Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Just cardio, work and Monday training

My excuse list thus far for not training-holidays, new store, leg is still bruised and tight. So cardio it was for thru 30 mins, sat and sun 1 hour each on the step mill. Will get back to some training this week and test the leg out.

Woke up at 315 and could not go back to sleep to up and at the gym for 45 mins stepmill Tuesday

-Several sets of mini pull aparts(5 or 6) then pull aparts going over teh head and sretching the arms fully extened behind the head like a cross for 3 or 4 sets of 20 before benching.
-Reverse band with closer grip off two softee pads. They had the bands set up to totally let off at the top. 325x5,375x5,415x5,465x5,505x3. One down set at 235x75 reps or something like that.
-emptied the bar and did rows to chest off the floor. 10reps overhand, 10reps underhad for 6 sets.
-Green band pushups off the straps for 4 set of 10
-Took the green nad and doubled up the band for tricep ext overhead, 3x8
-Seated one arm presses using the leg press. 3x8 per arm

Still boring

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday Real Work and Monday Training

Saturday and Sunday No cardio. Mon, Tues, Wed 30 mins stepmill

Bought alot of shelving for the new store we are doing in Columbia. I had to buy all of it and it was in Charlote so the weekend was spent moving very heavy slatwall between me and Stefan. We loaded my truck and trailer on Saturday as I underestimated the amount of shelving I was getting so Sunday I had to rent a 26 footer that we filled up. The funny part was picking it up. It was pretty much a scene out of Good fellas or the Departed. We rolled up to the part of town which was desolate warehouse district in a shady part of town. This "storage facility" was a old warehouse with parts walled off with particle board so breaking into a unit would not be too hard. I look down the hall and I see another section with all types of appliances and some creepy dude moving shit around. Of course, the guys had thick accents. The loading phase was quick about a hour as we wanted to get out as quick as possible. The unloading, well, that was about 3 hours of nonstop moving. Stefan had to take a doughnut and mountain dew break as suddenly got tired. So we ragged him all MOnday about his low blood sugar.

The leg is good and purple now so light lower wed and back to real work Saturday after xmas.

-Monsters mini doubled up off 2 softee pads. 315x10,365x8,405x6or 7. Took the band off and did close grip(two inches inside the rings) off two sofee pads, 315x8,365x5,405x5,455x3
-Overhead tricep ext with light band doing 10 reps then taking a step 10 reps for 5 steps. 3 rounds
-farmers walk 154s rows 3setsx6 reps
-side laterals 35x8,45sx8,55sx8

Friday, December 18, 2009


WED, THUR, FRI 30mins stepmill

The leg is finally bruising up but at least the swelling has come down. I had it worked on and she found a small indent on the outer quad so I don't know if it just hanging on or that piece is just rolled up and that is all that going to happen with it. I will give it another day of no training( I also have alot to do anyhow for the first of the year) Saturday and do some stretching and continue with the cardio which is helping out with the recovery.

Thursday Training
-Sets of 20 on the bench. barx2 sets, 135x2 sets,185x2sets, 225x2,275x2sets
-Mixed in rows and rear delts with stump straps hooked to reverse hypers. 10 setsx 15 reps each mixed in with warm up sets of bench.
-Banded pec flyes x20 with over head tricep ext walking out every 5 reps to add more tension to the tricep ext. 4 ro 5 rounds of 20 each.
-Standing banded curls to the head with both bands(like cable curls on a crossover setup) 4x10

Fun with my pimp limp,

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

MOnday Training
The leg is still on the swole with fluid and it looks like alittle bruising is starting so I could not do alot of pushing on it. MOvement is good and it seems to just be really sore like I have not done a leg workout in quite awhile so training went as it went
-Dumbells flat 100lbx15x5 rounds
-Close grip far bar off 4 board 2 platesx8,3 platesx8, 3.5 platesx8,3plates x10 or 12
-Standing rows with long ab attached to reverse hyper-a couple of hundreds and some 45s for 6 setsx10 reps
-Took stump straps and did seated overhead tricep extensions with reverse hyper sets up. 6 setsx12 reps
-quarter dips 4x15 reps
-Face curls with same strap/rev hyper sseet up 3x20

Boring but work,

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday and Saturday

Thur, friday 30 mins, Sat and sunday 1 hour, monday 30 mins stepmill

-Thursday Training
-6 sets of long ab strap pulldowns
-Did alittle timeed and high rep training on the floor press. sets of 20x5 rounds with 15 secs rest. bar, bar 25, 145,195,235x10 repsx5 rounds
-Set up strap lat attachment with stump straps and did pushdowns alternated with chest pulls for 10 reps each x 5 rounds, weight was 3 chain, then 5 rounds with 4 chain

-Had to meet my brother and family for xmas exchange since my brother can't come on xmas day like everyone else so I Started early with close stance raw. Did lots of warmup set(probablly 8) then 405x5x2, 455x5. On the fifth rep, my outer quad or it rolled and popped so I was done at that point. Now my leg is swollen with fluid. There are no holes so I am still thinking it is the IT band. No brusining yet either. Alittle frustrated at the moment but it will pass.
-Reduced to the outtie machine for several sets of 50.
-Then did some assisted squats to work it loose somemore or finish it off.
-The stepmill Sunday and Monday seem to be helping with moving the fluid out. Not much pain but the lower levels seemed harder then usual.

I was hopin to at least finish the workout

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Wed Flat tire cardio. On the drive in, I caught a huge hunk of metal in my tire. THe weird part is that I have not had to change the tire on my truck ever. As you know there is always a learning curve with anything. I thought it would be easy and had a general visual going on. But, at 530am in the dark, it sucked. I tried just pulling or more like ripping out first, that did not work so I had to fiddle around till I found the screw, back cramping, I got that out. THen the jack was teh same. THis alone took 30mins. Then the caps on my tire are plastic screw off. I thought it was a pop off so I am jamming the lug wrrench under the cap and trying to pry it off. After several attempts and a few cracking noises I try to unscrew the plastic bolt caps andthey move so this is a revalation. After that, the rest was not bad.

THursday 30 mins stepmill

Wednesday Training
-8 sets of long ab strap pulldowns
-BOdymasters squat to warm up with 1 platesx5reps, then added a plate till 7 plates per side.
-Deadlifts sumo raw. worked up to 405x5x2,455x5x3
-rev hyper 600lbx 1 setx40 or 50 reps
-154lb farmers for 4x10 reps two hand swing.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Tuesday 35 mins stepmill. Reading Manthropology by Peter Mcallister. I was offered this by one of teh guys at the gym who has way too much test and anger rolling through him. He is the guy who I named " the angriest guy I know" at our deadlift contest back in October and he thought that wa great. I did not know if I would enjoy it, but it is a really good read on how whimpy and soft man had become over time.

-Standing incline press. Wanted to do something alittle different and never done incline like this before. I put a giant soft pad on the incline bench. I had this idea that I would get more leg drive or a better base to push off of-wrong. These were alot harder, less stability, less alot of things on a regular incline. Worked up to 315x5x5sets
-Got cold while listening to the guys arguing on how to seperate the groups based on strength levels. In the end we dont have enough guys to seperate out. After that, did some dumbells 80sx10 repsx10 sets with 15 to 20 seconds rest per set.
-Stump Strap seated rows THis requires no grip as the pressure is on the back of the hand with not much griping envoled. 5 or 6 sets adding two light bands around the stacks x 10reps per set.
-Strung a light band at eye level across the power rack and alternated one arm curls with one arm tricep extension. For example, 5 curls, 5 tri, 5 curl, 5 tri, 5 curl, 5 tri for one setx 3 rounds. THen did two hand overhead tricep ext for 100reps without reps.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Wednesday and Saturday

Wed Thur 30 mins Stemill, Friday took off, Saturday adn sunday 1 hour stepmill, MOnday 30mins

-Not sure if I had a reaction, virus or food posioning but Wed afternoon I started to feel very quezy and not all there. I thought I was just tired but I had a lousy training session where everything felt heavy adn off. Thursday rolled around it felt like a alien was trying to kick out of my gut so I was sick to my stomach all day and ended up no t training upper on Thursday. Saturday Donnie put on his December meet so I had to do alittle of both to make up for missing Thursday

-Suspended gms with cambered bar, 285x5x2,305x5x2,375x5,415x5,465x2, 415x5
-Reverse hyper 1x50
-Set up a long ab strap with the ezloader in front. Then did squats to the bottom where the chain let off al lthe way. Worked up ro 24 chain total x8 reps per set going up by 4 chain per set. 4 or 5 sets total
-Pistol squats with one arm in slip knotted blue band. this is a exercise I like to do just to give the left quad some work by itself. the right leg is still trying to do most of the work so I have to even it out. Lefts side 8 reps, rigth 3to 5x4 rounds

-10 sets of bench ending with 275x10x6 sets fo the 10.
-10 sets of pulldowns with the Lat Assassin bar rotating grips each sets.
-8 sets of close stacne leg press for sets of 20 reps each with 1120lb for the last three sets.

Ben did 765,435,605 and Barry 805 565(i think) 605. Tough day for both but they finished.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

-Rack presses off the chest 315x6x2,365x6x2,405x5, 365x10
-Chain presses with stump straps. worked up to 7 or 8 chain for 8 per set. Tried 10 chain but I ran out of gas and had to back down
-Used jump ring straps and slip knotted over the dip handles and did 3 or 4 sets of 6to8 rep of dip with these(very hard)
-Stump straps standing pulldowns 4 sets of 10
-Hammer curls 45s,60s, 75s,85sx6 per arm
-strung mini across squat rack weight posts and did face pulls 4x20reps


Monday, November 30, 2009


Friday 30mins, Saturday 1 hour, Sunday 55mins, Monday no cardio

Saturday Training.
_close stance raw off low box. 415x5x2,505x3x1,505x5x1
-Dead kb snatch 12kg,16,20,24,28,32,40,48x 3 erp arm
-Swing circuit 12,16,20,24,28,32,40,48x10,x12,20

Back was cashed out so I ended it there.

Sometimes you just have to do the rep thing

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday and Turkey day

Wed 30 mins, Thur 45mins stepmill

Wednesday Training
-Deadlift raw. Did alittle different both conventional and sumo. COnv work 315x5,405x4,500x2,600x1. Sumo 315x5,405x4,500x2(still not getting the left leg in so it was all back and I passed on the 600x1 for the last set.
-Rev hypers 1x50
-Step up with cambered bar on 24 or 28inch box. barx8 per leg, bar/25 x 6 per leg, 35 per sidex6 per leg, 45 per sidex6 per leg
-Bodymasters squat to the bottom with bands. 1 blue per side x15, 2bluex15, 3 bluex15

Turkey Training.
-My turn to pull holiday so teh mini gorilla and I did some work testing the poor man's lat that we are working on.
- fat handle standing pulldowns to chest with 2 chain and 70lb. sounds light but the strap friction and chain make it very tough. 5 or 6 x 10 per set
-fat handle tricep tricep pushdowns with same set up only one less chain 5 or 6 sets of 15
-did land minds with 10 on bar and 25lb dangling from stump strap. You have to go slow and controlled or you will get smacked by the 25lb. 3x10 per side
-did assisted pullups with light band slip knotted over monolift and feet in stump straps that are slip knotted(check our monday log with video to see)We did 3sets on the tube that holds teh j hooks and 3 sets grabbing teh top of teh monolift
-Hammer incline press with bands
all sets 15 to 20 reps
-orangex20,greenx20,bluex20, blue/otangex20, blue/greenx20, blue/green/orangex15, then drop setx15 dwon to blue band only. Then took 03 seconds breaks and did 5 x15 to finish.

Have a great Thanksgiving,


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tuesday-30mins stepmill

MOnday training
-Warmed up with monster mini rotator overhead with stump starps through a 100lb plate and did rows holdong onto the strap. $ rounds of each at 10 reps with band adn 8 with the 100lb plate
-Jumped in on raw bench with board. Warmeup up to 315 with two board then switched to softee pads. 315x5,365x5,405x5,445x5, 495x3
-Reverse grip tricep death 315 weightx5 reps each board-1,2,3,4x 2 rounds
-Stump strap hooked to chains for one arm overhead tricep ext(like a dumbell french press) 10 reps each arm with 3 chain, 4 chainx2 sets
-Did Scott curls with chain and strap set up for 3x10 per arm
-Still in stump strap mode so I hooked it to the horizontial leg press and did more rows 3x8 per arm
-Mixed in ab wheel with one arm tricep for 4 or sets of 10.


Monday, November 23, 2009


Saturday no cardio, Sunday 1 hour and Monday 30 mins cardio

-Well I repeated my Friday ritual to see if it would work again. Did not wake up happy adn refreshed as last week but hey at least there was no cardio.

-Free squat with briefs 415x5,505x5,595x5,685x8,775x3,705x9(was shooting for 10 but the bar keep slipping alittle further down my back on each rep) used wraps on 775 and 705x9.
-rev hyper 1x50,
-long ab strap pulldowns 5 setsx8
-close stance leg press worked up to 8 or 9 plates x10 reps per sets. 4 to 5 sets total.
-pistols using monster multi straps jumping from leg to leg like the dance the russian do where they cross their arms and kick out one leg at a time 3x8-10 per leg.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wed, THur, Friday 30 mis stepmill

Wednesday Training
-Same deads conventional as last week using 365x3 as working weight off floor,1mat, 2 mat,3mat,4mat,moved up to 415x3 for 5 mat and 6mat-
Rev Hypers 3x20
-Hack Squats did a bb varition for rep(21s 7top half,7 bottom half, 7 full working weight 3 plates per side, drop set 30 reps bottom half
-one leg back raise 3x8 per leg
-Hammer row using both grips 20 reps per set with 10 reps top handle and 20 reps lower handle worked up to 5 plates a side
-Took a long ab strap and hooked it to reverse hyper and did one arm side raises for 5 rounds moving up n the weights
-Smith machine floor press. had to take pads to build my body up to the bar to start off the chest. Each set did 5 reps regular, 5 reps reverse grip. got up to 4 plates with 5 reps regular and only 2 or 3 reverse(spent). Dropped to 2.5 plates and did 30 or 40 reps alternating back and froth on teh grips(regualr and reverse)
-45lb plate curl off glute ham raise where you lower the plate horizontial to the floor then curl back, watch your head,easy to smack it. 3x8
-Finished up with the strap chain combo from last week. This one just punishes you.I have put it down below with a couple of cliets using them..Hopefully, it will embed. worked up to 3 chain for 5 rounds of ten


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Tuesday 30 mins stepmill. Books I am reading to keep my mind off the cardio. This also seems to be the only time I am focus on reading. Better tnen Steroids by Warren Wiley and The Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmaker. Both are on food intake and optimum timing of food, water , minerals, etc. Although two different types, I think you can take alittle from both. Experimenting with pre and post meals and different combos. I have to finish this experiment and its outcome before I try the Warrior style which so far is mostly keto

MOnday Training
-Fat bar Raw off the straps on a incline. Warmed up to 345x5x2 sets, 400x1, 345x5x2 to finish
.-Incline dumbells 85s, 105s, 110sx20 per set
-reverse curls push press combos(sure there is a name for them). 135x8, 155x8x2-
Set up a monster multi over the pullup bar of a rack and hooked up a ezloader with the chain adjustment all the way to the end. Added 4 chain and did 4 setsx8 of pulls to the chest(we call them prison pulls cause there is lots of what looks like leg humpin') The friction from the strap makes it alot harder and requires more effort. Lots of bicep action too
-Took a chain or two off and did pushdowns.THese were ever harder the the prison pulls. 4 sets of 8-I have these videed and will try to get them up for you guys. Good alternative to regular pull stuff and if you don't have any lat or seated row equipment this is a very cheap and effective choice.


Monday, November 16, 2009


Saturday, No Cardio, Sunday 1 hour step mill, MOnday 30 mins stepmill
Saturday Training.-Had a nice day training. Still trying to retrace my steps to this good day so I could repeat it again and again. So far,
1/large meal at mexican restaurant
2/ dessert 1 bag cake doughnuts with 3 ice creams sandwichs,
3/ 9.5 hour of sleep
4/ No cardio saturday morning
5/ Pre work out of bcaa and waxize maize

- Close stance squats, raw with knees wraps and belt on last couple of sets. WOrk sets 415x5,505x5, 600x5x2 sets(depth was decently parallel) Very Happy with the speed lack of cranky joint and ass pain.
-Reverse hyper 1x50-
154lb two hand swings(high swing) 3x8
-two sets of one hand swings with same for 2 sets of 8
-BW back raise 3x8.


Friday, November 13, 2009


Friday 30 mins treamill 15.0 incline

Dave Tate machine training. -Started with rows and curls with the ez bar. 3 rounds each. Did the rows holding the plates.
-Cable crossover rear delts and one arm tricep pusdown palm up 4 rounds each
-Pec Deck 5 or 6 sets of 10
4 sets of machine press.
-Ran out of time and it was crappy training anyhow.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Tuesday stepmill 30mins

Monday Training
-Dumbell rows x 10 per arm 65s,85s,105s,120s.150sx8 per armx 3 sets
-Raw floor press with chains using squat bar. Warmed up to 325x5 then added two chain per side for 5, 4 chainx5, 6 chainx5
-Incline dumbell press 80sx35x3 sets
-Rolling incline dumbell triceps 80sx20x2 sets-front raise palms up 30sx8x3sets
-one arm dumbell curls 40sx8x3. Showed off my fat baby biceps to Chauncey who was making fun of me curling. I told him they weren't big but thick fat baby biceps.


Monday, November 9, 2009


Saturday off sort on cardio, Sunday 60 mins stepmill, Monday stepmill 30mins

Saturday-free squat with briefs 655x3,725x3,815x3 got to decent depth on the third rep of the 815.
-rev hypers 3x15
-one legged back hyper 3x8 per leg
-homemade belt with 300lb of weight for 4x8

-Felt really guilty about sleepin in and also not doing enough work so I did one lap with the chain.

The wife went up with a Jade,A figure contesant we have been working with. She ended up with third behind two girls who were already qualified for nationals. Not bad for her first go. Wanted to give her a congrats as she has been hustling hard for 4 months now with cardio and her diet. Will try to get some pics for you guys.

Great to see goals met and accomplished

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wed 30mins treadmill, Thur off reluctantly, Friday 30 mins stepmill

-Reverse Band deadlift raw. each round was 3 conv and 3 sumo up to 655 then 3 singles at 655-2 conv, 1 sumo
-Close stance squats sets of 8 to 315, 315x20. The hardest part was using a 6 foot Texas bar and getting it back in the rack as my thumbs did not want to come back over the bar to put it in the rack.
-Revese hyper 2x20
-Elevated GHR 3x10
-Seated long ab strap ab criunches on seated row machine 4x15

Thursday-Warm up stole light band overhead rotattor from Smitty, then used dave's creeprer band tricep and flat dumbell press for 20 each and add anothre rotator move laying on the bench after the press where I have the dumbells at chest level and simply go from tucked to flared for 20 reps. Kinda like a lying shoulder raise. 5 rounds of this.

Dumbell flat, Seated shoulder press with chains using a Spud Inc Jump Ring strap hooked to the chain with a handle attached to the snap ring, and a rope tricep/suspendsion strap combo where you are in s incline pushup position and do overhead tricep extension.This was alittle tough. Did rounds of this circuit starting with 20 reps, 18,16,14,12,10,8, 6. Went up in the weight of the dumbells ending with 110 for 6 but kept the chain press at 3 chains per side and just bodyweight on the rope extensions. All this took about a hour or alittle less. Mu shoulders and tris and abs are very unhappy today.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Tuesday incline treadmill 30 mins

MOnday-Raw board 315x5, 4board,3B,2B,1B, chest, 405x5 4B, 3B, may have done two board. -

-Backwards tricep death 315x5 on all sets and started with 1 Board, 2B, 3b,4B(4.8 reps) Then did it the other way starting with 1 boardx5,2Bx5,3Bx5,4Bx3 or 4
-Band pull aparts using tricep ropes with band in connecting them for 3x20,
-gray(old green) band standing overhead press 4x8
-Doubled monster minis from weight holder on back of rack to barbell and did sort of a hammer row like this 4 setsx10(These were cool)


Monday, November 2, 2009


Saturday 30 very hard hungover mins on the stepmill, Sunday punishment 1 hour stepmill, Monday 30 mins stepmill

Friday night we had our deadlift contest at the gym with a couple of cats pulling over 700. Congrats to Karl at 720 and getting tha monkey off his back. Mike for 500 for getting the monkey off his mini silveback gorilla back. We have a young guy from Ireland who bodybuilds now but used to pL who pulled 750 with just a belt fairly easy. Talking to him is like the movie Snatch plus I was half or two thirds drunk after the show so it may have jsut been me. Other party highlights, garbbing my nephew Dale's ass, talking to Mike's son who when asked what I said, replied "I dont know what he said, I could not understand him" Baggin up 10 cupcakes and a bag of sun chips for the ride home, stopping at hardees adn getting 2 fries and 2 bouble burgers. There was more but those are a few of the good ones.

Thanks to all who attended the party and paticipated in the contest. As usual, it was a ton of fun and I think all had a great time.

So on Saturday, I was hung over and looked of death but hung in there for some training which was:
1-Front squats 135,185,225,275,315x3x2 sets each, 365x3 high and crappy,275xx32
-band gms out of rack,greenx8,bluex8, blue/greenx8
3-rev hypers 3x10
4-hack squats-worked up to 3 plates x8x3 setss paused at bottom of each rep.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday and Thursday 30 mins stepmill, Friday 30 mins stepper

Wednesday-Lots of warm up stretching. my quad is extrememly tight for some reason.
-H squat leg press by hammer. 2 platex10, 4platex10.6platesx10, 8platesx6x3 sets
-Extreme wide band gms 4x8
-Outter thigh machine adn glute machine for 3 rounds each-one leg back raise 4 roundsx8 per leg
-Front squats worked up to 225x8

Thursday-Did some high rep rope work. picked 5 exercise adn did 20 reps each non stop for 10 rounds.1100-1200 reps. My traps and back are smoked today.

Ropes ain't easy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Tuesday Stepmill 30 mins

MOnday Training-Started with some band warmup. Standing double rows and overhead tricep ext for 4 rounds
-Barbell incline 135x8x2,185x8x2,225x8,275x8,315x6,365x4,405x1
-Incline dumbell rolling ext. 35lb,45lb,65sx10,85sx10,105lbx6
-Took orange and and doubled over rack for pushdowns 4x20
-barbell rows worked up to 235x20


Monday, October 26, 2009


Saturday 45 mins stepmill, Sunday hungover no cardio, Monday 30 mins treadmill 15.0 incline

Uneventful Saturday training of deadlifting raw. Did sets of 4 reps each-2 sume, 2 conventional worked up to 405x4 repsx 3rounds
-one legged hack squated. started wtih green band, then orange(bands were for assistence) then none x 3reps per leg
-Rev hypers 2x20
-Bodymasters one leg reverse lunge 4 sets x 5 per leg


Friday, October 23, 2009


Wednesday incline 15.0 incline for 30 mins, NO cardio Thursday, Friday same as Wed

Thursday-Due to some business stuff coming up at the last minute Wed, I had to wait till Thursday to train. Even then, several things came up so I had to figure out something to get done. I went with the 300lb chain for 3 laps-first lap forwards, second backwards, third a mix of both but mostly backwards. The first lap was bad so I went wtith the backwards lap for number two which takes 3 times longer to do then forwards. I recovered enough to think a third lap was something really good to do. I did some forwards but everytime I stopped I felt like throwing up. I tried several times to keep going forwards but no dice on the recovery so I had to finish backwards. It took over a hour with the backwards pulling. I thought it was going to ba about 45 minutes and some upperbody work was on my mind but that ended with the decision to do the third lap. I laid down on the pavement after the 1st and third laps. I had forgotten about it when Dale asked me if I laid down and then I realized I had dirt on my back, neck and head.

The chain is my pain

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Tuesday treadmill 30 mins 15.0 incline

MOnday Training-Light standing press 135x10x5 sets

-Dave Tate Pushup on the smith machine. 10 reps starting with close grip working out on the bar 2 inches at a time(aorund 60-70 reps per setx2 rounds
-dumbells flat 65s, 85s,105s,115sx15-20 per set
-35lb dumbell incline for 50, seated shoulder for 50,rear delt xor 20 x 3 rounds
-Spud inc hanging ab straps pullups with band assist. Gripped straps like a towel strap and did 12 ro 15 per set x4 rounds

blood and swole

Monday, October 19, 2009


Wed and Thursday 30 mins stepmill, Friday off, Saturday 45mins and Sunday 1 hour stepmill, MOnday 30 mins 15.0 incline treadmill.

I had been feeling like crap since MOnday and pushed through some half assed training. It caught up with me so I bailed on Wed and Thursday training and picked it back up Saturday.

-Camberbar box with briefs. Two blues up over the top of the plates. Work sets 3 plates and 4 plates x 2 , 5 platesx1, wnet back down to do a few reps but only did one as my adductor locked up.
-did a few pulls off the plates on a 3inch box. 4 platesx3, 5 platesx2,605x1
-1x40 reps rev hyper

That was all that was in the tank so done was I.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Tuesday 30 mins treadmill 15.0 incline

MOnday Training
-Dumbells row 65s,80s,100s,120s,140x 6 per arm per weight
-Band press raw with squat bar. purple and black doubled up. barx3,145x3,195x2 to chest, 235x2x2sets to 2 board, then 2 softee pads with same weight and same reps
-rollng tricep ext 60sx8x3-one arm side lateral 60xx6 per side x 3 rounds
-3sets of slight incline dumbell press 110sx15 reps per
Not a great night but okay. Did get my legs involved until the last set so most of the reps were much harder then they should have been. Wasn't feelin that great so I got what I got. It was shirt night for most of the guys so I made fun of Ben and his 14 year boy chest even with the hundreds of banded pec flyes he does almost daily.


Monday, October 12, 2009


NO Cardio Saturday, Sunday hour sled drag with two plates both forwards ans backwards. Felt like 3 or 4 plates were on it for some reason. MOnday treadmill 15.0 incline for 30 minutes walking


-First time with bands in quite awhile. Overall, ver pleased with the effort. Took two blues and put them over the top of the plates which makes it like 3 blues regular. Briefs and a normal spud high box not the sky scraper ass pad from last week. Doubles 2 plates,2.5 plates,3 plates, 3.5 plates. 4plates for a single and ended it there.

-4 sets of rev hyper

-wanted to do a little more but the bands spent me and I was feeling very sleepy.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

10/9/2009 9:42:56 AM -

Cardio stuff

Wed ran two miles, walked half a lap then did 3 75 yards sprints, thur and friday 30 mins stepmill and stepper

Wednesday-First night of decent pulling in awhile. Squat bar pull off jump stretch with minis quaded up. Started with 3 platesx3, then did singles adding a chain per side stopping at 4 chain per side. Still have to do them conventional but I am good with that.
-Long ab strap pulldwons 6x8
-took the 154lb farmers walk adn did back raises with it for 3x6
-3 sets of green band ultra wide gms-hack squat worked up to 4 plates for sets of 6

-Stability ball situps with 16kg kb 5x8
-Stablity ball bench press worked up to 225x20x3 sets
-Stability ball concentration curls 45lbx8 per armx3 rounds
-154lb farmers walk rows 3x8
-Upperbody chain worked 1 lap using upperbody strap rotating mostly overhead tricep extensions, read delt raise, rows and overhead holds.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


"Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

-slight incline dumbell press worked up to 150sx10, 9, and 8 or 9. dropped to 100s for 30
-Jumped in on the banded bench the other guys were doing for some close grip work off 4 board. 145x5,195x3 with purple and monster mini doubled up each side. Took the bands off adn did 415x5,465x3
-used rope on cable flye lower handles adn did a row type exercise. 4 sets
-100lb plate for sets of 20 repsx4 sets"


Monday, October 5, 2009


Saturday stepmill 30 mins, Sunday DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE DAY, Monday 30 mins stepmill

Saturday-box squats with buffalo bar. Alternated abck and forth between a super high pad or as dale said"a pad you scrape your ass on while getting under the bar" and a slightly higher then normal spud pad.I will name it sky scraper ass pad. Did 2 setsx3 reps at each weight and wroked up to 325 raw, then put the briefs on adn did 415,505,595 work sets.
-heavy dumbell obliques x8 per side ending with 130s.
-rev hyper 3x10,
Stiff leg kbs on wobble board. 24kgx8x3,32kgx8


Friday, October 2, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wed, Thur, Friday 30 mins stepmill
Wednesday-3 sets of hangin abs--close stance gms off straps 3s up to 285 then 350x1
-cambered bar squats med stance worked up to 235x3
-rev hypers 2x40
-windmills with 36lb 5x3
Thursday-Green band hammer row 4x15
- fat bar v grip ab pulldowns 8x8-Rope cable flye from teh bottom 6x10
-I did some behind the neck press where you start from the bar on the traps for the frist time in 10 years. I worked up to 195x3. This is the only thing that I have not tried to help my left shoulder with the nerve damage to get it stronger. They were not comfortable at all and this is unorthodox for even me but why not.
-band squats greenx10,bluex10, blue,greenx6
-I finished up with more windmills except i went heavy this time. 12kg,16kg,20,24,28,32x3 per arm,40kgx3 per arm x2 sets. This one along with the bent press are acouple more I have not used to help with the rehab on the shoulder and the bad leg.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Tuesday stepmill 30 mins

-Dumbells row 50lb,65lb,75lb,95,105,120lb,150lb x 10 reps per set
-Dumbell incline 55lb,75lb,95,105lb,120x 15 per set
-36lb kb windmills and bent press 3x3 per set

Good Night

Monday, September 28, 2009


Saturday chain drag. had not done this in awhile. 1st lap nonstop drag(first time doing this), 2nd lap lots of stops.
Sunday 3 mile run about 35 minutes. Monday off cardio

Saturday training
-3 set of hangin abs
-3 sets of reverse hypers
-Bodymasters box squat with bands. Started with 1 blue per sidex8, 2 bluex8,3 bluex6,4 bluex6,4 blue,1 greenx5
-Then did regular squats close stane as low as it would go with 1 bluex8,2 bluex8,2 blue,1 platex6, 2 blue,2 plates x6
-camberbar suspended gms extremely wide stance, barx5, 100lbx5,175x5,225x5

Still solid progress on the left leg. Sone minor pain but only about a 10th of what if was. I would give the left leg 60% for a number. Still think there is alittle more to break off but progress is progress.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Mon, Wed and Thursday

9/25/2009 8:59:32 AM -
Wednesday and Thursday
Thursday stepmill 30 mins, friday stepper 30 mins

Wednesday-H squat started with one plate and did 6 lcose stance, 6 wide stance per set, 2 plates, 3 plates, 4 plates, 5 plates all same as first set
-conventional dead off platform with monster mini quad up. 135x3x3. Did this to test the adductor more. Seemed to go well. Not much pain
-rev hypre 3 sets of 12 wtih blue band instead of regular strap. Back blew up quick
-set up green band really low in power rack and did extremely wide stance gms with it. did two sets of 8 with green then did set of blue for 2x8.

-10 sets of long ab strap pulldowns
-10 sets of 10 on assisted pullup machine. Started at bottom of stack and moved pin up one notch each set to make it narder
-Floor press off pads. Set mma mats to height that would have triceps planted on the ground to start. Much like a rack lockout only the pads are soft and absorb the load better. Started with 285x10x3, 335x8x3sets, 405x3x2 sets
-10 sets of jm ext off same pad set up with 135x10x10 sets. Used heart rate monitor and waited till HR came abck down to 95 or so before starting again.

9/23/2009 8:52:50 AM -
MOnday-talked myself out of cardio for a few mniutes more sleep. Wasn't worth it, felt like ass all day.
Tuesday -stepmill 30 mins
Wednesday-hasd to force myself up to get thecardio done. I was not thrilled about any of the the usual choices until I got to the gym and decided to RUN. Yes, I ran two miles this morning in about 22 minutes. Suck time, but for not running that far in over 10 years I will take that. Wasn't bad at all, the legs just kinda took off and kept going. My stride was itty bitty and I had to force myself to relax alot to open it up some. I just kept sweating even after my shower to the point where my shirt was sour and I had to get a new one.

MOnday-Raw chains with two board again. Dale is getting a new cycle started for his first meet at 275 in December so I just rolled in with that. We used the squat bar and Spud inc Ezloader(go to you tube and check it out of you have not seen it in action. It makes loading ridiculously easy and you can put up to 16 chain per side on them)-Bar weight was 275 and got crankin at 3 chainx3, 4 chainx3,5 chainx3,then jumped to 7 chain and barely got one, abck to 6 chainx3 easy(got my legs in this one)
-bar weight only close grip with 4 board. 415x3,435x3,475x3,515xmiss(totally brought it down wrong)
-Dale hit his first 595 close grip off the 4 board. he missed the first one becasue of putting the brakes on the way down. the second sttempt went better and he got it pretty easy. Big lift for him at such a lighter bodyweight. Good job.
-did some standing pulldowns 3x30-quarter dips 3x25

I got the link. One day I will learn how to embedd the vidhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzv2-wJR4Sg


Monday, September 21, 2009


Saturday Prowler 3 laps in 30 min with 1 plate per side. I have not done this in quite awhile. I keep my heart rate watch on and pushed until it got into the 160s then rested to the 130s and went again. I was surprised at the time. I thought they took alot longer.

Sunday 10 laps sled with 2 plates. Heart rate was keep in the 120s to 130s. This took about a hour 10 which is not bad.

Saturday Training-started with the 154lb farmers walk(homemade version) and did deads with one working my stance out into a sumo over 4 sets x5. the did both of them sumo for a few sets of 5.
-One leg step ups mostly working the left leg for 6 or 8 sets of 8 per leg
-2 sets of 30 on the rev hyper
.-box jumps 5 o6 sets of 5 going up alittle on each set.
-135 box squats x5 reps x 4 sets-Lots of stretching between sets. Still pain in the adductor area especially on the squats.

I was surprised I was able to do the box jumps. I felt like I had done alot of work and after getting home adn cutting the grass I took a look at my adductor and it was quite swollen. It looked like a extra ham had been sewn onto my leg. I guess that was alittel over doing it and the 10 laps on Sunday didn't help as much as I thought it would. Still tender today so I must be close to finishing it off.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Training catch up for the month

9/18/2009 10:09:29 AM -
Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday No cardio, Thursday adn Friday 30 mins stepmillWednesdayLeg is feeling alot better so I did some good work considering the last two months of dealing with it. -Started with one legged squats(bodyweight only) with leg on stool. 7 or 8 sets of 8 reps per leg. As I warmed up I added in some light pulls. Then I rotated back and forth with the one legs working up to 350 for 2 on the dead. Still some bite in the leg but not near what it was. -Kb swings with the 24 and 28 kg for 4 or 5 sets of 10 per arm-bodymasters squat machine. This has a elevated platform so it is easier to do. Did 4 or 5 sets of 8-10 working up to 3 plates on each side. I could not even do this last week so that is alot of progress. -one leg rev hyper 4x10 per leg continuous.-rolled on the roller for about 5 minutes, then went home and did not sleep. Thursday-Decided I wanted to do over a thousand reps with the kb.-Started with blue band ab pull downs for 6 sets of 15-Then over tricep extension wit the blue and green band thrown over the top of a pulley and used a tricep bar in the bands. 8 sets of 15-Kb see saw press and did 20 per arm starting with 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 kilo-Then set up circuit of incline barbell with 135lb, 16kg for snatches, 24kg for swings. ON each round I did 20 presss, 10 snatches per arm, 10 swings per arm for 60 reps around for 17 rounds. I put the heart rate watch on to keep track. Most sets ended with 160 range bpm, and I waited till it came down to 120 to start back up which took about 1.5 to 2 minuteskb wise 920repother reps 520I took this no/prohromone product called Methyl Mass from EST and had 2 scoops. It worked great until I had to go to bed. I tossed and turned and got only a couple of hours sleep

/15/2009 9:21:26 AM -
Meet and Monday
Sat. No cardio, Sunday 10 laps with sled-2 plates. MOnday No cardio, Tuesday 30 mins stepmillMonday-two board raw with lots of chains. warmup to 215 bar weight and 8 chains per side on the ezloader. did 3x3. dropped to one plate and 8 chain for 5.-four board close grip with no chian 365x5,405x5,455x3x2-barbell front raise worked upto 135x8,-barbell curls 4 sets-Long ab strap pulldwons mixed wtih standing machine pulldowns. 4 of eachSaturday was a good day in Rock Hill. I got roped into back spoting for all three flights of squats but that was fine. Most of the guys pr-ed on one lift or another mostly deads which was cool. Long day but fun.Congrats to the team.

9/11/2009 9:09:07 AM -
Wednesday and Thursday
Wed, thur,Friday 30 mins stepmill and stairmaserWed-same ole with the leg. do alot of regualr deads at 135,185 and 235. on one of the 235 i felt a roll in the hamstring. i was glad it finally rolled and popped some. i think it will have to pop alittle more before it will finally hela up to start training decent again. a small fist size brusing has started-did some close stance leg press working up to 6 or 7 plates for 8-10 reps. i did these to get it to pop somemore. -one leg rever hyper 4x20-25 per legThur-Circuit with bench(225), revrese grip barbell row(225) and seated military press(135) Started with 6 reps on each and worked up to 12 reps. then added weight to each-bench(315), row(315), military(185) and started wtih 3 reps on each and ending with 6 reps-heavy upper sled, 1 lap tricep ext with 3 plates, 1 lap with 2plate with bicep curls, then 3 plates for tricep again. 2 laps with strap over the shoulder.Rock Hill meet this weekend so we will see how the guys will do. Old dude, mike the mini gorilla and chancey po po are in action.

9/8/2009 2:19:12 PM -
Monday Labored Training
Sunday No cardio, Monday 45mins and Tuesday 40mins stepmill. Saturday-We had the Master's Nationals First Day at the gym so all I did was drag sled for 10 laps. I wore my frog shoes(vibram sprints) to see how they would hold up on that type of cardio. They were fine but my feet got alittle more tired and I thought I was getting a blister. It was a slightly difficult 10 this time. The show ran into the evening and ended about 8:30. The second day was at a local Harley spot and it rolled from 10am to 6p. I will say it was a excellent show with about 60 guys in it. All the guys at the gym showed great improvment with one of them winning the show. The first day was max log, max axle(knee high dead) and 300plus famers hold for time. One guy pulled 1050 and a 900 plus or two was also registered. Day two seemed like more max events car dead for reps, farmer walk for distance adn best time. stones on some very high platforms, keg lifts. and a truck/chain medley. Monday rep work at the store. Nobody came in so I did some kb rep work and pushups to pass the time. kb rows 16kgx10x10sets, 20kgx10x5 sets,24kg x10repsx5 rounds,28kgx10x5 sets.kb one arm floor press 16kg, 20kg, 24kg,28kg x10 per arm x 5 sets per armkb bottoms up press same floor press250 pushup in sets of 50. Kept a heart rate watch going this time to see where I was at on each set. Kinda weird doing this but I will see what it does for me training wise. Trying some new things(to me) out while this stupid addbutter heals up to where I can squat and pull decent.

9/4/2009 9:38:43 AM -
Wed and Thursday
Thursday 40mis, Friday 45mins stepmillWednesday-Two rounds with the chain. Very slow but my left leg was giving me a rough go so I could not push off on it too well. My right leg ended up doing most of the work and was jacked pretty good. Pulled alot backwards as this did not irritate it as much. -Rev hyper. 4x25, half with two legs and half with the left legThursday-Pulldowns with Lat Assassin bar(three grip bar like the swiss bar) did each grip for 3 sets going up after each round for 3 rounds-Used the same bar for overhead tricep extensions(like a rope or band ext wher eyou lean over adn push straight out) Rotated eacg grip for 3 sets at each weight for 4 rounds. -incline dumbell for 75lb x 4sets of 25-kb double snatch, then lower to clean position, rotate into a negative curl. 12kgx10repsx2 sets, same with 16kg, 20kg adn one round with the 24kg-Took 12kgs and went outside and did double snatches while walking around the building(1 lap)I got new vibram sprints up in NC last week and have been using them everyday to do cardio, drag chain adn training. I have wanted a pair for a year now but just didnt get them. They are great! I want to test them on deadlifting and squattin, but the addbutter is not allowing this yet. Of course, everyone thinks I am nuts for walking in them all day but got to keep it interesting if I can't squat or dead!If you guys like hard Kb training, we just put out a compliation of numerous workouts including a 1000 rep challenge. It is below if you want to check it out.

9/2/2009 12:21:08 PM -
A Few Days off
Tuesday Wed Cardio last week 30 mins stepmillThis week MOnday And Tuesday 45 mins, Wed 30 mins stepmillMe and the old lady took off for a couple days vacation to the mountains for her birthday and some downtime since we havent done anything in a year. I took her to a bed and breakfast out in the middle of nowhere off a freinds suggestion. It wasnt' too far from Asheville. Lots of sleep, movies on the computer and old SPud consumind about 8 to 10k in calories per day. Only one small salad the entire 4 days. Pizza, cookies, birthday cake everynight before bed. 8lb was the total for the trip. No I am back hitting the usual-salads, sweet potatoes and almonds. The gym or store did not burn down as i had envisioned numerous times and all was handled well. Monday work-softee pad bench. two softee pad 3s to 405,455x1,495x1. One softee drop set 405x4 or 5-jm barbell press 3x2 reps-2 pullups x8 rep neutral grip, then one set with mac and mike using the spud jump rings slip knotted and putting the hand through the loop-kinda like a towel pullup.
8/25/2009 10:38:21 AM -
Monday , Tuesday Stepmill 30 mins both light sessionsMOnday-Raw softee pad presses set of 6-10 with work sets of 365x6, 405x6x2, 315x20-dumbell front raise(1 45lb liek a regualr plate raise 3x20-one arm flat presses with 45lb 20 per armx 5 sets per arm-doubled up a blue band on the hammer row and did 6 setsx20

8/24/2009 3:27:38 PM -
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
Wed, thur and Friday and 30 mins am stepmill, sunday stepmill and one lap with chainWed-2 sets of 100 on the rev hyper-dragged 4 plates for 6laps- foam rolling and stretchThursaday-10 roundsx20 rep per exercise of hammer incline,assisted pullups, blast strap pushups, chain rear delts and supinating curls(yes, i said supinatin')-3 laps with 12kg doing 50 yards overhead hold, 50yards in the clean position, then 50 more yards of overhead hold, then a short break. could have done alittle mroe weight but didnt kwno wha to expect.Saturday-10 laps in 55 minutes with 2 plates pretraining(everything is pretrainin and healin right now)-training was 8 sets of 25 on the rev hyper. -lots of assisted squats between hypers and hlepin out. -then it was more mower pushin, weed eatin and other aeorbic chores around the house to finish the day off.

8/18/2009 10:58:41 AM -
No cardio monday, tuesday 30 mins stepmillMOnday -Regualr bench, raw with two softee pads. 5s and 3s to 315, then doubles with 365,405,455(addbutter flared up so shut it donw there and went down to 405x8,10 i tihnk-4 or 5 sets of 6-8 on barbell front raise into a over head press-made up some strap,kb and green band where i layed a strap over a barbell in a rackand hook the band to the kb and then to the strap so it was like a crazy bell tihng you might say. then we tugged the rope like a standing pulldown. alittle tough at first but once you figure it out it was not too bad.

8/16/2009 4:07:44 PM -
Saturday cardio 30mins stepmillSunday 5min warmup stepmill then two lap with the chain. 1st lap was a few seconds under 8 minutes and the second after laying on the pavement for a couple minutes was around 11 or 12 minutes. Still way too many stops on the first lap. Recovery is better, probablly should have not drank 7 or 8 beers the night before but it was a double birthday party so that means double beer drinking.Training pre-party was nothing but high rep stuff-135x100 on rdls-100 assisted bodyweight squats-mixed in 3 sets of 100 on the reverse hyper between the squats and rdls and helping the guys squat and prep for the upcoming meet in a few weeks.

8/14/2009 11:27:31 AM -
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
MOnday off cardio, Tues, wed, thur, fri all 3on-35 minutes on the stepmill.MOnday-Steep incline 2 warmups each weight to 315x5, 31x3-back work 6 sets-light shoulder press -close grip 4 board 3 setsWednesday-several sets up to 315 deadlift-no weight box squats to stretch out the addbutter 5 or6 sets of 10-hack squat one leg most on the bad side. had to put a band over the back to lesseen to load for the first few sets. still was very painful.-one legged h squat machine. couple of plates as that was all the left leg would take. lowered very slowly, no ballistic action on this one. 4 or 5 sets of 8 a leg. Thursday-band cicuit of standing rows, pull aparts, overhead tricep, reverse curls and cable crossovers with bands. 20 reps per exercise for 15 rounds totalling 1500 reps nonstop. -then did 2 plates for 6 laps dragging forwards nonstop. i was going to do 8 or 10 but that would not have been recovery/rehab so i listened to myself adn backed off some. The thing about lifting heavy for so long is that when you get injured , you continue to pound yourself in other ways that aren't useful or productive. I know alot of you guys know what I am talking about here. The need for some type of hard work or just plain punishment never stops. If I can't lift heavy, then i will have the strongest cardio around, lowest bodyfat,strongest will of all. I know this is competition and ego but it drives nontheless. Now, I so focused on business that training has taken a back seat and timewise I devote most of my hours to this. My parents came by after one of my dad's appointments for his leg(which is doing well right now)and they hung out at the store for a hour or so. They ask me how things are going, what am I doing, normal parent stuff. Then my dad says "Son, you look real tired" and I go "really". Then my mom, say,"yeah you look tired and you eyes look hollow and purple around them." I am caught off guard but rightfully so but instantly I reply, I had some cathing up to do. I spent 10 years gettting drunk and chasing the two legged deer and then I spent 10 years powerlifting and being a fat, but happy, bastard. But I have been plowing away for two years straight since the accident. I tell the wife and she readlily agrees and says there was nothing she could say or do to slow me down. You were going no matter what. The last time I realized this, was the bodybuilding show and here I am again.Trading one obsession for another I suppose.I don't need xanax to sleep or get along with people anymore, but head dwon and driving ahead at 200 mhp is where I am at the moment.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Lots of logs...

8/10/2009 10:08:29 AM -
Saturday 45 mins stepmill, Sunday 2plates sled drag for 10 laps. Goal was to go nonstop in 50 mins. It took 60mins. Saturday-Training started out good with some camberbar suspended gms. I did alot of warmup sets all close stance. Things were good till 2 and half plates then the addbutter flared up. I tried a couple more but it would not go. Did a few deads at 315 and taped out of that. -Did a few sets of rev hyper before adn after.-worked on assisted one legged pistol squats for about 10 sets of mostly 12-15 on the left and 8-10 on the right. Did some sets holding onto a bar and some with green band slip knotted over the top of the smith machine.

8/7/2009 10:12:48 AM -
Wednesday and Thursday.
Wed, Thur Friday 30 mins stepmill-Got back really late from the store so I did not get any squats or pulls in so I did 8 sets of 25 two leg and 1 set of 25 per leg on the rev hyper.-Thought I would give the two small 300lb chains a whirl pulling them together. Got about a 1/3 of way aroung the gym and could not move them together anymore. I then took turns dragging each one around. I would pull one for 50-70 yards, walk back and get the other one with the rest being the walk back. This took along time and I was spent and high as a kite when done. Thursday-3 laps upperbody sled with 2 plates. first lap all press and flyes, second al pulls backwards and the third was a mix. I thought about a couple of options here-1 was 3 more upper laps and be done or 1 lap again alternating pulling the two small chains. I took two and paid for it as it took twice as long and I had to rest on each drag. Terrible choice but I slept great. Saturday I will give the squatting another go. Got it worked on by my mistress massage therapist who stood on my hammy adductor and glutes for pretty much a hour. The rest of the time she had me on my back with the bad leg pinned up by my head. Her sister held my leg in so mistress could hook and try to untangle the mess that is my addbutter right now. I told her this was not my idea of a threesome.

8/4/2009 2:04:01 PM -
Tuesday cardio 30 min stepmillMOnday-Reverse Grip raw off the softee pads again. Worked up to 405x3, 455x1, 405x 4 or 5-Pinky grip four board 315x10,365x8, 405x5-Seated military lockouts at eye level. worked up to 275x5-Hammer pullover machine 3 or 4 sets. Not enough ass to hold me down so I had to use the seat belt.

8/3/2009 9:45:23 AM -
Saturday and Sunday 1 hour each day on stepmill. Monday NO cardio. Saturday training-Startet with 4 set of rev hyper-Still figthing with the addbutter thing. Tried a couple of squats with the guys but knew I would be out at two plates so I went off to another rack and did alot of 135lb close stance to get some work in. the sets were 5,10,15,20,25,50.-Close ham glute raise which ironically does not bother it. 4x8-rev hyper one leg for 25 each leg, then did 50 more two leg. -Lotso of stretching and helping the guys out who are preparing for a meet in Sept.-Things seem to be healing up some. My massage therapist literally stood on my adductor and hamstring for 30 minutes before it started to release. I think maybe a week or two more and I can go back to reular squatting. In the meantime, I will try some different things and see what happens.

7/31/2009 9:05:12 AM -
Wed and Thur
Cardio stuffwed 30 min, thur 30 mins , friday 35 mins all on stepmill. Wednesday -Still fighting with the addbutter strains so it was some light deadlifting close stance 315x3x4-hack squat to the bottom to stretch it out some. did 7 or 8 sets ending with 3 plates per side. -1x100 with rev hyper. 80 reps two leg, 10 each leg one legged rev hyperThursday-started wtih y raises(that's what i call them) on incline with 10lb x 20 repsx 5 rounds-one arm rope pulls downs whole laying sideways on a incline bench. this was sent to be by matt who just completed his first bb show with shelby doing his diet. 4 rounds x 10-15 per round-dumbell flat at 6 reps per set with 35s,45s,55s, 65s, 75s, 85s. -then started with 100sx6,90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s. -the did 45s for 50 reps on decline adn flatx 2rounds.-then rigged up revhyper with 150lb and a purple band looped on each side then a upperbody strap through the band. layed on the ground adn did a pull over/tricep pushdown. sort of tough. 4 or 5 rounds-several sets of swings worked on the good morning style. kinda got it on a couple of occasions but will have to work on it. maybe 10 sets of 8 i thinkDale crushed the chain record by over a minute to 7:22. I could not believe it but there it was. It will take awhile to get close to that so I did two rounds in alittle over 20mins to wear me out.

7/28/2009 2:54:21 PM -
No cardio MondayTuesday 30 mins stepmill-Training-reverse grip bench worked up to 405x5,x4,x4 off the softee marshmellow pads-fat bar standing press from pin alittle below chin level. worked up to 215x5 or so then back down some. my strict press ain't what it used to be.-over head tricep set up with upperbody strap adn reverese hyper. sat on bench to reach straps then did. 145lbx x 8-10x4 sets-then layed back on bench and did and pull over/pull down across the chest. liked this move alot 4 sets

7/26/2009 10:14:20 AM -
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
Cardio-wed and thur stepmill 40mins, Friday 35 mins stepper. Wednesday-Lots of pain from my rereinjured hammy addbutter so I did a few sets of box squats with the buff bar. Worked up to 3 platesx8, x3 reps then the pain set in so I quit there.-Light Pulls with 3 platesx5 reps for 3 sets-Rev hyper for 1x100-Leg press really wide with 2 plates. 8 reps per set with a stop on the pins for stretching out the injured area and alittle blood pump-One lap prowler push with 90lb and one gimp 300lb chain drag.THursday Kb Volume day-Floor press starting with 8kg,12,16,20,24,28,32x20 reps each. 40kgx15, 48kgx8.-KB death row 5per arm switchin arms each size kb and then restarting the opposite arm at the beginning of each round. 5 rep, 6 reps, 7 reps, 8 reps. Then did 10reps per arm from the 8kg to the 48kg-Kb get up situps 8-10 per arm starting with the 8kg and working up to the 28 or 32kb.-THen took 24kg and did 8reps per arm of pulling the kb into a press position and rolling back to the floor. Lots of lats, shoulder and bicep work.Saturday-Had to go to a Kb seminar that donnie t put on and work and booth and ended up helping out with the teaching so I had to come in early adn dragged sled with 2 and half plates for 6 forward and 1 pull backwards. Sunday-Decided to see if I could beat the new chain time around the building. one warm lap with 2 plates on the sled. Then pulled the chain in 8mins 28sec missing the best time by 3 or 4 seconds. I only stopped 3 times I think so maybe I can get it to 8mins 15 secs or alittle less then 8. We'll see. Then did two more laps with the sled to finish it off.

7/21/2009 9:54:17 AM -
Tuesday 35 mins stepmillMonday -barbell rows 135x8x2,185 same,225,same,275same,315 same,365x8-Banded chest standing pec crossovers/green band with jump rings as handles 4x8-over head one arm tricep ext with same set up alternated with standing curls for 3 rounds-standing military 145x8x2,195x8x1,145x20-incline dumbell 70s, 80s, 100s,x 20 per set 10 elbows tucked, 10 flare on each set.So we got a new guy from Jersey. He is Doc Ithink or retired. Anyhow, he seems like a good guy adn is a bench only dude which is good. Another challenge for the old dudes is how I sees it. The first night I see this guys he has the haircut like Pauly on the Sopranos and he comes in a Bada Bing tank top. I kept waiting on heyyyy or a ohhhh drug out in a thick accent. He also brought his own board. It looks like he will fit right in the misfit mix. he brought his own board in the first night so I wasnt sure if he was going to board press or dispense with a beating or shakedown.


Monday, July 20, 2009


7/20/2009 10:28:36 AM -
Sat 45mins and Sunday 40mins stepmillSaturday -Tried something different this time. Rev band good mornings with the buffalo bar. Set of 5 with 425,515,605. 3 with 695, 2x775. Each set would take a couple to get comfortable enough to get down.
-same set up with close stance squats 3platesx10,4 plates x8, 5 plates x3. I felt my mamy glute thing pop again so I canned it there
.-did 3 sets of cossack squats to try and loose it up-1x100 rev hyper.
Hobbled home for the day. Stretched, iced and put the massager on it for some time. Loosened up enough to do cardio on Sunday which helped out alot. It may not be as bad the last time two years ago before I ripped the quad off. We'll see. Other then that I really enjoyed the rev band good mornings. I have always been pretty good at them so I doubt if there be much transfer for me but they were fun to do.

7/17/2009 2:34:16 PM -
Wednesday and Thursday
CardioWednesday 25 min,THur40 mins, Friday 35 mins all Stepmill

-Dragged the chain for 3 laps until I looked like Frank Mir getting up from his knockout and asking what happened.

THursday High rep Training
-Hooked up Long ab strap to rev hyper with seated row handle and did standing rows. 6 setsx25
-Suspension strap pushups alternated tucked elbow with flareed elbows set of 20 reps each for 3 or 4 rounds
-Swiss bar seated military press 138lbx20repsx5 sets. Alternated grips eahc round
-Quarter dips 5 sets of 20
-Ran the Rack on curls 5 reps per weight worked up to 100lb. Mostly just hammer arm swing at the end.

7/14/2009 3:28:31 PM -
No cardio Monday as I took a morning off.
But I did 40 mins stepper on TuesdayMOnday Training
-Fat bar floor press 165x8x2,205x8x2,255x8x2, 305x8x2, 365x8,395x4 or 5, 435x1 Hung it up there.
-Rusty's or Tate presses sort of. 35s 45s, 55s,70s for 8-10, one set of military with 45s for 40 or 50
-Strive machine preacher curls 4 seets-5 sets of 2 on the assisted negative pull up. Had never really done it like this before so I stole it from Selkow's log. Thanks Dude.

7/13/2009 10:36:22 AM -
Wednsday, Thursday and Saturday
Cardio WorkMOnday,Tuesday, THursday 30 minutes stepmill/stepperFriday 45 mins stepmillSaturday 60 mins stepmillSunday 6laps with two plates
Wednesday-Brief squats on box with buff bar and reverse band(monster minis) Triples to 775, 865x2, 965x1(this one was hard as I froze about half way up(sort of like the '05 Arnold with 1058. felt my ribs and midback starting to stretch more then usual but the bar startted moving finally and I finished the rep)
-4 inch box pulls conventional 405x5, 405x10-Rev hypers 1x150

Thursday-Hi rep stuff assised pullups machine x10,x20,x50,x50
-Decline press 135lbx10,20,50,50
-12kg see saw press x25, 16kgx25 per armx 2 sets

-Saturday-High pulls 135x5x3,185x5x3,225x5x3 sets,275x5x2 sets
-405 power shrugs with straps 2x20reps
-smith machine clean and jerks 5 or 6 sets x 5 per leg
-rev hypers 5x10 before and 3x10 after

7/7/2009 9:35:47 AM -
-Went alittle heavier this week to test the pec out. Raw, no board. 315x8,365x5,405x3,455x1-Seated fat bar shoulder press. 125x8,175x8,225x8,275x4, 175x20
I think
-Seated french press with Spud Inc Jump rings using a purple band wrapped around the bottom of a bench.This was alittle harder then I thought. 3x8
-Stood on purple band and did one arm curls 3x8 per arm
-Took same set up and threw it over the rack and did some seated chest pulls. 3x10

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wed, Thur and Sat the fouth training.

7/6/2009 9:51:26 AM -
Saturday the Fourth Training.
-Well, holidays is holidays and most everyone was gone except for me, Dale and Barry so that's how it went. We did box squats raw with the cambered bar and blue bands over the plates. -415x3x5sets. dropped the pad down about 3 sets in and it was alot tougher. -Fat Bar high rep deads with straps-set of 30- and 35. I was shooting for 50 but my neck locked up and I got a severe headache so that was the end of that.-Then lunged with 3 chain attached to the Spud Pull harness around the building. Now I remember what 300lb felt like and it was hard not to sit down and keep my low back from cramping. Usually it takes 15 minutes but with the harness and chains, it took 30 minutes I think.Cardio- 30 mins treadmill on 15% incline on Saturday and Sunday-Back to the stepmill on 30mins

7/3/2009 8:54:50 AM -
Wednesday and THursday Training.
Treadmill on 15% incline for 30 minutes on Thursday adn Friday. Took off WedWednesday-Wasn't feelin and squattin or pullin so I did alot of leg pressing. Close stance 13 plates a side for sets of 5, 10, 15, 15,15-Dropped the weight to 8 plates a side and did wide stance stops on the pins for sets of 5, 10, 15.-106lb kb swings 3 sets of 25-Blu3 band squats 3x20 fast -rev hyper 1x50ThursdayHigh rep work nothing heavy-Seated rows 2 sets of 25, 3 sets of 50-Fat bar press 100lb bar for set of 10, 20, 50, 50-Fat bar standing military sames breakdown, 10, 20, 50, 50-15 minutes of one arm snatch with the 36lb. first set 3mins(phone rang), second set 5mins,third set 4mins, forth set 3 mins. My left hand tore open at two places on the second set but it was done so I just kept going with it. I kept switching hands every 10 reps. End result was 300 plus snathces. Today my neck is pretty cranked up so tomm should be great. I will feel like I have been in a car wreck and using a neck brace. -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Spam bots and trainin'

I aplogozie for not posting but part of it is not my fault at least the last couple of weeks. It seems my training blog was labeled as a spam bot or sometihng of this nature. I could not pull it up at all. Don't know how that happened but I am sure it is sabotage from somewhere out there. Anyhow, I had to click through a couple of links to find this out. Apparently you have to send a message back to some one somewhere who evalutates and decides if your spam bot log is a real person or not. Since spam bots can't figure this out and on the help page they say you have to do this proceedure as obviously you are not a bot and are a "real human" if you are viewing and sending this message to a real person then I was readily assured I was in fact a real human. It took and week or two to get my blog back up. I had Sue check it out too. Maybe you have to go through the proceedure twice to double prove you are not a spam bot and in fact a real person. So I am back now. I think as long as I don't get labeled as a viagra/cialis levitra spam I will be good.

The logs are jumbled as I just copied and pasted them. Enjoy June....


6/30/2009 1:08:03 PM -
MOnday and Tuesday 30mins treadmill steep inclineMonday-raw board work. The pec is feeling better so I did alittle work. 405x5x3 sets wtih the 2 board-85s slight incline dumbell press 3 sets of 20-rollin triceps 45s x20reps x3 sets-100 lb plate seated front raise 3x8reps-faces pulls 3x20-1 set kb beat over rear delt raise.

6/28/2009 3:56:14 PM -
My plan was to do five laps with the 300lb chain Sunday but I woke up Saturday morning not really wanting to squat or pull so I decided this would kill both-cardio and lower work. I got alittle later start then I wanted about 7:15 or so. I had done 3 laps the previous Sunday and it was tougher then I thought but it was also on a empty stomach and I had alot to eat on Saturday. This round was coming off a low carb day and a empty stomach, well I had one bite of a Tiger's Milk bar and some NO BS preworkout to pump alittle more blood. I got out there and about lap 3 the old lady came out and asked it I would be done soon so she could bring kb class outside. I didn't really answer as doing only 4 laps was lookin and feelin' like a real possiblity. Lap 4 would turn out to be the easiest lap as I paced it off in 50 steps and break and switching from frowards to backwards dragging. This is a much better way to pull this thing or in general then all out one way. I got to the end of lap 4 and did not see her outside so I knew she understood my compulsion to do the fifth lap and pulled on. I am sure the class wa happy as well as they got to stay in the a/c and get punished. Most everyone said I was pale even though my head and neck were burnt. Once I ate alittle, I worked the rack and had to get in the strongmen's ass outback as 3 or 4 of them have been sneaking in and hauling ass without paying. Never understood the disrespect, at least sober. Go to someone's place, use their shit that they did not pay for themselves and at least not offer to pay. I am a softee and would have worked a better deal but instead it was a train and dash like when you were in high school or college and did that shit at 3am while you were drunk. No excuse mind you but that is what it reminded of. To make up for my younger days, I leave alittle extra when we eat out.I guess if you don't make a stand all the time, you will get some crap like that. Anyhow, five laps of chain dragging for 2 hours will piss anyone off and they got my point. I felt like a dad scolding kids.Sunday 40mins boring stepmill

6/26/2009 1:10:26 PM -
Wednesday and Thursady
My father had his knee rereplaced on Monday so no training just watching him wrile in pain. It brought back some unpleasantness from my own quad reattachment surgery. He ia doing well and should be home in a few days. Cardio-MOnday no cardio-Tuesday Wed, Thur friday stepmill and stairmaaster 30 mins each day. Wednesday training-Conventional pull 405x8x3 sets. 1 with belt two without-safety bar box close stance 405x8x2-hangin abs 3 sets of 8, heavy sides x8 per side, 100s,125s,150sThursday-band pull apart for 4 rounds on 15-one arm green band chest pulls 3 rounds x8 per arm-wide grip and narrrown grip pulldowns 10 sets total-Pushups off the straps sets of 30 reps with 15 elbows tucked and 15 with elbows flared x 2 rounds, purple band aroud back for sets of 10- 5 tucked, 5 flare x 2rounds-100s dumbell press for 1x 30 reps rotating tucked with flared. -3 laps of upperbody sled dragging 45lb and 25lb rotating:-iron cross-static rotator-rotator pulls-rear delt-curl-backwards row-tricep ext overhead -tricep kickback-chest flyes-chest press-front raises

6/22/2009 9:56:17 AM -
Friday 30 mins stepper Saturday OffSunday Drug 30lb chain for 3 lapsThursday rep stuff-tried something alittle different-incline press 135x10x10sets with 30 sec rest per set-Barbell row same-Log press(log only) 10 sets of 10 with 30 sec rest-Did the new Rkc snatch test of 50 reps per arm with a 24kg under 5 minutes. This was much faster then I thought at 3 min 32 sec. The wife had her first mini triathelon Sat so I supported her and was the go fetch dude but it is alot easier then powerlifting. She wanted to prove her point that you can do this without running, biking or swimming event training all the time. Her goal was 2 hours, she was right under that. She may have swam 7 or 8 times total just to learn the technique, some indoor running and only 2 trips of biking of riding the actual course. The rest was made up with 3 days a week of kb class, 3 weight training sessions with me, and some odds and ends stuff like dragging the 300lb chain around the gym and some prowler work. The results was a 500meter swin in 15 minutes, 14 plus mile bike in 1 hour 7 mins and less then 30 minutes on a 3 mile run. Just sometihng alittle different that all of us could do if we put our minds to it. Her next goal is to get back to a pl meet and put us some decent numbers.

6/18/2009 7:27:00 AM -
Tuesday night I decided to try the Nordic track Incline Trainer Ihave at the other store. I did twenty minutes and it was tough. Normally, I hate treadmills but this one goes upto 40degree incline so you feel like you are hiking a mountain. I did not make it to 40 as 20degrees was quite enough. Wed- 30 mins stepmillTHur-30 mins bikeWed training. Repeat of last week with the Safety bar setup except for close stance ass to grass squats. Kept the weights lighter then previous week and higher rep range. Raw no gear. 325x5, 415x10, 505x10. I thought 20 would be in the cards but 10 was more then enough with the close stance. Still I was good with this. I am still working on relearning my body after the 280 plus years. THe pickups are all different. The weights hit you differently on the body. This has turned out to be a whole new experience. THere is no magic, only consistent hard work and trying new things adn having the gumption to go in other not so tried and true directions. -Lunge around building 1 lap 15 minutes -closer stance band pull throughs with a blue doubled up. Much harder then normal wide one with a longer distance to pull. 3x8-rev hyper 1x50

6/16/2009 7:21:59 AM -
Tuesday-very reluctantly did 30 mins on the stepmillMOnday -I haven't benched since I tore alittle of the pec a few weeks back. I decided to give it a go stopping it about a inch above the chest instead of sinking in like normal. no bifg weights or board but this135x6x2,185x6x2,225x6x2,275x6,315x6, 365x4-Flat dumbell 50sx15,70sx15, 105sx12-purple band pushdowns with side in each hand supersetted withPurple band standing pulls to chest 2 nonstop rounds of 10-12 each way for 3 sets total.

6/15/2009 9:16:24 AM -
Cardio-friday 30 mins stepmill-Saturday 30 mins Stepper-Sunday 30 mins stepper-Off MOnday cardioSaturdau training-Buffalo bar with heavy chain and raw box 325x5/6 chain, 5reps with 8 chain,5 reps with 10 chain-4 inch box pulls 1x15 conventional-rev hypers 1x50

6/11/2009 6:34:57 AM -
THe Angry Troll showed up to train again. HIs thing this time was the new Elite Troll and how they stole his name(we have been calling him this for 8 or 9 years since Fat Adam came up with it) and how he should get compensated for it. Maybe they should have a troll off battle. THey both love gossip and shit stirring so it would be a great battle. I will give the Angry Troll the advantage for the moment as he says and does some of the most off the wall things. Except for the mohawk and goatee, the Angry Troll really looks like a troll, 5'5 maybe, large overgrown back like a turtle shell. Walks to the side just like the troll on the movie 300. He has a constant blinking and cheek twitch. Very very loud and obnoxious if you don't know him which also adds to the troll lore. This is also the same one engaged(sort of) to the Viagra Princess. Put it this way, Ben(our inhouse school resource officer-I called him Bend OVer except lately it Ben,let's just be friends for lack of deal closing if you know what I mean) sees and deals with all kind of bs at work and just in general in the community as a officer and even he says the Angry Troll says the most f'ed shit he has ever heard. Training wise we did assisted satefy bars squats where you place a barbell on the other side of where the bar will be about waist high. After you get the bar picked up you grab the barbell on the other side for support. As you decend, you use your arms to help support you and give you some stabilty in the hole. With this exercise, you can sit way back like you had briefs on and do more weight. As you squat, your arms extend and you will come forward some which will hold the safety bar in place then squat back up. It's kind of like another version of the belt squat belt in what it does. I think its great for raw squatting, getting the right feel of pushing back on a regular squat and it smashes your hammies and glutes. -415x5x2, 505x5x1, 595x5, 685x3 all raw with knee wraps on the last two sets.-set up my shrug contraption on a jump streth platform with purples quaded up. Sets of five off platform, then added a 45lb bumper x5, then 2 45lb x5, then 3 45lbx5, then 4 45lbx5, then a 35lb bumper on top for for. Basically, off the top of the feet. -Rev hypers 1x50 light weight -On a side note, we just got the new shipment of kbs in with the new 48kg size added in. Elite should have them available by next week.

6/10/2009 11:51:49 AM -
Cardio stuffSat no cardioSun 30 minutes stepperMOnday 3 lap with prowlerTuesday 30mins stepmillWednesday two laps with 300lb chainMOnday Training-Squat bar floor press 145x6x3,195x6x3, 235x6x3, 285x6x2,325x6-Slight incline dunbell 60s, 70s,80s,90s,100s x15 per set-Assited pullup 5 sets-bradford presses worked up to 145x6 perside of head-standing ab 5 sets.

Wednesday adn Thursday
Cardio Stuff-Tuesday, THursday stepmill 30 mins-Friday 30 min stepperWed Training-Raw cambered bar box with blue band wrapped over the top of the weights325x3x2,415x3x2,505x2x2-Convertional racks 405x3,495x3,585x3-Alternating Barbell lunges 135lb for 5 reps per leg x 3 rounds-rev hypers 1x50Thursday Training-Machine pulldowns adn Long ab strap pulldowns supersetted 6roundsx8-10 per exercise.-Machine tricep pushdowns 5x10-Light incline press 145lbx25repsx 3roundsStill trying to not piss off my pec off too much till it heals good-one lap with the chain(300lb)

6/2/2009 7:46:20 AM -
Saturday and Monday
Saturday stepmill 30minsSunday 7 laps sledMOnday and Tuesday 30 minutes stepmillSaturday-Raw box with cambered bar 325x5,415x5,505x5,595x5-Raw pull conventional 335x3, 425x3m 515x3,605x1-Rev hypers 3x10MOnday-Light floor press 165x6x3,205x6x3,255x6x2-light incline press 45s,55s,65s, 75sx15-20 per set-75sx15 per arm dumbell row-purple band doubled over 3 sets-light flyes 3 sets-blast strap pec stretches. The pec is still funky so I just did some blood pumpin work. I figured since I tore the pec some I would get some questions but so far nada.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lots of Logs

Sorry for the laziness of the last month. I have been really doing alot and not kept up with things.

5/27/2009 12:50:39 PM -
Various Training
Friday 30 mion stepper
Saturday-5 laps with sled
Sunday -6 laps with the sled.
MOnday 30 mins stepper

Saturday training-box squat with briefs and buff bar. I worked on a staggered stance with my left foot about 1.5 to 2 inches ahead of my right since the right side dominat4eds so much now and my left addcutor stays tight and doesn't rotate like it should. I worked up to 685x3x2 sets then back down to 595x6 with a lower box. The pickups were alot easier this time so I will stick with it for a couple weeks and see how it goes.
-jump stretch conventional. worked up to 315x3x2 sets, then 405x1 and then 315x3 again. The 405 was trolled were the arms and shoudlers drop and fake the lockout but my pec was cramping at the same time so that is how it went.
rev hypers 4 zets x10
-one legged pistols 6-8 left, 3-5 right for 3 rounds.

Tuesday I woke up with the crud and had to get a z pack. it was coming on for a couple of days but I ignored it hoping it would go away. Not to be.

5/18/2009 3:09:53 PM -
Wed and Thursday
THursday and Friday 30 mils stepmill
Sunday 5 laps with the sled with 4 forward and 1 backwards.

Wed Training-light raw box squats with chains with 3 plates for 3 reps with 8, 10, 12 chains-conventional pull 425x3x3-rev hypers 4x8-abs 3x8

Thursday I went for my massage and asked her to work on my pec because it was tight from MOnday and was bother ing me the most. To show you how much attention I paid to myself, she had to tell me that I tore it some with some bruising there. It was about a half dollar size. She wotked on it for pretty much the whole hour. I can usually take alot but she did what she called strumming where where she pressed and pushes along the muscle to sepereate them from each other. Sometimes the tissues with lock up on each other instead of slide. She pressed in 3 or 4 inch stretche really fast then takes a break. The break is where the pain catches up to you at first then it just never really lets up no matter how long the break is.you start twitching and you look like a seizure is happening. It felt alot better wehn she was done but now the blood had pooled around my chest boobie. I spent the rest of the day showing my pec to everyone and telling them I tore "alittle piece off".

Did some training that did not envolve pressing anything
. -blast strap ab wheels 4x8
-pulldowns 4x8
-pushdowns 4x8
-pull aparts 4x8-rows and curls using rev hyper, upperbody strap,chains.

As much as I can remember

With the Master and Junior Nationals at the beginning of May I have been trying to play catch up ever since so I will try to catch up on training even though there was not much of it. I did cardio for the whole last week up of April leading to the meet. Nothing special but theusual 30 mins of stepmill. THe trip was alittle longer then usual. The mini silverback gorilla and Dale were lifting-one on Sat and one on Sunday so taking care of them was not bad. Dale had a decent day going 2159 for a pr total and squat on the day. The silverback had a decent day as well ending up with a bench and deadlift pr. They were not happy with their days but who is. The meet was great as Garry Frank always does it right or I guess you should say his guys at Hardcore and his wife. Nothing eventful went down as both Dale and the Silverback both pussed out on going to the strip club. No real drinking or debautery. I did shovel down about 20,000 calories over the weekend and come MOnday I felt guilty and did a hour of cardio at the hotel as our flight was not until noon. We then hunted down a cool stop for breakfast called Frank's. I had some alligator sausage which tasted like deer meat bascially. I got a short stack of pancakes which i first thought wouldn't be much but I had a feelin' they would be plenty and sure enough they were the size of a old 12inch vinyl record. damn good is all I can say. The mini gorilla asked our fine watress if the biscuits were cat head biscuits which i had never heard before. She looked at him adn said Cat head? He says, you know biscuits the size of a cat's head. He is one corny mini silverback but it was funny at the moment. I decided to tell the old lady that since we have like 8 or 10 cats now just for the reaction-I even threw in there that they looked like her beloved Oatmeal the black cat. She did not think this was funny but I enjoyed it. We finall get home about 9pm. THere was no supper so i picked up a bag of cake doughnuts and some peanut butters and did the best I could. Yep more cardio at 5amI had decided to move my supplement store to a bigger suite next to me so I can cram more stuff into a bigger slot until it doesn't fit and then double stack more product on top of that. They had just gutted and redone the suite so it worked out to my advantage. I was still wore out from the trip so no training got done on Monday. Wednesday rolled around and i still didnt have anything in the tank so I passed on it too. Thursday we moved the new shelfing to the store and I blew off training again. Friday, Saturday and Sunday we moved all day each day so nothing got trained on Saturday but it is done. i did manage my cardio all week except Sat and Sun.

Monday-almost blew this off too but got back to the gym and felt like dong some work so I did-Floor press 315x8x3sets, 405x6, 405x2. I felt some shoulder tightness and some werid feeling like it was going to pop so I backed off on the last set
.-Green band pushdowns alternating regular and overhead extension 20 reps each for 80 reps total a setx2 rounds
-Bent over rows worked up to 405x8-purple band one arm curls to the head like a cable curl. 8 per arm nonstop for 4 rounds-
Ran half the rack on dumbell side raises starting with 10lb,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50lb x 5 reps weight nonstop
Monday/Tue/Wed stepmill 30 mins each day.

4/28/2009 6:56:39 AM -
Monday Stepmill 30mins
Tuesday Stepmill 30mins
Monday Did two laps with the 300lb chain using and doing all upper body work. Mostly rotated overhead tricep extensions, chest presses, backwards rows and rear delt, some chest flyes. I had no urge to do any pressing with a bar or dumbell and mostly of the guys are resting for the meet or did not show because the guys were doing the meet. Anyhow, the upper body chain dragging was much tougher then I thought it was going to be. It was also bumble bee circling the spud day. On two different instances on the track, two different bumble bees, 'cause I knocked both of them down,(I know if you don't bother them, they won't bother you) but I freaked out because they would not just go away so they got knocked to the ground. So you can imagine 245lb of not so graceful man freakin' out and slapping at the air, that would be me. I did feel bad afterwards though.

4/26/2009 5:06:06 PM -
Friday 30 mins stepmill
Saturday 45mins stepper
Sunday 50mins steppperSaturdy
Raw squats with cambered bar(no box)415x10,505x10,595x8
-good mornings close stance 3x6 with 325-rev hyper 4x10Most of the guys deadlifting except

Dale and the mini Silverback who are doing the Masters this week so I was squatting on my own so it went fast. I finished up early so I went down to the chiropractor for a long over due pop. He has a hyperbolic chamber for autistic children. The chamber is suppose to get about 20% more oxygen to tissues and the brain.He has had great success with the kids getting some to verbally start communicating and interacting with people where they had not before I think it would alos be fantastic to do the entire week before a meet. I took my first dive which is about 75mins. You wear a hood like the robot on Lost in Space with a neck gasket. This is the only uncomfortable part. I was good for the first 45 mins then I just wanted to get out. But during the first 45mins, I was awake but felt like I was dreaming but awake in the dream. Lots of weird things colors, objects, etc. When I got out, I was high for most of the rest of the day. Not bad high, just mellow and slow moving. The next day, my legs felt better then Saturday where before I felt like I had briefs on all day except there was no support and they hurt like I was 80 years old so my first experiment was positive. Now, I have to find another hour in my week to go down there again. The Strongmen dudes had a mock meet out back behind the gym Sunday. I watched for a few minutes after training a couple of clients. I thought this was a really cool idea. The state chair for strongman judged it to make it offical. Everyone,about 20 guys, seemed to just be hanging out and having fun. This was fun training.PS My Q and A ebook is available now. It is a complilation of all my best Q and A, articles and it covers all aspects of training.

Wednesday 30 mins stepper
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
Wed Training -Short and sweet.
Raw pulls from floor-500x5x2,545x5x2,500x5. Did a few sets of hook and a few reverse grip. -Rev hypers 4x12
-Long ab straps pulldowns 5 sets.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tuesday stepper 30 mins

Monday Training-raw board and softy pad work. 365x3/3b, 405x3/2b,455x3/1b, 495x2x4sets and 495x3 with the softy pad.(it is a 1 and half fot pad that completely gives but it makes me feel better and i focus more then just straight to the chest)
-tricep pressdown using the smith machine and a monster and a mini doubled over the top of the smith machine 4 or 5 sets
-then I sat on the floor and did pulldowns to the chest in the smith machine with the same bands 4 sets
-rear delts and curls on the seated row using the upperbody strap 3 each.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Several Training Posts.

Sat-no cardio
Sunday 1 hour stepmill
Monday 30 mins stepmill

Terrible day squatting is about all I can say. I gorged on Friday night on doughnuts and chocolate and did no cardio on Saturday morning. The gorging has helped me to have a better day training in the past and I thought it would be the same here. The plan was to do a couple of singles with the suit on at 1000 plus. This was not to be. I warmed up good and took my time. I worked up to 775x1 with briefs on and then suited for 865x1 with the straps down. I then jumped straight to 1005.I made three single attempts with it. Each rep was extremely hard to get out of the rack. The first one was barely a quarter squat so. The secnod was better and litlle deeper but I picked it up too high on my trap. The third was was much better and came up fast. Still high though.
-3 sets of rev hyper
-300lb chain 1/3mile for punishment

My suits need some tightening here and there but I will have to ride with them one more week and then deload. I have to go to the Master's Nationals in two weeks to help the guys out so I will be

Wednesday and Thursday
Wednewday cardio-30 mins stepper
Thursday 30 minis stepmill
Friday 1 hour stepmill

Wed Training
-Speed somewhat pulls off floor raw. 495x5,545x5x3 sets all with hook gripNot much to say on this. Some good, some bad
.-Rev hyper 4x10
-One legged assisted pistols 3x8 per leg
-4 sets leg extensions

Thursday pump work
-3 sets hangin abs
-3 sets of dumbell obliques
-slight incline dumbells presses 65sx20,80sx20,105sx20,125sx25
-rollin dumbell triceps 65sx10x5 sets then one set for 20 reps-ez curls for 3sets-cable curls 3 sets
-seated rows using reb hyper with band attached for weight and used upper body strap to pull with.

Monday Night of a thousand shirt changes
With no cardio and good eating all day long, I went into training thinking I would have a good day. Well, it was not. My 56 is not fitting on the sleeves with the arms jacked so I had to just pull it on. The sleeves are alittle long and slide down the first set of 635x1/two board.I had a bunch of elobow pain so I decided to go up to a 58. I slid on easier butis too loose in the chest plate. I got 725x1/one board but not like I would like. Not happy, I pulled the 58 off and went back to a 56 and did 725x1/1board harder then the first one. I went one more with a soft pad at 725 and sort of got it so I don't really count it.

THen I decided to do some 4 board with the shirt on and that sucked too 675x1 and some piece reps with a closer grip. Waited a second and tried 600 with the pinky on the ring for 3 I think but I was toast way before this. So I pulled the shirt off and did 405x11 off the softy pad. I am having some of the same problems I had in the past with heavier weights and lockouts so I have to find out how to fix them. Weight is holding at 245 still.

Tuesday-back to the cardio grind with 30mins on the stepmill.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Wed and Saturday.

Wednesday and Saturday
Wednesday 30mins stepmill
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
Friday NO cardio
Saturday 45 mins stepmill
Sunday 1 hour stepmill
Monday No cardio
Wed Training-Beat up and planned on squatting on Saturday so I just did a couple thuings
-Chain drag around the gym
-rev hyper 4x20
-Long ab strap 6x10

Thursday-Too much stuff going on to do my pump up thing and Friday I had to go to Savannah to check on another business venture I am getting into like I need somethng else to do. Saturday Training -Squats full gear. I got a 56 ace suit in to use and I thought it would be tough to go on but it went up decent. I will have to get a few minor adjustment to it. I worded up to 725 in briefs, then suit straps down for 865x1, Straps up for 955x1x2 sets. The first one was terrible. This was the first time in a suit since the...you know..complete shredding of my quad tendon two years ago. It came up bad and was just bad all around. I followed none of basics and got too hyped. I sat down composed myself and thougth about what I was doing wrong. The second one I came back calm and just did the work. Smooth and fast this time. Alittle high but I will take it. Next week I will go up and try some bigger numbers.
Rev hyper 1x50

Punchin the clock

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 30mins stepmill
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
friday 30 mins stepmill
Wednesday training-2nd week of brief work. Same sort of patterm as last week, just alitte more volume. 725x5, 810x3,905x3(knee wraps),810x5(knee wraps)
-Rev hypers 4x12

The squatting went well. Most were alittle Spud high but 2 out of 3 on the 905 and 3 out 5 on the last set of 810 were good. This matched my best brief onlys when i weighed 285-300lb. I am still having some set up issues out of the rack and abs not being tight and pushed out at the start but it is getting better. I have a new ACE suit i will throw on in a couple of weeks to see what is going on. Hopefully, I will get some of the kinks worked out when I start this.

Thursday Pump
-Spud Inc Long ab strap pulldowns 5x10
-Fat handle v grip 8 sets of pulldowns
-blue band pushdowns 4x25 supered with cybex curls 4x20
-Cable sides and fronts supered together for 4x20 each exercise
-banded Shoulder press addind a band each set. 4 or 5 sets ending with 5 reps on the last couple of sets.

On a side note, Dale, one of the SCB team hit his first grand Wednesday night. Very proud of this kid. Nice work Dale

Too tired to write

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After traveling all weekend for Tatty's wedding in Florida, I could not raise the mustard to get up and do cardio on Monday. It was a good trip and everyone seemed very happy. The wedding was quick adn they wrote there own vows. Tatty got emotional and had to stop for a couple of times. I was seated in the back saying, Gametime son. Get it right. Just loud enough for Sue to yell at me. That guy who justs says the wrongest things was wide open for most of the cermony. We got seated at tables for the reception with a few people we did not know. This is always akward until a few beers get down. One of Tatty's friends sat bedside Sue. He is a little fellow and to my right was a volumptous lady named Laurie. We found out alot about her after a few glasses of wine some funny and some that should have been kept to herself.. First she play Roller Derby and apparently there are alot of lesbians in this sport. She not being a lesbian picked a name that would immediately let them know where she stood. That name was Fonda Peters. This was the highlight. This and little Seanie thinking he was going to work Miss Fonda Peters. He came up to about big boob height on her(Kinda like the giant chick at the end of Dude, Where's my car). I asked if she forearmed him to death that I be able to watch. A couple of times she left to smoke and he scooted out right after her. The second time he did not return to the table so I went out to check on him. He was unscathed but still up to the challenge. It was about 6th beer o'clock for me and Sue said it was time to go. Anymore beers and we would not have left for 3 hours. We said goodnight to the new couple and off we went for hibernation in the hotel and 10 hours of sleep.

Training-I was not feeling the shirt again or any pressing at all so I did somemore raw work. I had a better night last week but that was last week and not now. -405x3/3board,495x3/2board, 545xmiss/one board,405x8/softy pad,405x9/softy pad, 495x1/softy pad, 405x10/softy pad

-3 set of 8 jumpy spud pullups with neutral grip.

Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

The bell will not toll until next year when it is Dalen's turn

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 30 mins stepper
Thursday 30 mins stepmill
Friday 30 mins stepmill

Training -I have to go to my son Fatty Tatty's wedding Saturday so we had to change the squat to Wed. The other guys suited and I did a free squat with briefs only(russian sort of)Started with 700x5,750x3,800x3 w/knee wraps, 855x3 w knee wraps. Most were normal Spud depth but a couple of the 850 were good. I have not had any really heavy regualr weight on the back so I was very pleased with the effort.
-Rev hypers 4x10
-Ab work 3x8

Thursday Training-All pump up stuff. 4 rounds of rope pushdown and rop curls x25 reps and mixed with hanging abs x8 per set-Standing rows with ropes 4 roundsx25 reps-Band chest flyes 4x20(purple)-Purple band standing rotators foe 4x20

Jar Jar Gump went out and broke my chain record(300lb chain pulled 1/3 mile with a upper body strap) by 20 seconds or so at 9 min 41 secs. I had loaded up on a new suped up Dirty(no product made here in columbia) and was still jacked so I went out and took my record back by 22 seconds with several stops. If I had to do it, I could probablly get it down to 8 min 30 or 8:45 but I doubt I will worry about that.It will give everyone something to strive for. I can't wait to see the look on Jar Jar's face when he is told I broke it already.

The main bet is with Jean Claude. He is a french lebanese engineer that has been coming to the gym for 10 plus years. He is thin and harry and has been wearing the same tank tops for 10 years as well. Ten years ago when we were doing 9 plus laps a week with the wheelbarrow(a plain one from Lowes with 250-300lb of rock in it), we thought we were tough guys. One day, Jean Claude started talking about it and showhow i challenged him on it. I said you will never get around the building(1/3 mile) without setting it down. The entire time I had done it, I had only made it around once without setting it down. Don was the only one who I had seen make it without putting it down. claude is weak and could barely box squat 250lb. so I thought this a easy challenge. I bet him 25 bucks he could not do it. Don and the Angry Troll jumped in and placed wagers on this bet. Jean Claude and all 165lbs on him accepted.

We got the wheelbarrow out for him. He grabbed it without chalking up and set off. Don put the 25bucks in his back pocket half hanging out and ran in front of him saying come on claude you can do it while slapping the 25bucks hanging out of his pocket. we all laughed and giggled. The first leg was uphill and claude did it no problem. No sagging, slippin or rejustments. The seond leg is a long uphill grade. His shoulders sagged some but still no readjusments. I thought he would put it down somewhere in here. He kept rollin' but you could see his fingers startin' to give some. I followed him to make sure it did not scrape the ground like the ref on Caddyshack at the end where he never took his eyes off the ball and all the explosions went off around him. The legs bobbed up and down about a inch or two from the ground. His face was contorted with pain as his forearms and hands cramped. As he round the last leg, I realized he was going to make it whether his arms fell off or not. We were all slient as he pulled the wheelbarrow to the finish line, stopped, looked at us(we looked like the three stooges), held it for a few more seconds and that was it. He then proceeded to lay on the pavement for 30 mins.

We all gathered our monies and gifts we put up still with astonishment. He lookded at us and said, "I do not want anything,Pacos." Beating you was my prize.

Back to the new bet. The chain is 300lb and you have to pull it around the 1/3 track around the gym and Claude has to pull it in less then 10mins. This all started after I pulled in in 10 mins the other week and then they started ragging him. The bet is up to 400 bucks or so. The first thing I said to the guys was my money is on Claude.

Never bet against the house

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Saturday and Monday

Friday Took off cardio
Saturday 45 hard on the stepmill
Sunday 40 mins stepper
MOnday 30 mins steppper
Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

Training(sat)-Just deload stuff. -Rev hypers 4x12-One legged back raise with two sets of chains-Suspension strap abs 4x10

Training(Monday)-Was suppose to be sort of a deload but since Fat Adam came by again it turned in a raw me day. Currently Fat Adam is 350 and I expect him to get 800 on the bench soon so me hates him right now. At my 245lb I have been struggling some on the bench just getting back to 5 bills raw for a single a couple of times. Very good night with:-315x5/4 board,405x3/3 board, 495x3/2 board, 545x1/1 board, then 495x3x2 sets with a soft foam pad which sank into my abs a couple of inches. -Military standing press 185x5or6x 3 sets.-Standing double blue band(one over each shoulder) pulldowns-Med grip neutral handle bar 4x6


Monday, March 23, 2009

Lots of training logs to get caught up.

Sorry I haven't put these up in awhile. They are alittle jumbled up but cover the last couple of weeks.

Thursday am Hung on for a lame 30 mins on the stepmill

Training-Bunch of pump up work,following Kroc's rope pushdown program to huge pasty and purple guns-Rope pushdown with rope curls(yes I have two sets of ropes at th gym) 3 rounds of 20-25 each. -Rope standing pulldowns 3 rounds of 20 reps-Set up the reverse hypers with a jump ring on the weight rods and got a upper body strap and did overhead tricep ext for 3 rounds of 20 repss-Then loaded up 300lb and did shrugs with the strap by leaning forward then shruging.-Did standing rows with the strap for 3 sets of 25. This was fun and not a I have to train heavy day. Alittle smashed body wise right now. I think the accumulation of training has caught up to me some. Sat is a deload day so I will probablly do a marathon session of cardio with sled and stepmill work and some blood pimpin work. Unfortunately, I don't think I can do any Kroc rope training for lower body.

Tuesday 30 mins stepper
Wed am 30 mins stepper
Training I had big aspirations for pulling this night early in the day. I got to the gym and it did not go as I had imagined it going. It was okay and I could say it better then it was but the body did not give me what I asked of it. Anyhow, after a few warm up I put some briefs on and did 585x1, 675x1(not clean),685x1,635x1, 635x1 all with a hook grip.This was the best part holding that much weight with the hook grip.-One legged squats with the bar as assistance in the hole. 4 sets x6-8 per legs-Rev hypers 3x10

The days are all blurs now.I use to work for awhile,nap, work for awhile, then train. Now, it is cardio, work, work and then training. That is the way it is now. I am fine with that but focus on training is harder then it used to be. I understand what Dave is talking about when he says it blast or dust. I was in the my own dust phase with training from late August to somewhere in January. I focused on business during that time. Now, I feel the tug between the two as both continue to rise and get better as each day goes by. Both need alot of time and focus. Last night we were using shirts and I was on week two of trying the ACE shirt out. I got up to 725 for a couple of singles sets off the one board. I then went to a 2 board to get a set of 2 in. COmpletely screwed it up and missed it-not even close. At that point, since I had not dealt with much heavy weight since the accident, I was ready to cash out and call it. Sitting there thinking I knew I had to get back in there and do more work-singles just aren't going to do it. I got the four board out and wnet down to 635x5, then 675x5. I called it there and did a few sets of back work. Things are going well but I know if I don't get more work in I will not have the endurance to make it the entire meet, not from a cardio standpoint, just a strength endurance issue.

-Sat cardio 30 mins stepmill
Training-Box with cambered and briefs only and two new blues with bands over the top of the plates. 325x2,415x2x2,505x1,555x1. Most of the reps went well. The last one was alittle slow at first but then came up easily. New blues over the plates is 3 regular blues easy. It was good to get alittle more heavy weight on my back.-Rev hypers, 3x12-one legged 45 degree back raises 3x8 per leg. -Sunday and Monday am 30 mins stepper each day

Fat Loss Diaries E-book
PS I will have a Q and A book out in the next couples of weeks featuring all my question from the past 4 or 5 years, articles and a couple of other things tossed in there.

Wednesday and THursday
Wednesday am stpper 30 mins

No Training Wed night.
Thursday am stepmill 30mins
Thursday Training-KB Trio 36s, 53s, 72s x6 eachx 3rounds-One arm barbell curls and tricep overhead extensions 4 rounds x8 per round.-Seated rows 4x8-Came up with a new ab/shoulder that I had done evre before. I took the Spud Suspension Straps and rasied them up to waist level adn put my hand inside the straps. I then leaned out with my arms overhead and on my toes as I went out. Sort of a ab wheel with in the straps. To make it harder I stood on a box for tha last 3 sets. ABout 6-8 on each set.

Friday am stepmill 30 mins

MOnday Training-Put the Ace Bench on for a few sets. I have not had a shirt on in months so I did not know what to expect. Did raw work up to 405x3 off 1 board. Put the shirt on and went straight to 585x1 or 2 off the 3 board. Then 675x1,675x2,675x1 again off the 2 board. The 2nd set number 2 rep was flaky and rose up over my face. All in all, I was pleased with the first night back in a shirt. Will work it to a 1 board next week and see if I can hit some doubles.-Jm type extension using the blast straps 3x8-Rows using same handles and heels up on box 4x8Tuesday am stepmill 30 mins

Friday am 30 mins stepmill
Saturday am 30 ins stepmill
Sunday 30 mins stepper

Saturday Training-Buff bar squats off box with briefs. We used two new blues per side with one band over the top of two plates and the other band regular just on the bar. Worked up to 415x2x2,505x2, 595x1-Rev hypers 3x8-Dragged the small chain around the gym some forwards and some backwards. Monday am- no cardio slept in some. I figured after two straight weeks of cardio with no break that today was a good day to give my calves a break.