Saturday was great because there was no cardio to do. I was drained from the week and it took about 2 hours to get going. Usually, I do a light upperbody and then a dynamic speed pull day. Since, I could not get it going I did some reverse band pullsthinking that would be easy then regular. We used a green band with about 100 off at the bottom and completely off at the top. Started with the the 100s on each side for 5 conventional the added 50 to 300x5, 425x5, 515x2. I then decideed to put briefs on that did not fit or give me anything adn pulled 600x1 ugly so I tapped the briefs out and wnet back to raw for 515x3x4 sets.
-back raises and pullup 3 rounds x8 per set supersetted
-Floor press rev bands. 325x5x4, 375x3x3
-Fat bar curls supered with pushdowns 4 rounds x 8 per round
- Front, side and rear delt raise with purple bands 3 rounds each x10 per set.
Done for the day.
Sunday Cardio Insanity
-I had been telling everyone that I was going to try 20 laps with the sled and Sunday was as good as day as any. Started out with 2 plates and it stuck to the pavement on a nice muggy 745 am start in SC. The usual happened, two laps in i started hallucinating and that continued for the next 3 laps. The next five weren't awful but I could not get a rhythm and by lap 10 Iwas hating life. Then a gym member and his wife came out and started pulling sled and that charged me up adn I hammer off 5 more laps but they disappeared after the first two laps before I realized they were gone. THe last five laps were hell. I had to stop 2 times a lap and take off 20lbs.
I finished about 1030am. I sat in my rocking chair at the gym and just dazed off for 20 minutes. I really could not move. I had a lot of things to do and move in teh gym and Dale was ready to help me but I just could not move. I told him it would be a hour before I could do anything. Sure enough, at 1130 after alittle food and some more rocking chair I was better. to top it off, it was a zero carb day so my energy was already dying after the ridiculous cardio sled.
We loaded up a few pieces of equipment that I was taking out of the gym because i still have way too equipment in one place and headed off to the storage unit. Unfortunatley we got there and I requested a dwonstairs unit and somehow got a upstairs unit. Now my storage place is a old cotton warehouse. THe bottom units are great and stay 70 degrees all year but the upstairs are whatever the temp is for the day. Yesterday, it was about 95 or so. I backed down the lower ramp leading to the bottom unit thinking it was going to be a easy deal. I got out and started checking the locks on each door. My key would not fit any of them.
At this point, I am thinking it's a upstairs unit but I try each door again hoping I screwed up and a jiggle of each lock might out the magic door. No luck, so i go upstairs and start on those locks and of course it's the last one. Bythis time, the no carb, stupid cardio and heat are getting to me and I get pissed. I call the old lady and yell at her becasue she got the unit and I asked her alot of times to make sure we get a lower unit. There was no point in that either but it just went that way.
Now, I have to make a decision. Keep the unit adn suck it up because these unit are hard to get and at 40 bucks for a 8x20 a good deal. Usually, you pay a 100 or so for a uinit that big inmost places. The only way to get stuff to the second floor is a ramp built to the second floor, so I go ahead adn back up the trailer. Now, you should never back up a ramp when you are pissed. It took me a couple of minutes on the lower ramp and like 30 on the upstairs ramp after I ran it off the sides 10 or 15 times, cussed at the top of my lungs each time it ran off or went the wrong direction. Finally, I get it up thereafter mcuh scraping and nearly blowing my truck up in reverse.
Now, the upstairs is old wood that is about 4 inches thick adn about 100 years old so it is not a smooth path. I walk all the way to the end to get the cart to move stuff with. On the path, is a old sofa that is sitting in themiddle of the path. I get the cart and on the way back , I stop to move the sofa becsue there is no way we will get equipment by it. As I am pushing the sofa off to the side, the cart starts mving towrads the rail but there is no rail where I have stopped and I zone out and watch the cart go over the edge like a waterfall. The cart hits the ground with a band but does no damage to it. I stare over the edge for a moment and decide that is enough for the day and pack it up adn take the equipment back to the gym. Dale said it looked like I pushed it over adn just watched it go. He was nice enough to roll it back u the ramp while I waited int the AC of the truck. Bythen , all the venting and yelling was done and we headed back to the gym.
I then went home and laid on the chair , ate ,read, ate, watched tv, ate and finally off to bed at 820pm. NOt the best day ever but sometimes you get that.
Monday am cardio
-Only 10 laps with the sled adn two plates. Alternately forwards and backwards laps. I have not got my ipod loaded yet so i was still using Martha's. My sled session was inspired by Fergie, Aerosmith, Pink, THe Chemical Brothers and Rammstein.
Keep Truckin'
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