Tuesday, May 31, 2011


5/31/2011 5:51:34 AM -

Saturday 8 laps sled, Sunday wife said no cardio on the birthday so i slept in some, Monday and tuesday 45mins each day stepmill

Training,continuing the gpp and build up phase.
-neutral grip pulldown and shoulder width grip pulldowns supersetted 10 setsx8 to 10 reps
-neutral grip and palm down rear delt raises supersetted. 8 setsx 8 reps each
-flat dumbell press. worked up to 140lbx5
-close grip floor press worked up to 365x5, then added 3 board with 405x3. was out of gas by then so the 405 was a struggle.

-helped dale clean up the gym and called it a day. hamburgers and home fries for dinner


Monday, May 30, 2011


5/27/2011 9:41:30 AM - Friday

Training and cardio again
-5 laps upper body sled rotating with 2 forwards push focus, 2 laps pull focus, 1 mix static

-overhead tricep
-static holds1/overhead,90 degrees, ironcross for 20 to 50 steps each non stop
-curls two arms and one arm
-front raise two arm
-side raise one arm
-rows rep and static
-rear delts
-bent over tricep kickback(walking backwards)
-pec flyes


Thursday, May 19, 2011


5/19/2011 8:35:47 AM -

Wed 8 laps and thursday 40mins stepmill

-long ab strap pulldowns 5x10
-hack squats 6x8 5plates
-outties stackx5x10
-200lb keg continentals 4x3
-suspended gms worked up to 4platesx5 reps


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


5/17/2011 6:37:40 AM -

Saturday 1 hour, Sunday 15 laps sled
MOnday no cardio, Tuesday 45 mins stepmill

-chest supported rows with super fat spud tricep strap 5x10
-Dips 5x10
-Overhead tricep presses 6x20 nonstop worked down the stack
-cambered bar presses worked up to 275x 5 or6. This is very unstable so there is so going fast or you are eating the bar. Very good for teaching bar patience and technique work, oh and time under tension
-used standing calf machine as a push press. the presses were no lockout to keep pressure on the muscles(more time under tension) 5x10 to 15
-assited pullup with underhand grip and pulling more with the biceps 4x10

Still thickening up work, about 230 now and overall just getting in shape to lift heavier again. This mode switch has made me lazy and unmotivated towards the cardio so I will have to be alittle more creative on getting up for in the am.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wednesday and Friday

5/13/2011 3:50:13 PM - Friday

Training and Cardio.

5 laps upper body sled using
-overhead tricep two arm and one arm alternating
-overhead hold
-one arm sides,
-two arm and one arm rear delts
-forward rotator hold
-backwards rows
-backwards row static hold
-backward two arm curls and one arm curls
-pec flyes(worst one with the shoulder)
-iron cross holds,second worst)
-regular presses

think that is it

5/12/2011 7:08:40 AM - Wednesday

Wed and thur 45mins stepmill

-close stance dead from mid shin worked up to 315x5x3
-close stance squat 135lbx8x3
-outties 2x20
that was it. still not in a hurry yet on the lower stuff. one more ten(rolfing) session left and I want to keep up my progress before I start pounding away. thickening up again from training which is a good thing. 225lb


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


5/10/2011 6:35:14 AM -

Friday 45mins, sat 9 laps sled, sunday 10laps, mon 10laps, tues 45 stepmill

-assisted pullup with stump strap and orange band on power rack 4x8
-fat strap chest pulls. 3x10 with no restx 4 rounds
-incline worked up to 315x3,315x4 with softee pads.
-flat dumbell press with 70lb and fat gripz3x20
-30lb spud sledge hammer swings against tire 4x10 per side
-mini bands tricep extension accross body on left side only. trying to work on the weakest links in the shoulder. 5x10 on left.


Monday, May 9, 2011

May already and alittle training in April

5/5/2011 6:53:11 AM - Wednesday

Wed 45min, thur 45min stepmill

Wed training, very light stuff last night. this is almost 12 weeks with no lower work so lots of easing into it. Sore this morning!

-rdls 225x6x6
-alternating lunges using a upper body strap attached to the lower pulley of the cable crossover. This sort of makes a smith machine out of the this lunges. The point was to stay upright and get some work in but not too balistic and some pressure off the joints. 4x8 per leg
-back raise with 5 second pause at bottom with palms on floor and 2 second contraction and hold at top. 5x6
-knee extension 4x15

5/3/2011 6:27:45 AM - Monday

was sick for the last two weeks so spurts of cardio here and there. got the clearance to pull sled again. i just have to be aware and change how i drag. essentially i swing my legs instead of lifting up from the knee and driving. the leg swing initates from the oblique and abdominals which have always been a issue with tightness. So i am focusing on changing it now. so monday last week was 8 laps, tues stairmaster 45mins, then nothing the rest of the week with the cold or infection. picked it back up yesterday with 8 laps sled drag and 45min stepmill tuesday

-Back to Monday night training. Lot of conditioning work to get back to some training with the guys so:
-band facepulls 8x10
-rear delt on incline bench both neutral and palms down 5x12
-one arm rows with 80lbx10 repsx 8 rounds
-dumbell flat press worked up to 100lbx10x5 sets
-straight leg dips 6 or 7 setsx10 reps.

Gonna hit some light lower Wed

4/21/2011 6:30:56 AM - Thursday

Wed 45mins stairmaster.

-Pulldowns and long ab strap pulldowns 10x10 per exercise
-Chest supported rows and tricep pushdowns 10x10 per
-leaned over hyper machine and did presses with the 100lb plate and ab strap standing rows 10x10 per

4/19/2011 11:51:31 AM - Tuesday.

Wed- no cardio, thurs 45 mins, fridat 45, sat and sunday no cardio, MOnday 45mins

-Roman chair sit ups 4x8
-bench 275x5x5
-one arm dumbbell alternating presses, worked up to 105lbx 10 per arm
-rolling dumbell triceps worked up to 80lbsx10, 2 down sets for reps.

Went to the meet on Saturday in Asheville. We left early Friday to a miserable rainy day and it did not clear up at all. The day got rolling bad and really did not get better as all parties were confused as to where we were going to eat for dinner. I thought one place but everyone else was at another. So we got some s&%$^y directions and proceeded to ride arounf the entire cit of Asheville for about a hour till we finally got to the restaurant. The ride home was about 5 minutes if that tells you anything. To make peace with my anger, I bought several choclate pies, 2 choc honey buns and some choc doughnuts, ate till the pain and breathing hit then toook a small break and ate somemore.

Saturday, meet day started out crappy and rainy so I really thought it was not going to be a good day but the storm passed and the meet rolled on. Dale hit 915,725,705 for a nice 2345 total and just missed a grand squat and fatter total. Old Dude hit a 605 squat and Karl hit a good total and took out my 275 deadlift with a easy 720.

During break time, they were cooking burgers and dogs outside so most everyone was outside during the bench only flight. Me and the young cats-travis and charles went to the quickie mart/dunkin doughnuts and got a couple dozen doughnuts as I continue to show them the Spud Old School Eating to get Swole training. They added a gallon of milk. Towards the end, Charles needed some help to I took 2 glazed and put a choc one in the middle and made him a doughnut burger and smashed it down for him. He struggled but finished. Raisin' 'em right!!

4/12/2011 9:53:22 AM - Tuesday

Saturday 30 mins interval, Sunday 1 hour, Monday 45 mins stepmill

-Hangin abs and long ab strap pulldowns 6 x 8 reps
-incline double dumbell row worked up to 75lbx15 reps
-Incline press worked up to 65lbx25 reps
-pec deck stack x 2x 15
-doubled up orange band pushdownx15 reps with pause at top of stretch
-machine standing curls 4x5

Great meet for the spf in Myrtle Beach. Good day for everyone and watched Donnie hit the 1260lb squat and took 1300lb for a ride. Off to Asheville this weekend for the rest of the crew's meet day.
