Saturday, February 11, 2012


/11/2012 8:48:38 AM - Saturday Had to work this weekend so had to do a upper-lower blast this morning. Just rep stuff.Gonna say it sucked a tremendous amount of ass. The main idea was was tyo get 200 reps out of each exercise with a upper and lower exercise back to back. Ab work -Super Fat Rope standing abs x50 with dumbell sidesx50x 4 rounds -Super Fat Rope Extensionsx50 with assisted bodyweight squats (to force blood and work to my shitty left leg)x50x 4 rounds -Dumbell rows 55lbx50 reps with Hack Squats x50 repsx4 rounds. -Bench press x25 reps with rdlsx25 x4 rounds. then 10repsx10 sets with 10 seconds rest for the bench and then rdls. Immediately laid on the floor cramping afterwards. Time 1 hour 20 min. of super suck Me eyes be crossing... Spud

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