Saturday was a light day on both upper and lower but at the gym, any training session turns in a Max Effort superman lifting. I am doing a percentage based training protocol for the first time in several years. It is sort of a Sheiko/Westside/Progressive overload format. It is from a Russian powerlifter that Pavel had put in his Power to the People Newletter. I did not make it to the .975% on either the upper bench and lower deadlift sessions. Additionally, it was a high carb day of 600g so I had that to to contend with as well.
185x3x2,225x3x2, 275x3x2,315x3x2, 365x1, 405x1x3 sets
Laterals(front,side adn rear) 3 rounds x 35lb
-Curls and triceps pressdown 4 roundsx8-10 per set
Deadlift(straight from floor-raw with belt mostly)
315x5,420x5,495x3, 600x1,655xmiss, 500x3
-Back raises and pullups 3x8 per exercise
-12 1/3 mile laps with the regular sled and 2 and half plates. Every cardio session has to have some type of challenge so this time, I went the opposite direction which totally messed with my head and was actually harder then the other way. Set it up as 1 backwards drag and 2 forward drags per round and 4 rounds total. It took 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete. To top it off, it was a low carb day with about 90g total for the day. I was loopy all day and never fully recovered.
MOnday AM
-Cardio sled at 445am. 5 laps with the Prowler and 70lb followed by 5 laps of regular froward sled dragging with 2 plates on the sled.
Will let you know how the pm training goes. Feeling drained right now.
The Spud
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