Monday PM training was not glamourus and unmoving anything. I did another hour on the Stepmill before training started to get out of the way. We started out with some raw work as I faded in and out all night. I watched Brant make Spud Inc Tshirts and read some of Lyle Mcdonald's Stubborn Fat Book because that is where I am right now.
_raw 2 board 315x6 to chest, 365x5/2 board, 405x5/2b, 455x3/2b. Nothing left so I cashed out adn did some incline dumebells for reps and helped the rest of the crew out.65sx20,85sx20, 100sx15
-green band pushdowns 3 sets mixed with single arm hammers while screaming Mr. Olympia at the top of my lungs for fun.
-side front rear laterals 8 reps each x 3 rounds
-Went home and got about 3 hours sleep maybe.
Tues 315 am
-Sled dragging 2 plates for a hour, then went in took a break for a hour and then did a hour on the Staiemaster. I continued to read the Stubborn Fat book because I just like to know things and this one was recommened to me. It was written for that last little bit of fat(guys under 10% adn girls under 15% I think) that won't seem to budge no matter how mcuh cardio, low carb days adn chicken you can eat. I had reached the end where I can't add any more cardio no matter how ways I change it to make it tolerable. Most of the day, I was shitty and not fun to be around as the boiling point continued to creshindo. The day drug on forever and finally ended. As usual, the old lady called adn I did my best not to explode. Had a ton of other chores at the house and hammered away at those. All I wanted to do was sit in the chair, relax for a minute and eat my salads. That was what I got. I then sat there usually content to zone out but the desire to understand this fat loss thing kept at me until I grabbed the book and read for about a hour and got my fill. Upon finishing, I was much calmer and relaxed like a fever had just broke. For the past months, I had been hammering and hammering away, hating the cardio, ready to eat 30 or 40,000 calories at one time.Now it was okay and I realized the job ahead and it was allright. I think I finally got it and the uncertainty of the whole thing just went away.
Wed am cardio
I slept great and woke up at 430am ready to go and do my cardio. Not for the hour and half plus the hour I started doing for 2 weeks but only a hour. I started with a warm up lap, 5 interval spints of 15 seconds followed by 50 seconds rest each one and the 5 or 6 more laps of med intestiy work. Sweated just as much only no stress about doing a zillion laps. Will do a hour tonight in the same format on the stepmill ir stairmaster.
The Spud
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