Thursday, December 23, 2010


12/23/2010 3:39:01 PM - Wednesday

Wed and thurs 55mins stepper. I like this alittle better then the stepmill when i am doing the intervals. Will do one more firday then take off sat and sleep in alittle and pretty much irritate the shit out of the old lady while she cooks.

-3 rounds of walking lunges around the gym parkinglot in 40 mins. Good time. Figured I would cripple myself for xmas. the cardio this morning helped but the legs are still locking down as I type. On a nice day I will for for 5 laps.

merry xmas and happy holidays to everyone.

thanks for checking us out

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


12/21/2010 9:27:23 AM - Tuesday Upper

Lazy Monday no cardio, Tuesday 50mins step mill 5 1 min intervals with 3 minute break then started back at 14 and went up every 30 sec with no breaks then cool down last 2 mins, sucked!!

Basic rows and bench
-rows all sets of 20 per arm 50,65,75,95,105,120,150lbs
-presses 8 sets of 20 with 135lb

All I had time for this morning. Not great but maintaining till the first of the year when it is a more normal schedule. Well whatever that means.

12/20/2010 11:19:31 AM - Thursday and Saturday

Tues,wed,thur stepmill 1 hour with 5 intervals per session, off Friday then Sat and Sunday 1 hour each on the stepper with 5 intervals per. Doing a semi warrior with alittle protein am(usually a shooter) nothing the rest of the day unless it is a training day and then I add in 20 grams of bcaas and some creatine chewies. Leaning pretty well even with all the crap food over the holidays so far.

-Thursday upper, all timed sets of of 5 to 15mins with 15 to 30 seconds rest. rep wise, usually start at 6 to 8 then then ending with 3 to 5
-Grey band pulls up 5 mins
-assisted pull up close neutral grip 5 mins
-Dips with knees on softee pads 5 to 10 mins
-Stablity ball pushups with feet against plate and sinking into the ball 10 to 15 mins(can't remember when i started.

-rack pulls close stance raw just below knees, 425x3x5,515x3x2, 605x2(went for 3 but it sucked and I gave up my low and upper back. done there
-close stance squats worked up to 415x5 with several sets at 325x5.

All I had in the tank so we went out and watched Tron(it was decent with some good effects)It was raining so I couldn't haul anything that day. finished up the store on Sunday. Need a few things to order but for the most part we are ready for the Jan 3 opening..

12/14/2010 1:34:27 PM - Saturday

No cardio Friday, Saturday 10 laps with two 15 sec on, with 15 sec off intervals x 5 rounds, Sunday no cardio(worked at new shop all day), Monday 60mins with 5 one min on, one minute off intervals(adding some extra in for all the crap I have inhaled over thepast week or so)

-Just squat with briefs no box, 405x5,500x3,555x3,645x3, 555x5)all i had time for with a couple of holiday parties to get through. One was get through, the other was alot of fun and of course alot of people drank to much. I took this product called forgiven where you take it after you finish and it helps with eliminating the hangover. I must admit I drank alot and was just alittle tired the next day and cut shelving all day with no vomiting or normal post drunkness. There were no shanagans on my part this time. that part fell on Chris who gets alittle frisky with EVERYONE when he drinks(normally a quite and nice guy sober) but little did we know he was a dry humpin machine upon alcohlization. Some are still tramatized as we speak. Apparantly his wife knows this well and did not forewarn anyone. When its time, she says, Chris I am leaving with or without you, she means it. Chris later texted Dale and said that she said it was okay that he could come backout and wanted Dale to come out and pick him up. If you know, Dale, that was not going to happen and I think everyone had enough drunk chris for till next year. Still lots of fun...

12/9/2010 5:07:25 PM - Thursday

-blast strap rear delts(scarecrowish) with dips with feet on bench(10 rears with 20 dipsx5 rounds
-rows with 154lb farmers walk 4x6 per arm
-kip pullups 4x6(i know, even sucky for kip style)
-floor press with fat bar 8x10 with 30 seconds rest
-flyes starting with 30lb,35, 40,.. ending with 65lbx6

12/9/2010 6:55:18 AM - Wednesday

Wed and thur 45 mins steady state and 5 intervals on each session.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Training and happenins

12/7/2010 7:03:20 AM -

Sunday 45mins stepmill,Monday 45mins and Tuesday 45mins stepmill, 10 warmup steady state, 5 1 min on 1 min off intervals,stop3 min, then steady for the rest of the way

-Quick upper circuit work
-flyes and rear delts 5 reps for eachx5t rounds with blue band seated row x10
-Hammer incline x20 reps per set x 4 rounds with same band seated rowsx10
-Mixed a curl and tri kick back together 4 rounds with 30lbsx8 reps per.

Not much but got some in. Working on another store to open in Jan so that is taking alot of my time putting in the shelving and getting it preped, plus all the other bs with licenses and set up needed to get it going. But on a good note, I was totally physically trashed from squatting and pulling on Saturday. Had not felt that beat up in awhile.

12/4/2010 3:49:55 PM -

Saturday cardio 10 laps in 50mins.

-box squats with buffalo bar and 2 blues per side. work sets 4platesx1,4.5 platesx1,5platesx1,5.5 platesx1
-weren't pretty but better ability to hold the bar so I could put more on it to finish. mid 220s so not for weight right now.
-pulls 505x1x3 pretty much no rest, 415x3x3
-old school ghr 3x8
-added alittle extra upper in. started with 25lbx5,30lbx5,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75 with no rest.

12/2/2010 2:25:55 PM -
Saturday,Wednesday and Thursday

Saturday 45mins, Sunday 60mins, Monday 50mine,Tuesday 45mins,Wednesday 55mins,Thursday 45mins stepmill. 10min steady followed by 5 intervalsx1 min on/1 min off for all sessions, then finish eac session with steady. Been rereading Lyle McDonald Stubborn fat Protocol and picking up some things I missed the first time around.

-Got some squatting in with briefs off box, one blue and buffalo bar. Work sets 505x1 for 5 singles
-Jump stretch pull with mini worked up to 365x5

-close stance leg press 4x8
-one leg back raise 4x8 per leg
-partial close stance squats on machine keeping tension on 3x20
-dumbell rdls 4x8
-cossack squats 4x8 per side

-10x10 sets close neutral grip going up each set with no rest till set 7 or 8 when it I could not recover as muc.
-blast strap push up varition with one arm doing the push up and the other staying straight and going outward like a flye. Then press up with one arm and then the flye arm comes back in to a arms extended pushup postion. 5x6 per arm
-super setted close grip,shoulder width, bench with 100lb chain and 150lb for sets of 15 to 20
-reverse grip dumbell curls 3x8
-Extra blast strap pushups for reps 4x25

11/26/2010 12:22:06 PM -
Wednesday and Thursday

No cardio friday thru monday. Tuesday 50mins stepmill, wed 8 laps sled, thursday 45mins, friday 45mins stepmill

-wide stance pull throughs and close stance straight bar good mornings worked up to 275 on gm for 5 and pull throughs x 10 per set for 6 rounds
-one leg assited pistolsx8 per leg with long ab strap pullsdownsx10x5 rounds
-reverhypers 5x10

-bench with softees worked up to 405x1,two softees,225x20 with one softee pad
-jm press 185x5
-rows with shrugger and bands
-hammer curls 6x10

ipa weekend stury(yes on purpose) to come. it involves the amish and whining..

11/18/2010 11:24:41 AM -

Wed and Thur 50 mins each with 1 min on/1 min off for 5 to 10 rounds then steady state for the rest of the time

-Training box squats cambered bar 10x10 with one minute rest
-cleansx6 with rdlsx10 x 5 rounds, 1 min rest per set
-4x15 rev hyper to finish

Just needed to get some work in lower wise before we take off tomm at 430am. We are going to try to make it to the amish market in york and load up on some really good eats and sweets.

11/16/2010 9:20:05 AM -

Sunday 10 laps, MOnday 50min and Tuesday 50 mins stepmill 30mins steady then 20 mins intervals, 1 on 1 off

Tuesday Training.
-Had alot going on so had to move the MOnday to Tuesday this week. All supersets combos with almost no rest on any of them. lat pulls and seated rows 5x10 per, blast spud strap abs and ghr abs 5x10 per, pushups off bench bar at 10 reps moving out for 5 different grips with 20 upright rowsx 5 rounds, dips and assisted pull up reverse gripx 5 rounds with dips at 20 reps and RG at 10 reps. Kinda dazed for a few minutes then got moving again.

Going to York to help the guys out this weekend so that should be alot of fun. We are taking a van up so poots and bs will be the theme for the trip.

11/13/2010 2:00:38 PM -
Thursday and Saturday

Stick to the interval thing right now so each cardio is 10 to 15 one minute sprints with one to two minutes rest after. There is a steady state part to each as well.
Tuesday 50min, Wed(could not get up so no cario)Thursday 50min, Friday(not enough guilts to come in so no cardio) Saturday 60mins

-Rope pushdowns and rope curls 10x10 going up each set.
-Flyes with dumbell handles like a ab wheel only with the flye motion mixed with push ups off the handles too 6x10 per exercise
-Rustys 5 setsx10reps going up each set and ending with 45s(good weight for my left shoulder with this motion, right arm is still on vacation)
-lying face down rear delts on floor. did not touch the gorund with them so basically I was flapping but squeezing each rep at the top.

-Raw camberedbar box squats up to 415x3x3 rounds.
-Raw sumo 405x3x5 sets
-Blast Spud strap ab swings 4x8

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday Squat

11/8/2010 8:30:34 AM - Saturday

Friday no cardio, saturday 10 laps in 50 mins(best time on this), Sunday 60 min stepmills all intervals for the hour
10 mins warm up
level 13-19, 1 min off 2 mins, level 20 3 1 min interval with 1 min off(10 total going up) then level 17 back down to 13 with 1 on 2 off(5 total)
MOnday 50 mins same 1 on 1 off for 5 then 2 mins on 4 off for the rest of the time working up then down alittle with the interval.

-squat and pull to warm up then squat with briefs and no box. worked up to 600x1,600x3,600x3,685 rev band x 2 or 3

Loafey Weekend,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Way behind..

11/4/2010 5:52:41 AM -

Wed 50 mins stepper, Thur 45 min stepmill. Started doing some interval work with the shorter times on cardio. For example, steady work for 30mins then 20 mins interval with a minute very hard moving up 3 or 4 levels, then break for a minute moving back some, like level 11, then 8, level 12, then back to 9, then 13 then 10. Sometimes I am doing 2 min on, 2 mins off. Just alittle different.

Training wise Wed
-Front squat 6 sets 185x5
-leg press wide 3x50
-back raise 2x50
-rev hyper 3x10

Got some extra cardio wrapping Dalewinski's knees with those really thick wraps where your hands cramp. I saw howFatty wraps his knees now which is different then the usual way. He uses small tight criss crosses instead. With the thickness of the wrap, it is very very hard but I can see the benefit. I was even breathing hard and had to take a second like I was the one squatting!!

11/2/2010 7:01:18 AM -

Sunday 2 hours stepmill, Monday 1 hr sled 8 laps total(7 forwards, 1 backwards), tuesday 50 mins stepmill

-Band pushdowns to start org and grey for 20 reps each for 5 rounds
-Flat high rep dumbell presses 40sx50, 55sx50,75sx50, 100sx35
-cable curls 4x20
-One arm pushdown 10 reps per x 10 rounds non stops
-Seated military very light all the way to the bottom. 3x10
-Dumbell rows, 100sx10 per,120sx10 per,140sx10per

10/30/2010 1:35:27 PM -

Friday no cardio, Saturday 10 laps all forward, no breaks

Saturday, just enough time to squat. One my people was very sick so I had to cover the store so squatting was alittle rushed.

_buffalo bar 505x3, 595x3x2, reverse band 685x3,775x3(usual last rep was decent) Pop was not there today so that was it.

10/28/2010 7:02:52 AM -

Wed 8 laps sled, Thur 50 mins stepmill

Wednesday training
-Reverse hyper 3x20
-squat bar pulls 325x3x5 sets, alternated conventional and sumo
-barbell lunges alternating forwards and backwards. 5 per leg forwards for a set, then 3 per leg reverse lunge for 6 sets total
-reverse hyper for 2x20 to finish

Down to 220 for some reason from 229 only a couple weeks ago. It is a good thing Halloween is coming, 'cause it looks like there will be no Mr Fraidy Carb this weekend.

10/26/2010 6:31:33 AM -

20 laps sunday sled,no cardio monday(lazy ass) Tuesday 55 min stepmill

-Bench raw worked up 365x3 with the softee pad. Not a much discomfort in the shoulder
-Supersetted blast strap pushups x20 with each bench set so about 8 to 10 sets of 20
-Hammer row worked up to 4 plates per sidex10 repsx 2 rounds
-Standing pulldowns 5x10

10/23/2010 2:01:23 PM -
Saturday work

10 lap sled drag with one forwards and one backwards times 5 rounds- This took about 2 ours as walking bakards jus take mur time.

Did not think I had much in the tank after that but the old dudes were squatting by themselves and needed some old folks monitoring. Straight bar squat. Put a old set of diaper briefs on(my old 280/300 briefs. They kept falling off so i lets them hang off my butt some(i had my shorts on underneath and they still wouldn't stay up) 325x3,415x3,505x3,595x3,added another set of diaper breifs on that sort ofhelped alittle more and did 685x3, then we did some reverse band and did 775x1, 775x2or3

10/21/2010 5:55:29 PM -
Thursday of the 100

Did almost all exercises with a 100 reps

-One arm side cable extensions with rope10x10 per arm
-Same with 10x10 per arm rear delt.
-One arm curls wokring up the rack 10x10 per arm
-Barbell rows off decline bench(Pendlay rows only chest supported
-barbell floor tricep extension x 10reps mixed with close grip floor presses x20 reps per setx 10 rounds
-arm bars 12kgx3x3 left holding for 15 seconds at top, 20kb 3x3 right

10/21/2010 6:53:27 AM -

Wed 7 lap heavy pull 2 forward, 1back, 2 forward, 1 back,thursday 45 mins stepmill

-1/3 mile lunge with 20lb vest
-small tire flip for 2x15 about 450 t0 500lb tire.

10/19/2010 6:38:04 AM -

Sunday 2 hours stepmill, MOnday 8 laps sled, Tuesday 1 hour stepmill

-Flat dumbell press setsof 20 reps starting at 25lb and aworking up to 80lb in 5lb increments-
-3x8 neutral grip pullup
-one arm cable pushdowns 4x20
-fat bar curls. 4x10

10/16/2010 5:14:53 PM -

Saturday 10 laps sled drag

-Buffalo bar raw. worked up to 415x3x3
-Rdls 315x5x3
-Reverse hypers 4x15

10/15/2010 1:30:33 PM -
Thursday and the Beheading of the Angry Troll

Wed of last week cardio 1 hour stepmill, Thursday thru MOnday no cardio, tuesday 45 mins stepper, wed 10 laps sled, thur 1 hour stepmill, friday 40 mins stepmill

Thursday Training
-Standing close grip pulldowns 8 setsx10
- Lying on Stabilty ball rear delts with kbs. 4kbx20, 8kg x10x3, then 2 sets x8 reps where the kb started in front off the ground and moved them alond floor until they were behind me then back to the start
-Pec deck 8 setsx10 reps stretching the shoulder back as far as possible.
-Uni-trainer(double land mine) with one bar and did snatches overhead working up each set for 5 reps per armx8 sets
-One arm rows with same set up. 6x8 per arm

The beheading of the Angry Troll

Last week marked the final chapter in the saga of the three who said they would never marry. As many of you know, Keith(the angry troll), Donnie(Fatty- a very strong one by the way, oh many of you of the Donnie Flock) and of course me,Spudtacular trained together for many many years at the Old Thompson Barbell and Compound. When we started we swore for all time we would never marry or be tied down by the wenches. Ha..Ha say the women who always win for they have the gold of which we are hypnotized and mezmorized for all eternity...

The first to fall was the Fat One who cursed himself early on with his tale of rags to riches to rags to strong old dude with a mohawk(yes I am jealous as he continues while I make comebacks only to get zippers from surgeries in return for my toils)He was the first to fall too. It lasted but alittle while as was stated at the lake on that smokin ass hot july day in sc,"I gave my all to powerlifting and now I give my all you" but powerlifting is a dirty whore who vice is thrice as strong as this marriage could ever be. So it was done, and Bigun' was back with his one faithful, sweet bone crushing, tendon snappin and the complete muscle tearing love that is powerlifting.

Second, to fall was the Spud, who denied and denied and denied, at least early on he would ever do the deed. But, the race was long and the opponent was able with total tenacity to win this long fight for the Spud of Trojan lore. Like this great battle of many eons ago, it waged for years and years, almost ten to be exact. Again, the dirty whore that is powerlifting pounded the city walls of Spud until they could bear the weight of 1205lb no more. The Spud was no more, at least in the eyes of his thought to be faithful powerlifting love, the whore. She cares no more he thought and so began the drag of evermore. Drag and Drag the Spud did for 10 long months while grazing on little more. Miles and steps for months on end until he reached the final date and his zen. There wa nothing there, no flowers, no glory , no powerlifting whore dressed in polyester suits and briefs, just the lovely wife to be waiting as always.

So the final end has come, the beheading of the Angry Troll is done. Off to Bermuda we went last week. The cermony was sweet and nice as the sun settled on the bermudian beach that night. The troll looking WAY WAY up into his beloved preying mantis eyes, his twitching and nervousness subside and pop, off his head slides. Many years ago when marriage was thought never to be, only jokes and powerlifing reigned supreme. Fought and fought he did, refusing to buy the ring that cost way more then three months of toil and work ever did. THe Spud was asked to groom but refused because of the tux to be worn. On the beach and no tux rental you will need, just some Tommy Bahama clothes will be all you'll need. 250 dollars later a tux would have be cheaper. What the hell, we never been to Bermuda was the cheer. Enjoy we did the days and nights we spent watching the stury of "furget bout it" and "ya all" unite. But as Moma said while rehearsing(and I swear I could here Sweet Home Alambama playin somewhere), "Tha southhh shallll riz agin"

So ends the same ole tale of three dudes who screamed never ever will we marry.

10/5/2010 6:45:06 AM -

Sunday 2 hours, MOnday and Tuesday 1 hour each stepmill

-Seated row 5x10
-Floor Press worked up to 285x5,325x5,375x3 used softee pads on all work sets
-dips with pec deck 5 sets each
-12kg front raises 5x8 per arm

10/2/2010 4:29:02 PM -

Friday no cardio, Saturday 10 laps with 2 plates

Cut the cardio short today so I could get some decent training in. 20 laps would hav wiped me out for the day.

4inch box pulls(weights on boxes) worked up to 505x2x2, 555x3,605x1
-Alternated ssb box with chains with deadlift-work set 3platex3, 4 platesx3,4plates 3 chainx3,4plates, 5 or 6 chains per side x3
-rev hypers 4x10

10/1/2010 12:03:41 PM -

Tues, Wed and thur 1 hr per on das stepmill

-close stance leg press 6 setsx8 worked up to 10 plates ot so a side.
-back raise 4x20
-rdl kb deads off slanted box 62lbx5x8reps
-sissy squat with blue bands under each side and wrapped over shoulder 4x8
-long ab strap pulldowns 3x20

9/28/2010 6:53:08 AM -

Friday no cardio, Saturday 20 lap sled, Sunday 2 hr stepmill, Monday and tues 1 hour each stepmill

-Band pushdowns green and purple alternated with 20 reps eachx5 sets
-45lb plate raise 5x15
-Dumbell presses 35lb,59lb,65lbx20 each, then 80sx10,100lbx8.
-Seated row curls 4x10
-Long ad pulldowns

The presses were much better this week. Shoulder is getting more stable. A couple more weeks and I should be able to get back into some harder training.

9/23/2010 4:37:15 PM -
Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 10laps sled, Thursday 1 hour stepmill

-Hack squats 6 sets x8
-GHR 4x10
-front Squats worked up to 225x5, This is just to make the shoulder work more holding the bar. Arm was hanging last time touching the chest. This time it was almost up to a normal hold for the front squat.
-Reverse hyper 4x10

-supersetted pec delt rear with regular pec deck 5x10 per
-incline with slingshot worked up to 225x8x3
-kb sides working up the rack to 48kgx8 perside
-set up leg press with bands at top like a reverse band so I could do seated pulls to chest mixed with push ups off the push up bars. 10 pulls with 20 push ups x5 rounds
-did some one arm kb pushpress left worked up to 16kgx5x2, left double kbx5x2

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Training and other wise

9/21/2010 6:23:21 AM -

Friday 10 laps sled, saturday 3 laps prowler with 35lb per arm then 5 laps sled with 5 plate for 1 lap,4plates for 1 lap,3 plates for 1 lap, 2 plates for 1 lap, 2 plates backwards the 1 mile run,sunday 2 hours stepmill, monday 10 laps sled, tuesday 1 hour stepmill

-dumbells row x10 per arm with 40lb,65lb,80lb,100lb,125lb
-flat dumbell presses x8 25lb,40lb,55lb,70lb,80lb,95lb
no slingshot this time

-assisted dips with about 20lbs off 4x10
-lying triceps extensions with chain 3x15 per arm

9/16/2010 7:13:03 PM -
Thursday Training

Wednesday 11 laps sled, thursday 1 our stepmill

-Since I missed last night lower so made up today
-deads 315,3,2 405,3,2 495x1x3sets, 405x1x10 singles with 15 seconds rest alternating sumo and close
-rev hypers 4x15
-behind the neck push press with barx5x2 sets, 20lbx5x2(just wanted to see what the shoulder would do with a push press. Felt decent)
reverse lunges with Bw while holding bar at ext in the rack 4x8 per leg.

the 500 was heavier then I thought it be but then I remembered I hadn't really done them in 6 or 8 weeks. did feel good to pull again though.

9/14/2010 9:45:48 AM -
Tuesday and NGBB meet Saturday

Monday 1 hour sled 9 laps, Tuesday 1 hour stepmill(the stepmill and stepper is reading time and for a long time I have been reading Biochemical, Physiological & Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition. by Martha Stipanuk. Well I am hundred pages from the finish. This is the first text book I have read cover to cover,ever(not even close to reading one in college). I know what's the big deal, nothing really just something I told myself that i would do)

Moved MOnday training to Tuesday
-did hanging abs and standing lat pulls to chest for 4 roundsx8(abs) and x20 on the pulls
-did mini overhead pullovers and pullaparts for 4 rounds x20 each
-stability ball kb press x 10 per set with 12g,16kg,20kg,24kg,28kg,32g,40kg, 48kgx5 reps. Did not use the sling shot this time so not bad. Did shrugs for 10 rep each weight right after presses

I did no cardio Saturday or Sunday. I thought I would get some on Sunday, but I woke up late after we drove back saturday night from the meet but after doing a few things at each store it was 1pm and I promised the wifey we would go watch Resident Evil. Not bad. Better then 2 but not as good as 1 or 3.

The meet was good. John Grove always puts on a great meet. It was held in a newly renovated mma gym that used to be a regular fitness joint in Hiram,Georgia. Hirmam is on the alabama side of Atlanta. As in all of Atlanta there are shops everywhere and malls and you name it. The only difference was Hiram is total backass and Walmart for the population. But there they were out everywhere supporting the town. For example we went ot Roadhouse to eat after weigh ins. We pull up and there is this expedition jacked up monster suv there, windows tinted(i mean my chest comes up to the bottom of the door. They park and we park and I am expecting badasses to get out, but instead this scrawny family gets out of all less then 5 ft tall-really the dude might have been a buck 30 or 40 soakin wet and hobbit size all of them. I am thinkin really...

Oh, before that to start off, old dude argues with the hotel desk clerk. There was a blue grass feistival in town and old dude loves him blue grass-he is from KY too. the desk clerk is this 120lb black guy who starts talking about it being a great festival and old dude blurts out.."what do you know about blue grass? 120lb dude says he loves blue grass and is from west virgina so I am thinking wow this is akward with old dude calling him out on blue grass but it simmers down quick and we go off to dinner.

The next day we go to the meet. The old dudes have a allright day. Neither are happy but for Rick who just had open heart bypass surgery again less then 6 months ago, just competing is a major accomplishment. Old dude goes and gets a traditional post meet fifth of Captain Morgan. This is a tradition where somebody gets f'up. It was not me or Mike this time. I had a good buzz and MIke only had alittle because he had to drive home but Old Dude he was hammered before we got out of Atlanta. We stop for food and gas and Old dude puts his shoes on backwards to start so we get on him about that. I am a wide open on the eating and pick up a armful of chips and water, etc. They both ask what's in the bag? My only response was its a big bag of stuff! I felt like Chris Farley in the SNL skit where they are cheerleaders and Farley is eatin fries while spade and sandler are telling her she shouldn't eat them because she will get fat and farley's response was,"LEAVE ME ALONE I AM STARVING!!!, as I run off to the car with my bag of grub. I pretty much ate for about a hour straight. As a side bar, when I got home I had half a plate of omelot and sausage and then 5 or 6 Little Debbie cakes!!

Getting back to the ride home, I guess the combo of the meet, maybe his medication and oh yeah about 2/3 of a fifth of capt' morgan the old dude was ranting and raving then he would pass out then wake up and start again. But he must have forgotten his FLOMAX 'cause we had to stop a few times. At the rest area I went around back as the front doors were locked and old dude stumbled around the building never finding the door so he found a bush I guess. Glad there were no cameras!! 10 minutes later we are pullin' off the road with him sayin', "MIKE I HAVE TO PEE!" He gets out in his socks, it's dark and we wait..we wait..we wait..He is swaying back and forth in the wind. Mike yells, you ok? Yeah I am peein'!!! We are sitting there for at least 10minutes maybe longer and he finally gets back in. Mike asks him, well did you pee? NO, I still have to pee!! So we roll on back to the gym and Mike drops me off.

Mike gets to his house and is not going to let Old Dude drive home. He tells us that Rick was in the bathroom at his house for at least 10 or 15 more minutes!!! So Old Dude argues that he is fine to drive(as we all do) but Mike and his wife take him home where he says, Yeah you were right, I shouldn't have drove home. THen Old Dude gets in his car and pulls the Beamer into the garage. MIke and Amanda promptly "got the hell out of there" as Mike put before Old Dudes wife came out and tore them all up!!

9/10/2010 8:39:58 AM -

Tuesday 1 hour stepmill, Wednesday 8 laps sled, Thursday 1 hour stepmill, Friday laps sled 9 forward, 1 backward

-Long ab straps pulldowns 5x20
-2 laps with prowler.

Nothing great I know. Lots of things going on and yesterday was our training for our new inventory management and pos system. By the time we got done, 2 laps with the prowler was all i in me.

Heading to Georgia with the Old Dudes for Groves meet there. GOnna help them out like a good boy scout would do for the elderly.

9/6/2010 9:54:47 AM -

friday no cardio, Saturday 10laps and ran a mile, Sunday alternated 2 laps drag and 1 lap run for 5 rounds, MOnday 1 hour stepmill

Saturday was moving equipment out of storage again. This is also where we keep the kettlebells for sale. Of course, the machines were behind the kettlebells so I spent 40 minutes moving them which meant alot of farmers walks and kettlebell stone lifting. The platforms kept changing in height until it was almost over my head.

Monday Labor day circuit
-took new spud handles and did barbell row with that and 70lb chain per side and 100lb for 8 reps per
-rear delt strap using band slipknoted at bottom of bench for 10 reps
-push ups off straps for 10 reps

-tate smith machine pushups with monster mini around back for 15 reps(4 positions for 60reps per set)
-chain concentration curlsx8 per arm
-used new handles with purpleband doubled over rack for 10 reps per set
-4 rounds

-used nebula leg press for seated shoulder presses sitting where your upper back usually goes the pressing the platform for 8 reps per set
-chain front raises for 8 reps per arm
3 rounds.

about 45 mins with minimal rest. the gym is closing early today so there won't be anyone to train with so i decided to get alittle work in.

9/3/2010 12:04:42 PM -

Tuesday 60 mins stepmill, wednesday am 60 mins stepmill, Wednesday pm 60 mins sled

-10 sets of pulldowns
-Mixed up dumbell presses and rolling triceps into one exercise. Started with 15lb, 20lb, 25lb, 30lb, 40lb,,45lb,50lb.
-Slingshot regular dumbell presses 65lbx10,85lbx6, 100lbx6
-One arm baebell highpull with 100lbx3x3
- double kb snatchs 12kg, 16kg,20kg,24x 8 reps per set.

As I mentioned in the last log, I got some good numbers bp and cholesteral wise. My doc did a ekg to check things out and found a blip on it he did not like so to check it out he sent me to a cariologist where he did another ekg and told me one of my three main wires as I call them that had a slight miss in it. There are three pathways for redunacy for maintaining heart beating electrical wise. Apparently, .08 of the population have this. He said I may have to have a pace maker in my 80s or later. But to make sure I had to have a nuclear stress test and echo cardiograph on Thursday.

It was a strange feeling walking into this place and knowing you are the youngest person there. If felt like a graveyard. Most of the staff had a look on their face like what are you doing here? Anyhow, they shoot you with the dye then take pics, then you get your stress test where they shoot more dye into you. it took about 15 minutes of me being shirtless and having 10 or so wires hanging off me. I asked her if I was the youngest and she told me she had 20 somethings who couldnt do 5 minutes along with much older people who couldn't do 3 minutes. That really didn't comfort me at all so i just pounded away on the treadmill until it got to where I wa jogging about 1/2 speed before my heart got to where it need to be, then off for more pics. then I had to wait 3 hours and come back for the final pics and see the doc.

Perfectly normal was the call so I went back to the gym and trained for a bit and helped Dale and the guys squat. I wore my five finger vibram toe shoes to do the test in. i was surprised no one in the office had seen them before. I figured some of them would be in good shape or trained some after seeing the walking dead all day but I guess not. I would say it was a waste of time for me but I am glad I know now and I am sure it will cost a grand all said and done. I did not fully understand the process before, meaning I knew about it but I did not know it like I do now. Each time it adds another piece to the puzzle for me.And so the creepiness ends..


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday and last week

8/31/2010 12:17:16 PM - MOnday

tuesday 60 mins. I promised i would cut some of the cardio back so I shaved 15mins off. Already dropped a few pounds of water from the carbathon. If eating carbs over three days were equivalent to one of those contests where participants had to outwait others to win a car then nobody would have beaten me. I may have eaten so many carbs that I may be allergic to them-nah!

Monday training
-Bent over rows 2setsx8 with bar, 100lb,185,225,275,315
-Bodymaster standing pushpress worked up to two plates a side for 5 reps
-bench with two softees, 135x8x2,185x6x2,225x6x2,275x3,315x3(no sling shot this time)
Please with the effort. No issues pressing at all just the decent makes me nervous.

Ok on another healthly note. I went to the doc last week for a basic checkup and blood work done. I was really interested in how the cardio and the no carb most of the week for three weeks before hadaffected my cholesteral which has always been borderline in the low 200s. The number had fallen to 166 with the blood pressure of 103/63 so unfortunately I can't blame genetics totally on my cholesteral numbers and my hdls which came up to 45 from the low tens. I know this is not what anyone who lifts heavy and eats like shit wants to hear but it is the facts nonetheless.

8/30/2010 10:09:45 AM - Cardio and a couple days off

Finished up with just cardio for the week with wed 11 laps and thurs 75mins stempmill.

no cardio fri, sat or sun

-8 laps sled and 1mile jog. I guess I was watching forest gump last night when he took off running when it hit me. So after 8 laps this morning, I ran a mile in about 9 or 10 minutes. My calves hurt now.

Not much for training last week as we had alot of loose ends to tie up before we took off for a couple days days off to asheville. I am pretty sure I gain 15lb in 3 days from all the non stop eating. we did alot of freak watching in asheville. It is not really a very big town but there is always a freak show going on with lots of tatoos, piercings and dreads in abundance. We always go to a bookstore downtown called malaprops which i never get the name right so I call it marsupials. there is also a breast surgery center near where we stayed so I put the two together and told her i wanted to go to marsupials and the breast suckling center all weekend long. Very funny. I did no work related to work.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/24/2010 6:49:05 AM -

Saturday 20 laps with 1 plate and half, Sunday 2 hours stemill, Monday 75 mins sled 8 lap forward, 1 lap backwards, Tue 60mins stepmill

-Side raise worked up t0 30lbx10 starting with 15lb
-Pushdowns 5x20
-rear delt single cable raise 5x10 per arm
-pec dec 5x10 finished with stack.
-bench barx10x2,100lbx10x2,135x8x2,185x3x2,225x3,put slingshot on for 275x3,315x1

Pleased with the ability to get back to 225 for 3 reps. could have done alittle more but probablly not the best idea right now. the 275 and 315 were what i was really after.

Monday, August 23, 2010


8/19/2010 6:39:49 AM - Wednesday

wed and thur stepmill 75 mins each. Down to 215lb or alittle less depending on bathroom trips per day. Looking like 210lb at the end of next week. Doing zero carb except for alittle fiborous carbs and almonds at night. Friday and saturday about 200g to 400g and back on no carb sunday to friday night. Last week was fine, this week has been alittle tougher.

-Had our old ssb welded with arms(sort of like the yoke bar) so I could use that one too for squatting again. Tried it out and worked up to 325x3x4sets
-Supersetted reverse hypersx10 with front squats. Just worked up to 100lbx8 for 5 sets. wanted to see if the arm and shoulder would cooperate and it was okay. Still along way off.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sorry, back to the logs.

8/17/2010 6:16:20 AM -

MOnday 65mins, tuesday 75 mins stepmill

Saturday-20 laps with a plate and half. Didn't really have anything left to train with so I just harassed ben and his breast shirt. The breast ben shirt is the light v neck shirt that chicks wear and I think it was a medium size baby blue to boot. For the ava-gina this is normal behavior.

Sunday-wanted to see if I could do 20laps back to back days. THe sled was harder this day then usual so I got 10 with two plates then took one down for the remaining 10 laps.

-Super four rounds of
1/cable lying raises across the body with
-cable one arm rear delt while in a pushup position 4 rounds of 10 reps each

Super three rounds
2/renegade rows 12kg,16kg,20kg x 5 reps each with
-half get ups with 12kg kb x 8 per arms

super 4 rounds of
3/ incline stive presses x10 reps with
-quarter dips off box with bodyweight

8/13/2010 11:45:12 AM -
Wed and Thursday

Wed 75 mins and thur 65 mins stepper

-Lunge of Christ(45lb bar on back for 1 lap around building
-loaded up 45lb and 25lb on prowler and did 20 to 30 yard sprints with 1 to 1.5 minutes break for 1 lap. I think it was somewhere around 20 to 25 mini spirnts
-my ass felt like it had its own zip when I got done or like the old days when it looked like I had two 106lb kbs for butt checks.

-assisted pulls ups neutral grip with side abs for 4 rounds of 10 reps per
-then benched mixed with 4x4 kip type pullups. on the bench I mixed 5 comp grip with 3to 5 close grip and each set I added a chain or stump strap. bar, 70lbchain hanging,added 60lb chain, added spun inc stump strap with 10lb per side.

We just got our box of sling shots in so for the last two sets i added 25lb per side, tnen another 10lb for the last set. I got 5 and 3 reps.

The end result was getting back up to around 275lb for the last set and doing it decent so that was good as far as progress.

-ended with one arm tricep ext using reverse hyper machine and long ab strap with a cable handle so you imagine it a a lying pushdown with a ovehead ext part you would have it. mixed this up with 3x10jm presses with 70lb chain and 20lb per side.

8/10/2010 6:38:37 AM -

Friday 1 hr 45 mins, Saturday no cardio, MOnday 75mins stepper, Tues 68mins stepmill

Sunday 20 laps sled drag with plate and half

-3 rounds upper body sled rotating overhead tricep, static 90 degree hold and iron cross, front raises, row static hold, curls and rear delts
-broke out the ropes and did 10 sets total wtih 5 sets of 25reps and 50 reps of two exercises, then for the last 5 sets of 100 reps I would only do one exercise for the entire 100reps. Recovered well on each set and my arm and shoulder only got slightly numb,

Saturday we worked a bodybuilding show in Spartanburg where some old school greats were there like Steve Michalik(1970s), Lee Haney(1980s) and John DeFendis(1980s too). They were all a bunch of great guys to hang out with and talk to. I guess it is Steve Michalik nature to be a super intense guy ALL the time even now. He is still walking around JACKED and in good shape. His workouts are crazy to say the least. So the guy promoting the show introduces me to both of them at the same time and I meet John first and as I am shaking his hand I feel Steve's shadow on top of me like he is getting in my face. I think, really? But apparently that is just his nature to get right on top of you like its going to be a street brawl. I feel it and just ignore it until Dutch introduces him and I feel the shadow fall back some and he shakes my hand. I was waiting for the "let's get it on!!" from the ref but it did not come. Later on we all talk alittle more and he is a cool dude after the two tom cats meeting in the alley moment.


8/5/2010 1:02:43 PM -
Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 75minsThursday 65mins stepmill

Wednesday-pulles heavy sled for 4 laps,3.5 plates for 3forward and 1 backward

-LOng ab pulldowns sitting on seated row machine 15 reps working up each set
-Back circuit close grip pulldowns, very wide pulldowns, hammer rows 5 rounds x 10 to 12 per,
-Press and neck circiut. Decline(135lb) and incline barbell(100lb)x10 to 15 each for 4 rounds with 20 reps with 45lb on the neck machine pushing backwards. I am sure my neck will be jacked since I only once every 10 years do some neck work. The barbell felt good and both arms seem to push fairly even without too much domination by goood ole rightie. Leftie is still a total stranger as in the son you never knew you had who just showed up one day to become part of the family again. It's weird but you know it's yours 'cause it looks just like you.

Finished with another circuit of bodymasters squat machine using it as a overhead pushpress mixed with cable flye crossovers. the presses were 8 to 10 reps working up 5lb per set and the cables i got to half the stack which is good for me right now.

8/3/2010 6:41:19 AM -

Sunday 2 hours, MOnday 75mins, Tuesday 70mins stepmill

MOnday training
-dumbell rows working up to 80sx15,100sx10,110sx8 per arm
-Dumbell presses 25lb,35lb,45lb,55lbx 8reps elbows tucked and 5 reps bb style arms flared, used a slingshot with 65lb for 8 and 5 reps.
-gray band pushdownsx20 with barbell front raise x10x5 rounds.
-kb snatches 3 roundsx10 per arm, 1 set x 10 per armx3 rounds straight with 36lb.

Arm and shoulder are pretty sore this morning so I will try to pump some blood in there. Was happy with the dumbell rows and pressing with the shoulder. Alittle more progress towards getting back so something decent on a press.

7/31/2010 1:05:45 PM -

Friday no cardio, Saturday 20 laps with sled. Started with two plates but by lap 10 had to peel one off to make the last 10 laps.

It always takes awhile to get going after the 20 laps deal so I helped the other dudes working the rack till the blood returned to my body and I could function some.

-Long ab strap pulldowns 5x10
-Reverse hypers 5x20
-Hack squats 3 sets with set 1 with 5 mini sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps and small break of 10 to 15 sec per. The set 2 and 3 was 20,15,10,8,5 reps

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting regualr agan on training.

7/29/2010 7:07:23 AM -
Wednesday and Thursday

Tuesday no cardio went to sc coachs conference, wed made up for missing tues with 1 hour 45 mins stepper and stepmill, Thursday 50 mins stepmill

Wednesday night. Really wasn't feeling it but when I got to the gym and had a few laughs and got the blood moving some I did some pulls and box squats.
-pulls 2 setsx3 with 135, 225, 315, 405, 455x1
-squats same cambered bar 145, 235,325x4x2 sets each.

-super setted
-hanging abs and standing machine neutral grip pulldowns 3x10
-pushdownsx50reps with same machine pulldowns for 4 rounds
-Took gray bands and layed them over smith machine bar set at chest level. Then did pushups off the band for 3 sets of 8 with standing overhead military press with just the bar for 3, 4 and 5 rep
-Seated work with stick. simulated pull aparts by sliding the hands from a front raise postion to arms length and back 3x 8 reps.
-THen did some modified bradford presses with the stick where I kept my arms all the way out and just did the reps up and over this way 8 per sidex3 sets.

7/26/2010 10:11:11 AM -

Thursday 55mins stepmill, Friday 8 laps I think maybe 10 sled, Saturday no cardio, Sunday 1 hour stepmill and 7 laps sled(6 forward and backward just to get the time in)Monday 55mins stepper.

Monday Am work
-back circuit with standing low row, lat assassin pulldowns and chain rows for 6 rounds x10 reps except the rows were 20reps
-barbell presses x20reps with 15lb flyesx10 reps. bar, bar plus 10lb, bar plus 20lb, bar plus mini doubled up and no weight

Sunday was wide open with all kinds of craziness and strange things. i had a 1pm meeting so I needed to get my 2 hours of cardio in, pay all the bills for the week at each store and then be at the meeting.

well I get the hour in on the stepmill and the wife calls and has a flat tire. We just had to replace one last week where she clipped a curb and tore a hole in the side of tire, now the back one has a giant screw in it that has finally opened up and it has to be replaced too. My day is set so I fly off the handle at her and there was no need for this I just let it go as the whole rest of the day played out in my head with a final thought of how am I going to make the meeting. She says she has stuff to do and we can take care of it later so i can finish the cardio and do bills.

The next thing is a customer wants to get the BOGO we have going on this Sunday but we don't have any freakin bogo to sell! My afternoon kid, not Dale, sold it all on SATURDAY instead of SUNDAY like the flyer HE PUT UP says. I have to run over to the other store and get more for the sale at the gym so my plan is not going at all but it is going. I get the product, pay bills and move on to the next store Forest Drive and pay bills where the wife is hanging out. Well instead of waiting on me, she ahs called roadside which is free as I flew off the handle till she told me that and is waiting for Goodyear to call saying the tire is fixed. Goodyear is a couple of blocks from the store.

I can now run back to the gym and take care of everything there which leaves me about 20 minutes to make the meeting. The meeting takes 2 hours but it is good and I feel like progress is going in the right direction and I made my point.

With all the blown out fuses for the day, I slept really well. Just have to get it done no matter what gets thown at you sometimes. No choice if you want it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


7/22/2010 7:06:05 AM -

wed 1 hr 20mis, thur 50 mins stepmill

-Bodymasters squat machine 8 setsx8 reps going up each set.
-One leg hack squat with orange band assistance. 4 sets x 5 reps per leg
-reverse lunges 3x10
-reverse hypers 1x50
-2 minute hold with bar on back x3 sets working my hands in each set. (shoulder rehab work and to get use to a straight bar again on my back.

7/20/2010 12:34:35 PM -

Monday 55mins stairmaster, Tuesday 55 stepmill

-band pull aparts 4x15
-dumbell pull overs 15lb, 20lb, 35lb two hand, then single arm with 12lb for 8x3sets
-standing pulldowns 4x20
-dumbell rolling tricep 15, 20, 25lbx10 per set, 35lb flat dumbell pressed mixed up 45 degree and 90degree elbows x10 per set.

7/18/2010 2:56:47 PM -

Wed adn thurs, 55mins stepmill. sunday 2 hours stepmill

Lost the ac at the house on wed so had to go take care of that.

-Saturday-2o laps with sled with 2 plates
-some pulls 225x8x2, 315x6, 405x3, did the no belt thing
-Lots of presses with just the bar, I think 6x20, maybe more
-rehab work with mini. overhead swings clockwise and counter clock wise.

7/13/2010 7:39:16 AM -
Sunday and Monday

Sunday 1hr 53 mins step mill, MOn and Tues 55 mins stepmill

Sunday rehab
-Layed on my side and used a 4kg kb to do various raise and full arm rotation. Then figured out the band would be better so I go a broken one, layed on my side. Then hooked the band in my right hand. Using the left arm and keeping it straight and starting overhead, I did rotations clockwise for 3 rounds then counter clockwise for 5 rounds time 6 or 7 sets.
-Took the mini then and tied it to my left foot and did overhead extensions while walking around the builing. This was tougher then I thought and included some of the best poop faces I have ever produced.(a poop face is when exert too much and you get that tight neck and red face from the uncomfortableness)
-Both clearly helped out and I was able to reach up with less binding and easier full extension

7/10/2010 11:27:12 AM -
Saturday Haul

No cardio Friday

Saturday loaded plate and a quarter on the sled and rolled for 25 laps non stop. No rhyme or reason, just wanted to do it. Around lap 18 I started fading and it was just zombie walking at that point. 2 hours and 40mins or 6mins 40 sec a lap average. Must have been 5 minutes per early on because I know that last one took about 9 or 10 minutes per.

Well it's not a month this time, so alittle better. My laptop apparently does not like the blogspot and just flat out refuses to go there.So I have to use my computer on the side..


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blamin' my no loggin on the computer again

Sorry for not logging here in quite awhile. I am using my old laptop as it is letting me post my training and blog. For some reason, my newer one sucks and I am ready to take it out and beat it down as in the movie, OFFICE SPACE. I may have to break down and get another one but I will keep old reliable here just in case.

7/8/2010 1:37:08 PM -
Wednesday and upper kb truck unloading training.

Tue and Thurs stepmill 55 mins, wed crazy asian was on the stepmill so sled it was 8 laps with 2 plates(1 hour)

-squatted for the first time with the safet bar since surgery, nothing great just close stance for some reps stuff6 sets of 8 working up to 235 then 235x20
-double kb swings for sets of starting with 12s and going up to 28kg.

Thursday the new shipment of kbs showed up finally so Dale and I humped it unloading 7 crates of them at the storage unit. upright row would be the theme. we moved 15k in a hour so good cardio.

7/5/2010 12:22:04 PM -
Saturday and Monday

No cardio Friday, Monday 55mins stepmill

Saturday 15 laps with 4 laps/4 plates, 3plates/5laps, 2 plates/6laps
This was harder then the 20 laps with 2 plates. I briefly entertained 1 plate for 7 laps to finish ealry on but that ended by the time I gotto the 2 plates
-Upper stuff, did some assisted dip machine for 4x8, very slow lowering and normal up.
-close stance deads on 100lb plate 3x5 with 315
-did alot of reaching overhead exercises for 10 minutes

Sunday 126minutes on the stepmill. The goal was 90 miutes but that was not hard so I added in another 30 minutes. I got to the two hour mark and realized it was 9.5 miles so I went another 6 minutes faster then the whole 2 hours to get in the 10 miles. I know not right in the head.

Monday am training
-supersetted barbell curls at 10 reps with orange band pushdown at 20 reps for 10 rounds
-plate press for 50 reps x4 rounds supersetted with neutral(palms facing each other)rows for sets of 10 repsx5 rounds
-10lb side raise x50 reps x 4 rounds supersetted with rope pulldowns where I extended the arms up over my head then pulled back down to do the ab portion.
-on the side raises, I worked on shooting the dumbbells outward and away from to limit the prime movers(delts,upperback, arms, etc) from kicking in as much. I worked on keeping the sholder level with the other shoulder.

/1/2010 11:16:54 AM -

Wed 50 mins and Thur 55 mins stepmill

No training Wednesday. Did some work stuff at the store while it was quiet.

-Stick raise for 20 reps reaching at top limiting the pushup from the opposite arm(the stick driver)
-Supered with ab wheel did a 3 sets regular then 3 mix of regular and pauses on floor full extended.
-Eccentric lowering from overhead position. Then added in lowering with pressing from 90 degrees 4 setsx15 reps
-slight incline lockouts in smith machine. 5 sets of 10
-25lb plate raise with slowed lowering phase 4x10
-ran out of time but the pressing felt ok. long way to go but worked up to 140lb so alittle better.

6/29/2010 9:45:57 AM -


MOn and tues both 50 mins on the stepmill.

-1 hour stepmill with 40lb vest on, then took the vest off for another 20 mins. Zombie the rest of the day.


-Did some am work of hanging ab for 3 setx10, feet over head so that is a improvment. Last time it was hard to hold myself in and just do knees to the chest.
-45lb bench press 4 sets of 5, 10 to 15 sec eccentric tempo,3 sec up.
-In between sets. I would slide down so my chin was under the bar, then with open hands fingers to the ceiling, I would do dumbell presses with my arms only keeping tight movement around the bar. the purpose was just to focus and work on motor control for my left shoulder.

-mini pull apart more like what my shoulder go way up before i could find a base to pull off of. After the first set i focused each rep on keeping my shoulder level and trying to limit compensation. It worked some.
-100lb barbell rows. These looked straight so I didn't have to focus much
-Our back raise has handles that extend out to hold yourself up and for dismount on the back raise. I used them to hold myself up in a locked dip position with my knees bent for 3 sets of 5 holds at 10 seconds each.
-Then I stood on the lower beam of a power rack. Since my arm does not like manual much and trys to bind up when I reac overhead, I used the sling it up method.I just threw it up there(works great like that). then I slowly lowered it with control until it would bind up, then slow it down in this area, then try to press it up. It took a minute or two but after a few sets of say 8 or 10 I was able to stop it and press back up for reps.
-then since I am able to snatch kbs(because it is ballistic and automatic) I did 6 or 8 sets of 8kg snathches of 10 reps left, tnen same on right so it would not get lonely and pout with atrophy. Towards the end, I was able to use the 16kg for 10 reps for 2 sets.

6/26/2010 2:11:25 PM -

No cardio friday. I made a deal with the wife. I would take Fridays off from everything and just write articles at the house which I have neglected for years now and she would work the store on Fridays. Got two done so far in the last two weeks. I am a slow writer but I figured out why that is. If you don't write on a regular basis then that is what you get-slow. Simple I know, but no matter what anyone says, it is all simple and things only happen one at a time.

Saturday training 12 laps with the prowler,about 40lbs on it.

Was smashed after this and the guys needed alittle help so I helped some with gear work.

6/24/2010 7:19:46 AM -
Wed And thur

THursday morning 45mins cardio

-2 laps with 25lb a arm on the prowler
-1 lap with 4lb med ball repeating various bouncing drill, 1 lap with 8lb med ball same but worked on carrying the ball like in real basketball.
-8lb free throws with left hand leading 3x20lb

-a regualr training session
-standing machine pulldowns 5x10
-one arm seated row moving at 3 to 4 tempo on left, 10 reps regular right mixed with long ab strap pulldowns.
-incline pushup with 4 to 5 tempo both ways for 5 reps a set mixed with rope pushdowns
at 20 a set for 4 rounds
-supinatind standing curls mixed with concnetration curls 4 rounds
-swings and snatches with 8kgx8repsx4 rounds same with 12kgx8x2 sets

6/23/2010 9:29:15 AM -

MOn, Tues, Wed 45 mins stepmill

MOnday Rehab and other fun stuff
-Last post I mentioned that my shoulder was starting to respond but I was not sure why and was alittle confused at wht all of sudden it was working. I forgot about last Thursday with bouncing the med ball out side while walking around the building-so duh, there maybe part of the answer.

So I repeated it for 3 laps this time bouncing out for one lap, bouncing as high as possible and reachinh up for it, and palming the palming the ball while bouncing it.

I then shot free throws against the wall with it left handed but used the right as support. 3x50reps

To finish and I had been wanting to do ths for awhile is run up the big hill beside the park. So I did 5 sprints at half and 3/4 speed up the hill.

During this suck ass phase I am going to drop to 220lb till the shoulder gets up to a decent level. So, I will be experimenting with some conditioning and light training. Not fun for me as the guys are starting to dig in training wise and prep for the IPA in NOvmember. I have been videoing some of the rehab work and have it up on our spud inc facebook. I will get it you tubed so I can putit up here as well.

6/20/2010 4:36:03 PM -
Thermal Saturday and Sunday

Had to work the store again this sat so I decided to do ALOT of sleding. Loaded up a couple plates and did 20 laps straight no stops or breaks. 2hrs 20 minutes. Did rehab reps while I was doing the sled. Must have done something to activate some non firing issues with my shoulder, I was able to pick it up much easier and higher then before. Absolutley baffles me when things start working again. One second it won't do anything, the next it works much better. Never seem to make the progress while you are beating it with rep, rom,passive work-anything and everything. Crazy.

All day my face and body were on fire. I was still sweating a few hours later while watching the ATeam which was a fun movie.

Sunday 90 minutes on the stepmill. Sweated through 2 shirts after I was done.

6/18/2010 3:47:09 PM -

Friday no cardio

-Came back to the gym and did alot of work outside with the sleds. My first impulse was to do 3 laps with the prowler but this kid was already using it and by the looks of it, it had been quite a awhile since he used it. So alittle aggraveted, i had to back up and punt. Started with

-one lap boucing 4lb med ball as high as I could and he was still only half way there. I holler back at him to leave it out thinking maybe he will be back by then
-I break out the sled and do 2 lap of static work and if really hurts,one lap goes by and he is alittle closer but still a third of the way out. I go around again and he is on the back stretch but at least 5 minutes out so I add in the third lap of static work. My shoulder is screaming by now but at least when i get around the prowler is there.
-to finish I add in two laps with the the ortho shoe prowler.
I come in and do some stretching and hang ing out when my 530 guy comes in that I totally forgot about to train. I inform him that I am going to punish him for the hour without even thinking about what i said, more like fu up Chuck. He enjoys it so he gets his beating.

6/17/2010 5:09:11 AM -

MOnday, Tuesday, Wednesday and THursday 30 mins stepmill and stepper

-6 laps sled, all forward. This was alittle tough with the heat.
-Rehab-one lap bouncing a small 4lb med ball trying to catch it a high above my head as possible. 200 to 300 bounces per arm
-Also shot the ball against the wall with left hand like a free throw. 50 reps I think

6/15/2010 9:29:00 AM -
Thursday, Saturday and Monday

THur 30min stepmill, Friday no cardio

-three laps with prowler no weight. With the 1 inch steel added for pads, the weight is almost 50lbs.

-15 laps with the sled
-three more laps with prowler no weight
-rehab work

-8 laps sled
-4 laps modified upper rehab work.
-ran the hill again. zig zag again. 10 to 12 10yard sprint up hill then back down over a 120 to 150yards for 3 rounds

-one lap prowler, one lap with 6lb ball holding in a overhaead press position, one lap prowler


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rrehab and Conditoning.

6/9/2010 9:25:23 AM6/15/2010 9:29:00 AM -
Thursday, Saturday and Monday

THur 30min stepmill, Friday no cardio

-three laps with prowler no weight. With the 1 inch steel added for pads, the weight is almost 50lbs.

-15 laps with the sled
-three more laps with prowler no weight
-rehab work

-8 laps sled
-4 laps modified upper rehab work.
-ran the hill again. zig zag again. 10 to 12 10yard sprint up hill then back down over a 120 to 150yards for 3 rounds

-one lap prowler, one lap with 6lb ball holding in a overhaead press position, one lap prowler


Wed 30 mins stepper

-hanging abs(sort of)just wanted to add alittle pressure to the cuff and shoulder in that particular position(arms up in the 90 degrees) to create some firing and neural connecting. THey ended up being small knee ups istead of the usual feet straight and up to the hands 3x8
-took blue bands and crossed them up one over each shoulder and looped under the feet(sort of a front regualr squat 3x12
-cossack using stump straps to hold onto 3x20per side
-GOt this really bright idea to run 3/4 speed spirnts on same said hill from sunday. Plan was 75 to 100yard then walk and recover 50 to 75 yards. Did the first three good, on the fourth I felt good so I picke up the speed and was trucking good when my hammy locked up and ended my fun.
- stretching to loosen it and roller work. still knotted.

6/8/2010 7:02:36 AM -

MOnday, Tuesday 30 mins each stepmill

-Lots of Seatred rows light
-ONe arm db press 3lb on left, worked up on right to 60lb x 20 reps
-flyes 2x20
-chops with band in tall kneeling position4x20 per side.
-half kneeling 5 per side.Bottoom portion of turkish get up where you almost come up out of the lunge. worked here with arm in strap for ROM and to keep the bicep and tendon from locking down too hard.

6/7/2010 11:13:21 AM -
LAst week

cardio wise
45mins sunday, 30mins the rest of the week on the stepmill through saturday

This past week was not a great week for anything. A client of mine passed on tuesday from complications after another heart attack. He suffered from many ailments like jiont delbilatating rheumotoid arthritis(he was suppose to be in a wheelchair from age 16), 3 ro 4 hear attack with bypass in the early 80s, numerous stints(9 I think)and alot of other issues. I trained him off and on for a number of years until the pain issues were too much. He was a good dude and a solid man through and through. No matter how bad he felt, he did not complain about the cards he was dealt. He just did what he had too.

Compounding to theweek, we had the state bodybuilding show on Saturday after the memorial on Friday.

Wednesday I lunged with 40lb of vest stopping every 1/4 of a lap to do 50BW squats. Was tore up till Sunday.

THursday-sled drag 6 laps. slow and tired from Wed.

Sunday-3 laps with the wheelbarrow(2 forwards, 1 backwards)
-there is a long hill beside the gym about 10 to 15 yards high and 110 to 120 yards long. I got the bright idea to esssentially zig zag the hill sprinting up and jgging down looping along the way. It amounted to 12 small sprints. This was sort of fun and when I got done, I was thinking of ways to make it more horrible like 5 passes or put a weight vest on and make 3 passes.

I just listened to the Talent Code. Very interesting book and now Talent is Overrated. I also have the Innovator's Dilema in the lineup while reading Repositioning. They all say the same thing essentially. What you focus on and how much you focus is what determines your level of success in ANYTHING


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Posts of Yawn

5/31/2010 11:30:04 AM -
Sat training

Saturday 11laps, sunday 10laps sled drag, monday 30 mins stepmillSaturday-did alot of rehab work.tall knelling with bands, half kneeling windmill stretch, etc. -broke out the cartoon dumblell as I call it. Basically its a texas powerbar the size of a dumbell. I always wanted one I could load alot of olympic plates on and that is what we got. It weighs 28lb by itself and we loaded all together in 25lbs one day 525lbs. So basically I did some one arm dumbell deadlifts-75x4, 125x4,175x4, 225x3,275x2,325x1-did one kb front squats and swings 3x10 on squats, 3x20 swings. Saturday I turned 42 and had alot of cake and ice cream after the training. Sunday I figured what the hell, its a holiday weekend so we had pizza(i got a medium instead of a large as usual which is highly unusual) I went to pick it up and the place had a giant jug of water with a beer twist off cap in the bottle saying, "25cents in the cap gets a free beer" I say why no while I wait on the pizza. I drop the quarter in and watch it go. I didn't expect much but to my surpirse I landed the quarter on the rim of the bottle cap, yea on the rim. I tell them that should be worth a beer. The whole bar agrees and I pound a unexpected Bud with my diet coke to go. I took a pic but my phone takes terrible pics but you can see it if you look close.

5/28/2010 11:40:13 AM -
Sled Drag

Wed thur and friday were 30 mins am

Wed night and Thur night I did some sled dragging. Wed 7 laps, thur midafternoon 5laps. I went the opposite way both days and it still seems alot harder but it makes me lead with my left leg and hip and this is a uncomfortable thing for me which may help explain some of the left side injury proness I have had over the past 3 or 4 years.

Rehab wise I am pushing hard with the pulley and indian club work. Took a few things from FMS(func Movement Screening) and add them in too. Mostly tall kneeling and half kneeling work with some chop lift.I will video some of this and put it up. Afterwards I had deep tissue work done. MY brain was fried after this.

I know its boring stuff but you may never know when you may need some of this information. My suffering is your gain.

5/25/2010 2:15:37 PM -
the goin ons..

Pretty much did the usualy cardio fri, sat, sun off, mon, tues,wed at 30 mins per and back at it today(Tuesday)

-I continue to do the daily rehab of about 30mins, agressively of course ,adding in some assistence work the last week.

We had the Palmetto Cup BB show the 15th of May where we set up a booth and sell drinks, bars, etc. This is fun as I watch the pure suffering that is bodybuilding. early on I see the suffers come infor prejudging and without thinking I am singing, "I'm goin Hungry" from vedder/cornell early 90s collabertion Hunger Strike(I think that is the name) Dale is laughin as I find it amusing. I didn't think it was loud but the wife is yelling, FILTER! This is my cue that what I am saying is totally inappropriate. I later think that I should have played this song for my BB show. that would have been perfect.

Then the following week we went back to MInnesota for the kettlebell/functional movement seminar from Wed to SUnday. At first, I did not want to go but this was 90% lecture and lab and only alittle kb even though I could not do any kb anyhow with the broke wing(shoulder)Very glad I went, Gray Cook and Brent Jones did most of the presenting. Lots of great info and always fun-top notch.They had a 100 people in attendence. Saturday night is dinner night for everyone. This is extra drinking night with most of the night with the wife yelling..FILTER. I always say that I did not say it that loud but apparently THat is not true-its is usually about boobs about to pop out, dudes in kilts or that some of the people there looked dead like vampires. One of the main people there always looks mad as hell to be there. I told the wife that if I was that painfully thin and pale I would be pissed too. I think personally that the person was mad because they were denying themselves all the time...I'm going Hungryy....

Glad to be home and play catch up all day with work.

Will get some training in later this week. Maybe not great stuff but training not the less.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Training till now.

5/14/2010 11:43:09 AM -
mon, wed, thur

tues, wed, thur, fri 30 mins step mill

-rehab 20 to 30 mins daily rotating a number of different passive and light active work(it's alittle early but i am insane)we went and watched iron man 2 last weekend and the scene towards the end where gweneth is decribing dowey's ironman character where she says you are complusive(the wife goes that is you), self destructive(oh two out of three, she says) and narcisstic(i am living with ironman she says)

mon and thur one arm work is jsut varying exercise of 20 to 50 reps
-ab work
-nothing special or cool just one side pump up. i stayed turned to the right in the mirror so i don't have to see my shinking salamander left side.

-one leg hack x 100 per leg
-5 sets of 50 bw squats
-i thought this was just goof stuff till the next day when i was actually sore.

5/9/2010 10:22:28 AM -
wed, thur and sat

got back on the step mill with the arm sling for the first time sat and sun for 45 mins each. sat was tough even at a low level. sunday i was able to read a book so it was slightly easier.

-30 mins shoulder rehab
-leg press close stance 6 or 7 sets of 15 reps per set
-sissy squat 4x20
-light one arm swings

-one arm assisted pull up. 5x10
-one arm overhead ext with one arm pushdowns 4x15 per exercise
-one arm kb press wtih 16 for 4x20
-abs on stability ball 4x10
-one arm cable curls
-sled drag for 8 laps

-4x20 leg ext.
-4x20 seated leg curl
-4x20 outties
-8x8 hack squat
-swing,clean,one arm squatx10 perx3 rounds

5/5/2010 10:40:08 AM -
staples out and alittle training

still hitting the cardio 30 per day during the week and 45 to 1 hour on the weekend

doc took the staples out monday and green lighted me to a extent on passive rehab with the stick and pulley type work. i had dale get with the strap guys and make me a 10 foot strap with a loop for my hand sewn on each end. i am putting it over my cable crossover and doing passive work this way. about 30 mins per day. probablly 60 to 70% rom. the doc asked me if he needed to send me to rehab. i tell him not unless you know a pt that is really good cause i am way ahead of the curve. he laughs and tells me to have 90% in a month. i tell him that will be a breeze. hus reply is i know, just not too fast.

monday night i did some high rep work with the upper cable for the good side

-pulls to chest-
-one arm ab pulldowns
-monster band overhead ext

will figure some easy leg stuff wed

4/30/2010 9:52:28 AM -
cardio update

just 30 mins of treadmill per day since sunday.

passive rehab for about 20 mins per day so far. gonna step it up next week after the staples come out and the doc takes a look at it.


Monday, April 26, 2010

surgery results

4/26/2010 9:16:33 AM -
Surgery results

Surgery was thursday am and went well as could be. As i expected, artho turned into slice open as he got in there and saw the mess i created. i dont half ass when i injure myself you know as this was very good,not as good as the quad but excellent results. the labrum was flappin in one spot so he cut it away and cleaned it up. he reparied another part of the labrum and attached it to the partily torn bicep tendon. the rotators were shredded and could not be repaired at all. in the picture showing the rotator shredded and knubbed like angel hair pasta he wrote on the pic,"rotator stump". a funny footnote to that was my drugged up comment when the wife told me,in recovery, after was me yelling at the top of my lungs,"tell that midget bastard to get on a stool, yank the shit out of it and screw it down." i said a few more choice spud lines but they are not sayable here. needless to say i have no idea what i said under the truth serum.

i stayed doped up on demeral at full dose for thur and friday. friday i was somewhat cognizant and actually texted a couple of times. not sure what was really said there either. got a sponge bath saturday as i stunk like hospital, dead flesh and rotten old man. the water bounced off and evaporated on contact. i had the wife move it some to start the process, about 15 to 20 mins passive work. sunday we peeled off the bandage and sealed it up for a decent shower and more movement. this was after some cardio(just slow treadmill) of 30 mins. it kinda just floated by so i knew the dope was still in me even though i dropped it to a half dose on saturday and stopped it saturday night. i paid bills at all three locations. dont really remember this either except for the scribbles in the check book.

the zipper is only about 3 or 4 inches long with two artho holes on each side.

monday am alittle more cardio that i can remember this time and 30 mins of movement in all directions. so minimal pain thus far which means a few more days of torture usually. since there was no rotator repair, recovery maybe alittle lighter but i am not expecting it all. the doc seems to think i will get most of my strength back after he tells the wife i will have to do somethings different. time will tell.

4/21/2010 10:02:32 AM -

Wednesday 30 mins stepmill

Wednesday am shortty
-squats and deads circuit 315 on eachx3 reps perx10 rounds. 1 minute rest per round
-reverse hyper 3x20,1x50
-55lb sandbag swings 1x50

just something to get in before the surgery tomm at 730am. can't eat too late tonight so i figured i would hit this so i can enjoy a decent meal as tomm and friday will be high day all day with little food consumption. Working on my rehab plan already and some strap product to use while I am rehabing.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Training since april 9th

4/20/2010 9:47:16 AM -

tuesdays 30 mins stepmill

-Blast srtap abs roll ups 5x10
-green band pushdowns 5x20
-used the new lat ripper/saw 10 to 12 sets non stop x10 per set.
-pec deck 4x50
-band rotator close to body 4x50

Just pumped blood until the surgery. Will do alittle leg work and that will be it unitl the surgery thursday.

4/19/2010 9:47:56 AM -

SUnday 45mins treadmill, 30 mins stepmil

Had to help the guys at Donnie's meet on Saturday. Great meet as always. Lots of prs and good totals

So Saturday trainging was sled and lunges

-8laps wtih 2.5 plates
-2 rounds of lunges around gym

4/16/2010 2:07:44 PM -
Wed and THur and the MRI

Tues 30 step, 30 tread, wed same, thur, same, friday 30 mins

-strap ab 5x10
-deadlift to 405x2 conv,1 sumox5 rounds
-conventional zerchers 2 plates x3x6reps
-band assisted one leg pistol 4x8

-ran the rack dumbell rows 5 per armx20sets
-plate press 35lbx200 reps
-ab wheel 5x10
-tricep pushdowns down the stack 200 reps
-shoulder raises 200 reps

The news from Monday is sub scap rotator tear and a slap tear. Additionally, i have antoher tear from two years ago, maybe supra spanatus(wasn't listening too well). Doc thinks he can fix 2 out of 3 but the old has retracted too far. He comment was,"I don't know how you were doing what you were doing" I said you just do doc. So next thur, I will get them fixed it will be artohscopic with a couple of scatches or a nice tatoo for me shoulder. I asked for some cadavor parts but that is not available. The nurse who has been there for the other two surgeries, asked if I was going to do things different now, my only response was probablly not. In a slow southern draw, she says, "yu r a differntt breed, aren't you? Yes I is.

No cardio Monday. Tues 30 mins stepmill
-Standing rotator 6x20 per arms
-rows and shrugs with 154 farmers walk 6 or 7 rounds of each each 20 reps per set
-lying tricep ext across body 15lb left, 35lb right, 6 sets of 20 reps
-one arm dumbell press 35lb 50reps on right. 15lb left assisted by holding wrist with right 5x10 reps
-pec deck 6x20

This is the ironic part. There was no pain and only alittle discomfort on this one. Dale was walking by going to do some stuff and I told his how strange it was that the pec deck was not bothering the shoulder much and it told me it was mockery. I thought this was funny and Clash of the Titans came to mind with the Gods making fun of me as I have always ragged people who used this as their main chest and upperwork. Now, its seems to be the only thing I can do..damn coming back to bite me in the ass.. there is no mercy and only retribution from the god of useless chest work..PECDECKEN
Saturday 30 angry mins on the stepmill, Sunday 40mins on treadmill

-2 angry rounds of lunges around the building in about 40 mins. Thought about three rounds, but had work to do so I elected not to roll on it. Probally good, I am alittle sore right now.

Somedays you wake up pissed and everything just intensifies the fury so I kept busy putting up a flat screen at the gym, picking up kbs and the lunging helped out. Sunday was redo the store at boozer day. Spring cleaning and new shelving for the store. Got a shitload on my plate with the shoulder thing, possible lasik redo on my left eye, meet this week, articles I have been neglecting to write, new business directions we are going in with Spud Inc, videos on supps we are starting soon, just alot and running everything.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Wed and thursday

4/9/2010 11:34:30 AM -
Wednesday and THursday

wed, thur, friday cardio 30 mins stepmill

JUst drug the sled with 2.5 plates for 6 laps, 4forward, 2 backeards drags

-hammer incline no weight 5x100 reps
-long ab pulldowns 5x20
-pushdowns 10x25reps per set going up each set
-assisted pullups 5x20
-seated rotator swinging hands from bottom as far as possible up 4x100 till my neck cramped

Drug sled for 3 laps after.

Been alittle more difficult week. SInce I cant train heavy on upper right now and lower is limited I am dropping back down some weight wise and have been Warrior dieting all week for kick start things then I will go back to a regular carb cycle next week. Plan is drop about 10lb to 15lb before the surgery and getting alittle better shape so recovery will be alittle faster and easier at a lighter weight.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lots of logs

Getting back to getting my logs up. Sorry for not posting. We relaucnched the Spud INc site and the log section did not get put up so that is my excuse. Lots of stuff going on. We are up with both sites on facebook too. SPud

4/6/2010 9:44:06 AM -

friday monday, tuesday 30 mins stepper, tuesday extra 30 mins treadmill incline

No training or cardio with Dale's wedding on Saturday.

-Did alot of high rep band work. Side bends with band tied on top of rack 20 reps superesetted with pushdowns 50 reps per for 6 or 7 rounds
-hammers 50 rep setsx5 rounds 15lb on left and worked up to 45lb right
-supered elevated neutral grip push ups 25 reps with seated rows of 25 reps 5 rounds.

-Just keeping it moving right now until the Doc gives me the options next week

4/1/2010 3:11:05 PM -
Wed and thur

Wed thur 30 mins stepmill

did some brief squats with karl and the guys. put on my on swiss cheese briefs onver my regular short just for alittle help.layed my hands over the bar and got some nice strawberry from the bar. 2x5 reps with 255,345,465,555,645x3x2 sets, 735x2 high but held on. The bar was slipping down my back alot so I ahd to compensate some for that. happy with that. the strange part is that my shoulder felt better and I could raise it up higher without much pain..

-legasaurus H squat leg press 4 setsx20 reps no lock out reps for the bb burn baby
-glute hamback raises 3x10

-no weight diesel crew shoulder mobility drill(the one where you lean over retract the upper back, pull into a 90 upper back row, rotate up while still holding a 90degree9(rotator drill), then extend the arms straight up, then back down.
supered with ine arm row of 50 reps per set,
and 25 reps band overhead tricep(orange right and mini on left
-added pressed with 25lb platex50 reps for 5 rounds total. then did 6th round x100reps per exercise except teh mobility drill.
-think that was it.

3/30/2010 9:32:09 AM -
Monday piddling

Tuesday 30 mins stepmill

-standing ling ab strap pulldowns 1x100
-side and front raises 3lbx100 each way and 5lbx100 each way on left, 15lb and 20lb on right for same
-very light pullaparts for 20reps supered with assisted bar pullpulls with feet on stoolx6 rounds
-orange bands one arm pushdowns off to the side(not in front of body)20 repsx4 rounds
-pushups off smith machine with bar high just to keep some range of motion in shoulder

Had mri early yesterday and waiting on doc to call for results. they had to put a dye solution in it(about 20cc)in the shoulder. I got to watch the needle going in on the screen. the doc hit the bone and was bending the needle. it was uncomfortable so I said hey doc, you are bending the needle and he moved it around alittle apologizing for it. my shoulder has some extra jack all day long so that made it alittle funnier.

/28/2010 12:54:07 PM -

Sat and Sun 45 each time stepmill with my glassed reading my textbook about 3 inches from the page

-managed to find a way to lay my arm over the top of the bar so i could squat alittle. close stance for 315x6x2,365x6x2,405x6
-ghr 4x10
-bodymasters reverse lunges 4x6 per leg going up 45lb each set.
-cable pull through 4x10

3/25/2010 3:14:01 PM -
Wednesday and THursday

no cardio sunday or monday.tues,wed, thurs 30 mins stepmill

saturday night was dale's bachelor party..sort of. we all went to dinner at the pizza joint and ate at least a large a piece. dale did NOT want to go to the strip club.yes,did NOT. so we got him 10 shot of various liquor over the 2 hours and atleast five beers. he drank 6 of them three at a time. he did not flinch, make a face or have any reversal of drinks at the table. it was like he was drinking water. we make fun of him as his demeanor as it never really changes. you can't tell if he's excited, pissed,whatever..After the shots, he was exactly the same as when we went in..dale

after dinner and the super exploding stomach feeling as all the bread expanded in my stomach, a few of us went to the strip club. we asked chauncey to go,just to see thelook on his face, knowing his wife was waiting on the porch sharping her knives and cleaning her guns(she is officer too)with a cigarette hanging out her mouth. it was rather early by strip club time so alot of the girls were not there yet. this the time where the ones that are there are wearing you out wanting to dance for you. paco and avagina were and one table with me and jar jar brinks at another. jar jar is a cheap ass(the kind who still uses a velcro wallet) he brings like 30 bucks to the club,that is about two dances, if its 2 for time as they do when there are no dudes spending money, 2 for 1 dance time. he is trying to be patient and lasts about 25 mins and goes for the 2 for 1. we stayed awhile so he is borrowing money as soon as he gets back.(he did pay me back though) paco is wealthy and gets several dances, i am not wealthy but i don't give a shit so i get a few myself. now avagina, he is a our angry young man who only likes chocolate girls. unfortunatley, there are zero chocolate girls when we get there for about a hour and a half. meantime, spanish girls sit on his lap, asian, white..all flavors but chocolate.he is mad and texting furiously..finally a nice piece of dark chocolate takes the stage..i tell him to go get her..he sits there..i finally get up and give her some bucks at the stage and tell her he loves chocolate..she eventually comes to the table with avagina,hanging out..then they go off to private dance time.I am sitting with paco and they come back..avagina is happy obviously. the chick is standing by me..i congradulate him..she is still standing by me..finally she leans in and says i owe her money..for his avagina

-standing rope pulldowns 4x20 going up each set nonstop.
-coventional deads 5 repsx2 sets for each weight 135,185,225,275,315x5x3
-bw back raise 4x20(nice way to get motion in the shoulder without activating any muscle-no pain movement)
=Bodymasters squat 1platex10,2platex10,3x10,4x10,5x10,6x10
This was funny. Each set I would call Barry out(he was spotting me when the rotator gave out and is also the guy we call bk whopper hands because his hands are tiny like the commericals. for some reason he feels real guilty about the accident when he shouldn't, shit happens, well he was also wrapping my knees and helping when the quad tore now that i think about it)Anyhow, I have to take me right and lift my left up after a certain point above the ab area so it is funny to see. Each set on the bodymasters I would yell HEy Barry. Then I would take the right and place the left up on the machine with the right so I could squat while staring at him like it was all his fault and he would look over with a Im sorry look..just bustin balls. I also started calling him bk spottter which later changed to whopper spotter by the other dudes.

3/22/2010 8:49:05 AM -
Saturday and Monday, and the good news.

Friday 30 mins stepmill, saturday 55 mins stepmill

Well I decided late Friday to call my ortho and let him take a look at the shoulder. Luckily, he does some sat morning office hours and got me in. THere is considerable blood and brusing in the bicep, pec and tricep so I still hold hope it was the brachalis but he confirmed what I already thought-rotator cuff tear. I have to get a MRI this week so we don't know the full extent. I am sure there is more but he thinks orthoscopic. I got some range of motion back in it now so I will continue to work that and get it alittle stronger. Got back to the gym Sat and did some work

-long ab strap pull downs 6 sets
-close stance leg press working up to 11 or 12 plates per side for 3x15
-bw back raise 4x15
-lunged around building(about 400 reps in 15 or 20 mins)

3/19/2010 9:41:38 AM -
THursday rehab stuff

Friday stepper 30mins

-long ab strap pulldowns 5 sets
-one arm standine pulldowns 20 reps bad arm, 15 reps on good arm with weight
-rope push downs 6 setsx20
- one arm incline hammer 3 plates right for 4 or 5 sets, no weight, just movement on left
-no weight protraction of rear delts with rotator raise(see diesel log on shoulder mobility, good video) 4setsx 8 reps
-lots of side arm raise with stick. using good arm to raise left arm on passively holding stick with left hand. 6 sets plus at 15 to 20 reps
-walk outs on hands from keelinn position just to put some pressure on the delt.

had the massage therapist work on it yesterday and she agrees it is proabablly the brachalis since there is bruising down into the pec and upper bicep.

probablly going to see the ortho next week.

3/18/2010 6:24:14 AM -

Tues, wed thur, 30 mins stepmill

-did alittle lower stuff rdls 250x8x3
-leg press 12 plates or so with close stance for 3x12
-One legged leg curl 3 x8 per leg

Okay, there is some bruising at the top of the bicep so it is more muscular then I originally thought. The doctor/ chiro that trains with us thinks it the bicep brachilis and some of the bicep tendon. Range of motion is better with less pain. Will continue on for a few days to see ehat happens.

Now, back to the iso-leg curl. We used to have one of these along time ago and it was a favorite among the bbs. For some reason, people really think you are going to develop some awesome hamstrings with it. I got it at a good deal and knwe it would make alot of dudes who don't really know training very happy. I told Dale and SUe that all the bbs would be jizzing themselves as soon as they saw it. Sure enough, Fast Eddie, our local playa and bb, saw it and said, "Yo Dale, dis ourz!!!" Dales acknowledges this and he is thrilled adn can't stop talking about it. THe next day, Skeletor and his bb buddy come into train and are jumping up and down, "HOW SUPER COOL MAN, we can really work our hamstrings now!" Like they could not before.

3/16/2010 6:38:18 AM -
Karma Monday

No cardio Monday, Tuesday stepmill 30 mins

I guess my funnin' and other things caught up with me last night. I have been steadily adding in more volume and higher weights with good response. Last night I did some floor presses mixed with barbell rows 2 sets each warmup weight 145,185,235,285,315. After that the plan was 365x5,410x5, etc. On the third or fourth 415 rep the left side made two or three big crunch and pops like my shoulder popped in and out of place. That was the end of the night. Went to the chiro who happened to still be there. He checked it out said nothing was dislocated or out of place. I have had problems with this shoulder since the quad tear and nerve damage in there. It was good enough to bench with but was always 70 or 80 percent for overhead stuff or reps.

I can lift the arm with alot of difficulty now so not really sure what is going on-rotator, severe sprain, or whatever. Will give it a few days to see what happens. Did not want surgery right now and was hoping to get a couple more years done before that but it goes the way it goes.

Chanucey was making fun of me with my giant ice pack under my arm. He said I looked like the troll from the movie 300 where Leonidas was testing him and his ability to raise his arm and shoulder to be a solider. Hopefully, my shoulder will fair better then the trolls. I did pretend to raise it up a few times. Very funny.

The f'd up part is I was doing a interview for the the and one of the questions was about a comeback...very f'ed up and ironic now...still funny though..damn karma

Saturday 30 mins stepmill, Sunday 1 hour stepmill

-Not a bad day squating. THe back was still beat up from last Sat and Wed pullin. Boz squat with cambered bar.Two blues over the top of the plates and 1 blue on the bar. 235x2,285x1,325x1,375x1,415x1,465x1,505x1(this last one was the easiest for some reason,maybe I actually got up for it)
-Rev hype 4x10
-3 plates on sled for 3 laps(2 forward, 1 backward)

THe strongmen were out there preparing for a show in a month or so. As I went out tere they were going ot start the prowler with one plate per arm for three of them. They did two laps and on the second lap I was on my third lap and caught them on the last quarter of the lap. I guess it finally got to one of them. Most of the time they were struggling to push it(three of them with only one plate per arm rotating). I passed them and jokingly did a jogging in place while i kept going. The last guy decided I he was going to run with it and pass me at the finish line. I just laughed and continued my pace. Never know what will motivate people, some jackass 42 year old out cardioing some 20 somethings did yesterday. I wonder what motivates them for the contest.....

Cardio tues,wed, thur stepper 30 mins, fri stepmill 30 mins

-reav band deadslifts. Hook grip with very loose briefs(pulled them over my pants, they were my old titan that i had cut several holes in so i could fit in them at 300.)doubles to 505, 595x1,685x1,735x0could not hold on,wnet to 785 for another miss then back down to 685 with straps for 3 and 5 reps
-3x50 on leg press adding addind 200lbs a set
-Reverse hypers 4x10

Thursday(early training)
-Started with hammer rows, chest supported rows and long ab strap standing pulldowns. 6 set of each
-took a monster mini and looped through seated row hook and did rear delts, band curls and bodymaster squat machine shoulder press working up to 2 plates per side for 20 reps each exercise for 4 rounds
-double orange band pressdowns superseted x 50 reps a set with pylo slight incline smith tosses(added 2 plates and 2 chain to it for the work sets for 15 to 20 for 4 rounds