Monday, April 26, 2010

surgery results

4/26/2010 9:16:33 AM -
Surgery results

Surgery was thursday am and went well as could be. As i expected, artho turned into slice open as he got in there and saw the mess i created. i dont half ass when i injure myself you know as this was very good,not as good as the quad but excellent results. the labrum was flappin in one spot so he cut it away and cleaned it up. he reparied another part of the labrum and attached it to the partily torn bicep tendon. the rotators were shredded and could not be repaired at all. in the picture showing the rotator shredded and knubbed like angel hair pasta he wrote on the pic,"rotator stump". a funny footnote to that was my drugged up comment when the wife told me,in recovery, after was me yelling at the top of my lungs,"tell that midget bastard to get on a stool, yank the shit out of it and screw it down." i said a few more choice spud lines but they are not sayable here. needless to say i have no idea what i said under the truth serum.

i stayed doped up on demeral at full dose for thur and friday. friday i was somewhat cognizant and actually texted a couple of times. not sure what was really said there either. got a sponge bath saturday as i stunk like hospital, dead flesh and rotten old man. the water bounced off and evaporated on contact. i had the wife move it some to start the process, about 15 to 20 mins passive work. sunday we peeled off the bandage and sealed it up for a decent shower and more movement. this was after some cardio(just slow treadmill) of 30 mins. it kinda just floated by so i knew the dope was still in me even though i dropped it to a half dose on saturday and stopped it saturday night. i paid bills at all three locations. dont really remember this either except for the scribbles in the check book.

the zipper is only about 3 or 4 inches long with two artho holes on each side.

monday am alittle more cardio that i can remember this time and 30 mins of movement in all directions. so minimal pain thus far which means a few more days of torture usually. since there was no rotator repair, recovery maybe alittle lighter but i am not expecting it all. the doc seems to think i will get most of my strength back after he tells the wife i will have to do somethings different. time will tell.

4/21/2010 10:02:32 AM -

Wednesday 30 mins stepmill

Wednesday am shortty
-squats and deads circuit 315 on eachx3 reps perx10 rounds. 1 minute rest per round
-reverse hyper 3x20,1x50
-55lb sandbag swings 1x50

just something to get in before the surgery tomm at 730am. can't eat too late tonight so i figured i would hit this so i can enjoy a decent meal as tomm and friday will be high day all day with little food consumption. Working on my rehab plan already and some strap product to use while I am rehabing.


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