the cermony. We got seated at tables for the reception with a few people we did not know. This is always akward until a few beers get down. One of Tatty's friends sat bedside Sue. He is a little fellow and to my right was a volumptous lady named Laurie. We found out alot about her after a few glasses of wine some funny and some that should have been kept to herself.. First she play Roller Derby and apparently there are alot of lesbians in this sport. She not being a lesbian picked a name that would immediately let them know where she stood. That name was Fonda Peters. This was the highlight. This and little Seanie thinking he was going to work Miss Fonda Peters. He came up to about big boob height on her(Kinda like the giant chick at the end of Dude, Where's my car). I asked if she forearmed him to death that I be able to watch. A couple of times she left to smoke and he scooted out right after her. The second time he did not return to the table so I went out to check on him. He was unscathed but still up to the challenge. It was about 6th beer o'clock for me and Sue said it was time to go. Anymore beers and we would not have left for 3 hours. We said goodnight to the new couple and off we went for hibernation in the hotel and 10 hours of sleep.

Training-I was not feeling the shirt again or any pressing at all so I did somemore raw work. I had a better night last week but that was last week and not now. -405x3/3board,495x3/2board, 545xmiss/one board,405x8/softy pad,405x9/softy pad, 495x1/softy pad, 405x10/softy pad

-3 set of 8 jumpy spud pullups with neutral grip.

Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

The bell will not toll until next year when it is Dalen's turn

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 30 mins stepper
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
Friday 30 mins stepmill

Training -I have to go to my son Fatty Tatty's wedding Saturday so we had to change the squat to Wed. The other guys suited and I did a free squat with briefs only(russian sort of)Started with 700x5,750x3,800x3 w/knee wraps, 855x3 w knee wraps. Most were normal Spud depth but a couple of the 850 were good. I have not had any really heavy regualr weight on the back so I was very pleased with the effort.
-Rev hypers 4x10
-Ab work 3x8

Thursday Training-All pump up stuff. 4 rounds of rope pushdown and rop curls x25 reps and mixed with hanging abs x8 per set-Standing rows with ropes 4 roundsx25 reps-Band chest flyes 4x20(purple)-Purple band standing rotators foe 4x20

Jar Jar Gump went out and broke my chain record(300lb chain pulled 1/3 mile with a upper body strap) by 20 seconds or so at 9 min 41 secs. I had loaded up on a new suped up Dirty(no product made here in columbia) and was still jacked so I went out and took my record back by 22 seconds with several stops. If I had to do it, I could probablly get it down to 8 min 30 or 8:45 but I doubt I will worry about that.It will give everyone something to strive for. I can't wait to see the look on Jar Jar's face when he is told I broke it already.

The main bet is with Jean Claude. He is a french lebanese engineer that has been coming to the gym for 10 plus years. He is thin and harry and has been wearing the same tank tops for 10 years as well. Ten years ago when we were doing 9 plus laps a week with the wheelbarrow(a plain one from Lowes with 250-300lb of rock in it), we thought we were tough guys. One day, Jean Claude started talking about it and showhow i challenged him on it. I said you will never get around the building(1/3 mile) without setting it down. The entire time I had done it, I had only made it around once without setting it down. Don was the only one who I had seen make it without putting it down. claude is weak and could barely box squat 250lb. so I thought this a easy challenge. I bet him 25 bucks he could not do it. Don and the Angry Troll jumped in and placed wagers on this bet. Jean Claude and all 165lbs on him accepted.

We got the wheelbarrow out for him. He grabbed it without chalking up and set off. Don put the 25bucks in his back pocket half hanging out and ran in front of him saying come on claude you can do it while slapping the 25bucks hanging out of his pocket. we all laughed and giggled. The first leg was uphill and claude did it no problem. No sagging, slippin or rejustments. The seond leg is a long uphill grade. His shoulders sagged some but still no readjusments. I thought he would put it down somewhere in here. He kept rollin' but you could see his fingers startin' to give some. I followed him to make sure it did not scrape the ground like the ref on Caddyshack at the end where he never took his eyes off the ball and all the explosions went off around him. The legs bobbed up and down about a inch or two from the ground. His face was contorted with pain as his forearms and hands cramped. As he round the last leg, I realized he was going to make it whether his arms fell off or not. We were all slient as he pulled the wheelbarrow to the finish line, stopped, looked at us(we looked like the three stooges), held it for a few more seconds and that was it. He then proceeded to lay on the pavement for 30 mins.

We all gathered our monies and gifts we put up still with astonishment. He lookded at us and said, "I do not want anything,Pacos." Beating you was my prize.

Back to the new bet. The chain is 300lb and you have to pull it around the 1/3 track around the gym and Claude has to pull it in less then 10mins. This all started after I pulled in in 10 mins the other week and then they started ragging him. The bet is up to 400 bucks or so. The first thing I said to the guys was my money is on Claude.

Never bet against the house

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Saturday and Monday

Friday Took off cardio
Saturday 45 hard on the stepmill
Sunday 40 mins stepper
MOnday 30 mins steppper
Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

Training(sat)-Just deload stuff. -Rev hypers 4x12-One legged back raise with two sets of chains-Suspension strap abs 4x10

Training(Monday)-Was suppose to be sort of a deload but since Fat Adam came by again it turned in a raw me day. Currently Fat Adam is 350 and I expect him to get 800 on the bench soon so me hates him right now. At my 245lb I have been struggling some on the bench just getting back to 5 bills raw for a single a couple of times. Very good night with:-315x5/4 board,405x3/3 board, 495x3/2 board, 545x1/1 board, then 495x3x2 sets with a soft foam pad which sank into my abs a couple of inches. -Military standing press 185x5or6x 3 sets.-Standing double blue band(one over each shoulder) pulldowns-Med grip neutral handle bar 4x6


Monday, March 23, 2009

Lots of training logs to get caught up.

Sorry I haven't put these up in awhile. They are alittle jumbled up but cover the last couple of weeks.

Thursday am Hung on for a lame 30 mins on the stepmill

Training-Bunch of pump up work,following Kroc's rope pushdown program to huge pasty and purple guns-Rope pushdown with rope curls(yes I have two sets of ropes at th gym) 3 rounds of 20-25 each. -Rope standing pulldowns 3 rounds of 20 reps-Set up the reverse hypers with a jump ring on the weight rods and got a upper body strap and did overhead tricep ext for 3 rounds of 20 repss-Then loaded up 300lb and did shrugs with the strap by leaning forward then shruging.-Did standing rows with the strap for 3 sets of 25. This was fun and not a I have to train heavy day. Alittle smashed body wise right now. I think the accumulation of training has caught up to me some. Sat is a deload day so I will probablly do a marathon session of cardio with sled and stepmill work and some blood pimpin work. Unfortunately, I don't think I can do any Kroc rope training for lower body.

Tuesday 30 mins stepper
Wed am 30 mins stepper
Training I had big aspirations for pulling this night early in the day. I got to the gym and it did not go as I had imagined it going. It was okay and I could say it better then it was but the body did not give me what I asked of it. Anyhow, after a few warm up I put some briefs on and did 585x1, 675x1(not clean),685x1,635x1, 635x1 all with a hook grip.This was the best part holding that much weight with the hook grip.-One legged squats with the bar as assistance in the hole. 4 sets x6-8 per legs-Rev hypers 3x10

The days are all blurs now.I use to work for awhile,nap, work for awhile, then train. Now, it is cardio, work, work and then training. That is the way it is now. I am fine with that but focus on training is harder then it used to be. I understand what Dave is talking about when he says it blast or dust. I was in the my own dust phase with training from late August to somewhere in January. I focused on business during that time. Now, I feel the tug between the two as both continue to rise and get better as each day goes by. Both need alot of time and focus. Last night we were using shirts and I was on week two of trying the ACE shirt out. I got up to 725 for a couple of singles sets off the one board. I then went to a 2 board to get a set of 2 in. COmpletely screwed it up and missed it-not even close. At that point, since I had not dealt with much heavy weight since the accident, I was ready to cash out and call it. Sitting there thinking I knew I had to get back in there and do more work-singles just aren't going to do it. I got the four board out and wnet down to 635x5, then 675x5. I called it there and did a few sets of back work. Things are going well but I know if I don't get more work in I will not have the endurance to make it the entire meet, not from a cardio standpoint, just a strength endurance issue.

-Sat cardio 30 mins stepmill
Training-Box with cambered and briefs only and two new blues with bands over the top of the plates. 325x2,415x2x2,505x1,555x1. Most of the reps went well. The last one was alittle slow at first but then came up easily. New blues over the plates is 3 regular blues easy. It was good to get alittle more heavy weight on my back.-Rev hypers, 3x12-one legged 45 degree back raises 3x8 per leg. -Sunday and Monday am 30 mins stepper each day

Fat Loss Diaries E-book
PS I will have a Q and A book out in the next couples of weeks featuring all my question from the past 4 or 5 years, articles and a couple of other things tossed in there.

Wednesday and THursday
Wednesday am stpper 30 mins

No Training Wed night.
Thursday am stepmill 30mins
Thursday Training-KB Trio 36s, 53s, 72s x6 eachx 3rounds-One arm barbell curls and tricep overhead extensions 4 rounds x8 per round.-Seated rows 4x8-Came up with a new ab/shoulder that I had done evre before. I took the Spud Suspension Straps and rasied them up to waist level adn put my hand inside the straps. I then leaned out with my arms overhead and on my toes as I went out. Sort of a ab wheel with in the straps. To make it harder I stood on a box for tha last 3 sets. ABout 6-8 on each set.

Friday am stepmill 30 mins

MOnday Training-Put the Ace Bench on for a few sets. I have not had a shirt on in months so I did not know what to expect. Did raw work up to 405x3 off 1 board. Put the shirt on and went straight to 585x1 or 2 off the 3 board. Then 675x1,675x2,675x1 again off the 2 board. The 2nd set number 2 rep was flaky and rose up over my face. All in all, I was pleased with the first night back in a shirt. Will work it to a 1 board next week and see if I can hit some doubles.-Jm type extension using the blast straps 3x8-Rows using same handles and heels up on box 4x8Tuesday am stepmill 30 mins

Friday am 30 mins stepmill
Saturday am 30 ins stepmill
Sunday 30 mins stepper

Saturday Training-Buff bar squats off box with briefs. We used two new blues per side with one band over the top of two plates and the other band regular just on the bar. Worked up to 415x2x2,505x2, 595x1-Rev hypers 3x8-Dragged the small chain around the gym some forwards and some backwards. Monday am- no cardio slept in some. I figured after two straight weeks of cardio with no break that today was a good day to give my calves a break.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Wednesday am 30 mins stepper
Thursday am 30 mins stepmill
Friday am 30 mins stepmill. Moved up my manual level 14 for 15 minutes hlaf way through the session. Lungs have been buring all day long.

Wednesday Training.-We pulled with the Chainmates again raw for singles. Bar weight was 545 and set 1 was 4 chain per side, 6 chain per side, 8 per side and 10 per side. All came up smooth. Very pleased with the effort.-Single leg press for 4 sets x 8 per leg. -Rev hypers 4x10

My dad had to have his knee replacement taken out becasue of a staff infection so I did not train on Thursday. Surgery was successful and now the antibiotics start to keep it from spreading. Too top it off my mother has pneumonia. Not too inspiring I know but just life and stuff you have to deal with. My parents are tough though and that's where I get my hard headed do it on my own obbessive complusive ways. Alitte stressful but such is.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday morning stepmill for 30 mins and I deciced to go to level 14 on manual for the last 8 minutes. Tough but not bad. Your up Jar Jar Gump.
Training-Cambered bar with two blues wrapped on top of the plates. Box with briefs,4platesx2,5 platesx2,6 platesx2,back down to 5 plates for a shitty two reps. All of the other sets were fairly good and fast so it was a okay day.
-rev hypers 4x12
-Long Ab straps pulldowns.

Sunday-stepmill 30 mins

MOnday-stairmaster 30 mins



Wed Am-30 mins stepper
Wed Pm TrainingPulled again trying to get back on track so I can squat on Saturday. This move seems to be paying off. Dale and Mike were pulling off the floor using Chris Clark's Chainmates. These sure make it alot easier for chian work off the floor. They were well into so I did 3 warmups and went to it. Work sets were 5plates with 6 chainsx1,8chainx1,10 chainsx1. Held eahc rep for a couple extra sets to get used to holding heavier weights with the hook grip.
-H squat leg press. 3 sets x 6-8
-Long ab strap pulldown 3x8-Rev hypers 3x12
Thursday am -Stepmill 30minsTraining
-Alterbated ab pulldowns and stading pulls to the chest for 6 sets each.
-Seated rear delt raise 15lbx50, 20lbx50,25lbx50-Dumbell presses slight incline-100sx15,120sx15,150sx15
-Seated shoulder machine 3x8
-Rope curls 4x12
Friday am-Stepmill 30mins
I still have to get the volume up but right now things are going well with the lower volume and my gains are coming good and steady that I don't want to change it too much. I will wait and see alittle longer, maybe 3 weeks and reevaluate things.
