Sorry for the laziness of the last month. I have been really doing alot and not kept up with things.
5/27/2009 12:50:39 PM -
Various Training
Friday 30 mion stepper
Saturday-5 laps with sled
Sunday -6 laps with the sled.
MOnday 30 mins stepper
Saturday training-box squat with briefs and buff bar. I worked on a staggered stance with my left foot about 1.5 to 2 inches ahead of my right since the right side dominat4eds so much now and my left addcutor stays tight and doesn't rotate like it should. I worked up to 685x3x2 sets then back down to 595x6 with a lower box. The pickups were alot easier this time so I will stick with it for a couple weeks and see how it goes.
-jump stretch conventional. worked up to 315x3x2 sets, then 405x1 and then 315x3 again. The 405 was trolled were the arms and shoudlers drop and fake the lockout but my pec was cramping at the same time so that is how it went.
rev hypers 4 zets x10
-one legged pistols 6-8 left, 3-5 right for 3 rounds.
Tuesday I woke up with the crud and had to get a z pack. it was coming on for a couple of days but I ignored it hoping it would go away. Not to be.
5/18/2009 3:09:53 PM -
Wed and Thursday
THursday and Friday 30 mils stepmill
Sunday 5 laps with the sled with 4 forward and 1 backwards.
Wed Training-light raw box squats with chains with 3 plates for 3 reps with 8, 10, 12 chains-conventional pull 425x3x3-rev hypers 4x8-abs 3x8
Thursday I went for my massage and asked her to work on my pec because it was tight from MOnday and was bother ing me the most. To show you how much attention I paid to myself, she had to tell me that I tore it some with some bruising there. It was about a half dollar size. She wotked on it for pretty much the whole hour. I can usually take alot but she did what she called strumming where where she pressed and pushes along the muscle to sepereate them from each other. Sometimes the tissues with lock up on each other instead of slide. She pressed in 3 or 4 inch stretche really fast then takes a break. The break is where the pain catches up to you at first then it just never really lets up no matter how long the break start twitching and you look like a seizure is happening. It felt alot better wehn she was done but now the blood had pooled around my chest boobie. I spent the rest of the day showing my pec to everyone and telling them I tore "alittle piece off".
Did some training that did not envolve pressing anything
. -blast strap ab wheels 4x8
-pulldowns 4x8
-pushdowns 4x8
-pull aparts 4x8-rows and curls using rev hyper, upperbody strap,chains.
As much as I can remember
With the Master and Junior Nationals at the beginning of May I have been trying to play catch up ever since so I will try to catch up on training even though there was not much of it. I did cardio for the whole last week up of April leading to the meet. Nothing special but theusual 30 mins of stepmill. THe trip was alittle longer then usual. The mini silverback gorilla and Dale were lifting-one on Sat and one on Sunday so taking care of them was not bad. Dale had a decent day going 2159 for a pr total and squat on the day. The silverback had a decent day as well ending up with a bench and deadlift pr. They were not happy with their days but who is. The meet was great as Garry Frank always does it right or I guess you should say his guys at Hardcore and his wife. Nothing eventful went down as both Dale and the Silverback both pussed out on going to the strip club. No real drinking or debautery. I did shovel down about 20,000 calories over the weekend and come MOnday I felt guilty and did a hour of cardio at the hotel as our flight was not until noon. We then hunted down a cool stop for breakfast called Frank's. I had some alligator sausage which tasted like deer meat bascially. I got a short stack of pancakes which i first thought wouldn't be much but I had a feelin' they would be plenty and sure enough they were the size of a old 12inch vinyl record. damn good is all I can say. The mini gorilla asked our fine watress if the biscuits were cat head biscuits which i had never heard before. She looked at him adn said Cat head? He says, you know biscuits the size of a cat's head. He is one corny mini silverback but it was funny at the moment. I decided to tell the old lady that since we have like 8 or 10 cats now just for the reaction-I even threw in there that they looked like her beloved Oatmeal the black cat. She did not think this was funny but I enjoyed it. We finall get home about 9pm. THere was no supper so i picked up a bag of cake doughnuts and some peanut butters and did the best I could. Yep more cardio at 5amI had decided to move my supplement store to a bigger suite next to me so I can cram more stuff into a bigger slot until it doesn't fit and then double stack more product on top of that. They had just gutted and redone the suite so it worked out to my advantage. I was still wore out from the trip so no training got done on Monday. Wednesday rolled around and i still didnt have anything in the tank so I passed on it too. Thursday we moved the new shelfing to the store and I blew off training again. Friday, Saturday and Sunday we moved all day each day so nothing got trained on Saturday but it is done. i did manage my cardio all week except Sat and Sun.
Monday-almost blew this off too but got back to the gym and felt like dong some work so I did-Floor press 315x8x3sets, 405x6, 405x2. I felt some shoulder tightness and some werid feeling like it was going to pop so I backed off on the last set
.-Green band pushdowns alternating regular and overhead extension 20 reps each for 80 reps total a setx2 rounds
-Bent over rows worked up to 405x8-purple band one arm curls to the head like a cable curl. 8 per arm nonstop for 4 rounds-
Ran half the rack on dumbell side raises starting with 10lb,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50lb x 5 reps weight nonstop
Monday/Tue/Wed stepmill 30 mins each day.
4/28/2009 6:56:39 AM -
Monday Stepmill 30mins
Tuesday Stepmill 30mins
Monday Did two laps with the 300lb chain using and doing all upper body work. Mostly rotated overhead tricep extensions, chest presses, backwards rows and rear delt, some chest flyes. I had no urge to do any pressing with a bar or dumbell and mostly of the guys are resting for the meet or did not show because the guys were doing the meet. Anyhow, the upper body chain dragging was much tougher then I thought it was going to be. It was also bumble bee circling the spud day. On two different instances on the track, two different bumble bees, 'cause I knocked both of them down,(I know if you don't bother them, they won't bother you) but I freaked out because they would not just go away so they got knocked to the ground. So you can imagine 245lb of not so graceful man freakin' out and slapping at the air, that would be me. I did feel bad afterwards though.
4/26/2009 5:06:06 PM -
Friday 30 mins stepmill
Saturday 45mins stepper
Sunday 50mins steppperSaturdy
Raw squats with cambered bar(no box)415x10,505x10,595x8
-good mornings close stance 3x6 with 325-rev hyper 4x10Most of the guys deadlifting except
Dale and the mini Silverback who are doing the Masters this week so I was squatting on my own so it went fast. I finished up early so I went down to the chiropractor for a long over due pop. He has a hyperbolic chamber for autistic children. The chamber is suppose to get about 20% more oxygen to tissues and the brain.He has had great success with the kids getting some to verbally start communicating and interacting with people where they had not before I think it would alos be fantastic to do the entire week before a meet. I took my first dive which is about 75mins. You wear a hood like the robot on Lost in Space with a neck gasket. This is the only uncomfortable part. I was good for the first 45 mins then I just wanted to get out. But during the first 45mins, I was awake but felt like I was dreaming but awake in the dream. Lots of weird things colors, objects, etc. When I got out, I was high for most of the rest of the day. Not bad high, just mellow and slow moving. The next day, my legs felt better then Saturday where before I felt like I had briefs on all day except there was no support and they hurt like I was 80 years old so my first experiment was positive. Now, I have to find another hour in my week to go down there again. The Strongmen dudes had a mock meet out back behind the gym Sunday. I watched for a few minutes after training a couple of clients. I thought this was a really cool idea. The state chair for strongman judged it to make it offical. Everyone,about 20 guys, seemed to just be hanging out and having fun. This was fun training.PS My Q and A ebook is available now. It is a complilation of all my best Q and A, articles and it covers all aspects of training.
Wednesday 30 mins stepper
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
Wed Training -Short and sweet.
Raw pulls from floor-500x5x2,545x5x2,500x5. Did a few sets of hook and a few reverse grip. -Rev hypers 4x12
-Long ab straps pulldowns 5 sets.
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