Monday, February 27, 2012

Friday and Saturday

2/27/2012 12:02:48 PM -




Saturday 9 laps, Sunday 12 laps, MOnday 45mins stepmill

Saturday, some speed work with the buffalo bar and 1 blue per side. 4 plates, 4.5 plates,5 platesx2x 2 or 3

-Elevated deads(kept briefs on, i hate pulling in briefs. Never seems like i get enough legs in it)anyway 415x3x5 or 6

One arm snatches with daledinger. He went right to the 106lb i worked up 5 reps sets 53lb,62lb,71,88lb and then a ugly set on my awesome left arm and glided on my right.

Think I did some abs. Not really sure

2/24/2012 12:51:04 PM -


Friday AM


Some training

-Assisted pullups with chest supported row 10x10 each

-Decline press 275x3x5, 2 or 3 drops sets

-Flyes with dumbells worked up to 80lbx10

-Side laterals with spud super fat rope pushdowns 4x20

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