Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blamin' my no loggin on the computer again

Sorry for not logging here in quite awhile. I am using my old laptop as it is letting me post my training and blog. For some reason, my newer one sucks and I am ready to take it out and beat it down as in the movie, OFFICE SPACE. I may have to break down and get another one but I will keep old reliable here just in case.

7/8/2010 1:37:08 PM -
Wednesday and upper kb truck unloading training.

Tue and Thurs stepmill 55 mins, wed crazy asian was on the stepmill so sled it was 8 laps with 2 plates(1 hour)

-squatted for the first time with the safet bar since surgery, nothing great just close stance for some reps stuff6 sets of 8 working up to 235 then 235x20
-double kb swings for sets of starting with 12s and going up to 28kg.

Thursday the new shipment of kbs showed up finally so Dale and I humped it unloading 7 crates of them at the storage unit. upright row would be the theme. we moved 15k in a hour so good cardio.

7/5/2010 12:22:04 PM -
Saturday and Monday

No cardio Friday, Monday 55mins stepmill

Saturday 15 laps with 4 laps/4 plates, 3plates/5laps, 2 plates/6laps
This was harder then the 20 laps with 2 plates. I briefly entertained 1 plate for 7 laps to finish ealry on but that ended by the time I gotto the 2 plates
-Upper stuff, did some assisted dip machine for 4x8, very slow lowering and normal up.
-close stance deads on 100lb plate 3x5 with 315
-did alot of reaching overhead exercises for 10 minutes

Sunday 126minutes on the stepmill. The goal was 90 miutes but that was not hard so I added in another 30 minutes. I got to the two hour mark and realized it was 9.5 miles so I went another 6 minutes faster then the whole 2 hours to get in the 10 miles. I know not right in the head.

Monday am training
-supersetted barbell curls at 10 reps with orange band pushdown at 20 reps for 10 rounds
-plate press for 50 reps x4 rounds supersetted with neutral(palms facing each other)rows for sets of 10 repsx5 rounds
-10lb side raise x50 reps x 4 rounds supersetted with rope pulldowns where I extended the arms up over my head then pulled back down to do the ab portion.
-on the side raises, I worked on shooting the dumbbells outward and away from to limit the prime movers(delts,upperback, arms, etc) from kicking in as much. I worked on keeping the sholder level with the other shoulder.

/1/2010 11:16:54 AM -

Wed 50 mins and Thur 55 mins stepmill

No training Wednesday. Did some work stuff at the store while it was quiet.

-Stick raise for 20 reps reaching at top limiting the pushup from the opposite arm(the stick driver)
-Supered with ab wheel did a 3 sets regular then 3 mix of regular and pauses on floor full extended.
-Eccentric lowering from overhead position. Then added in lowering with pressing from 90 degrees 4 setsx15 reps
-slight incline lockouts in smith machine. 5 sets of 10
-25lb plate raise with slowed lowering phase 4x10
-ran out of time but the pressing felt ok. long way to go but worked up to 140lb so alittle better.

6/29/2010 9:45:57 AM -


MOn and tues both 50 mins on the stepmill.

-1 hour stepmill with 40lb vest on, then took the vest off for another 20 mins. Zombie the rest of the day.


-Did some am work of hanging ab for 3 setx10, feet over head so that is a improvment. Last time it was hard to hold myself in and just do knees to the chest.
-45lb bench press 4 sets of 5, 10 to 15 sec eccentric tempo,3 sec up.
-In between sets. I would slide down so my chin was under the bar, then with open hands fingers to the ceiling, I would do dumbell presses with my arms only keeping tight movement around the bar. the purpose was just to focus and work on motor control for my left shoulder.

-mini pull apart more like what my shoulder go way up before i could find a base to pull off of. After the first set i focused each rep on keeping my shoulder level and trying to limit compensation. It worked some.
-100lb barbell rows. These looked straight so I didn't have to focus much
-Our back raise has handles that extend out to hold yourself up and for dismount on the back raise. I used them to hold myself up in a locked dip position with my knees bent for 3 sets of 5 holds at 10 seconds each.
-Then I stood on the lower beam of a power rack. Since my arm does not like manual much and trys to bind up when I reac overhead, I used the sling it up method.I just threw it up there(works great like that). then I slowly lowered it with control until it would bind up, then slow it down in this area, then try to press it up. It took a minute or two but after a few sets of say 8 or 10 I was able to stop it and press back up for reps.
-then since I am able to snatch kbs(because it is ballistic and automatic) I did 6 or 8 sets of 8kg snathches of 10 reps left, tnen same on right so it would not get lonely and pout with atrophy. Towards the end, I was able to use the 16kg for 10 reps for 2 sets.

6/26/2010 2:11:25 PM -

No cardio friday. I made a deal with the wife. I would take Fridays off from everything and just write articles at the house which I have neglected for years now and she would work the store on Fridays. Got two done so far in the last two weeks. I am a slow writer but I figured out why that is. If you don't write on a regular basis then that is what you get-slow. Simple I know, but no matter what anyone says, it is all simple and things only happen one at a time.

Saturday training 12 laps with the prowler,about 40lbs on it.

Was smashed after this and the guys needed alittle help so I helped some with gear work.

6/24/2010 7:19:46 AM -
Wed And thur

THursday morning 45mins cardio

-2 laps with 25lb a arm on the prowler
-1 lap with 4lb med ball repeating various bouncing drill, 1 lap with 8lb med ball same but worked on carrying the ball like in real basketball.
-8lb free throws with left hand leading 3x20lb

-a regualr training session
-standing machine pulldowns 5x10
-one arm seated row moving at 3 to 4 tempo on left, 10 reps regular right mixed with long ab strap pulldowns.
-incline pushup with 4 to 5 tempo both ways for 5 reps a set mixed with rope pushdowns
at 20 a set for 4 rounds
-supinatind standing curls mixed with concnetration curls 4 rounds
-swings and snatches with 8kgx8repsx4 rounds same with 12kgx8x2 sets

6/23/2010 9:29:15 AM -

MOn, Tues, Wed 45 mins stepmill

MOnday Rehab and other fun stuff
-Last post I mentioned that my shoulder was starting to respond but I was not sure why and was alittle confused at wht all of sudden it was working. I forgot about last Thursday with bouncing the med ball out side while walking around the building-so duh, there maybe part of the answer.

So I repeated it for 3 laps this time bouncing out for one lap, bouncing as high as possible and reachinh up for it, and palming the palming the ball while bouncing it.

I then shot free throws against the wall with it left handed but used the right as support. 3x50reps

To finish and I had been wanting to do ths for awhile is run up the big hill beside the park. So I did 5 sprints at half and 3/4 speed up the hill.

During this suck ass phase I am going to drop to 220lb till the shoulder gets up to a decent level. So, I will be experimenting with some conditioning and light training. Not fun for me as the guys are starting to dig in training wise and prep for the IPA in NOvmember. I have been videoing some of the rehab work and have it up on our spud inc facebook. I will get it you tubed so I can putit up here as well.

6/20/2010 4:36:03 PM -
Thermal Saturday and Sunday

Had to work the store again this sat so I decided to do ALOT of sleding. Loaded up a couple plates and did 20 laps straight no stops or breaks. 2hrs 20 minutes. Did rehab reps while I was doing the sled. Must have done something to activate some non firing issues with my shoulder, I was able to pick it up much easier and higher then before. Absolutley baffles me when things start working again. One second it won't do anything, the next it works much better. Never seem to make the progress while you are beating it with rep, rom,passive work-anything and everything. Crazy.

All day my face and body were on fire. I was still sweating a few hours later while watching the ATeam which was a fun movie.

Sunday 90 minutes on the stepmill. Sweated through 2 shirts after I was done.

6/18/2010 3:47:09 PM -

Friday no cardio

-Came back to the gym and did alot of work outside with the sleds. My first impulse was to do 3 laps with the prowler but this kid was already using it and by the looks of it, it had been quite a awhile since he used it. So alittle aggraveted, i had to back up and punt. Started with

-one lap boucing 4lb med ball as high as I could and he was still only half way there. I holler back at him to leave it out thinking maybe he will be back by then
-I break out the sled and do 2 lap of static work and if really hurts,one lap goes by and he is alittle closer but still a third of the way out. I go around again and he is on the back stretch but at least 5 minutes out so I add in the third lap of static work. My shoulder is screaming by now but at least when i get around the prowler is there.
-to finish I add in two laps with the the ortho shoe prowler.
I come in and do some stretching and hang ing out when my 530 guy comes in that I totally forgot about to train. I inform him that I am going to punish him for the hour without even thinking about what i said, more like fu up Chuck. He enjoys it so he gets his beating.

6/17/2010 5:09:11 AM -

MOnday, Tuesday, Wednesday and THursday 30 mins stepmill and stepper

-6 laps sled, all forward. This was alittle tough with the heat.
-Rehab-one lap bouncing a small 4lb med ball trying to catch it a high above my head as possible. 200 to 300 bounces per arm
-Also shot the ball against the wall with left hand like a free throw. 50 reps I think

6/15/2010 9:29:00 AM -
Thursday, Saturday and Monday

THur 30min stepmill, Friday no cardio

-three laps with prowler no weight. With the 1 inch steel added for pads, the weight is almost 50lbs.

-15 laps with the sled
-three more laps with prowler no weight
-rehab work

-8 laps sled
-4 laps modified upper rehab work.
-ran the hill again. zig zag again. 10 to 12 10yard sprint up hill then back down over a 120 to 150yards for 3 rounds

-one lap prowler, one lap with 6lb ball holding in a overhaead press position, one lap prowler


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