Friday, April 9, 2010

Wed and thursday

4/9/2010 11:34:30 AM -
Wednesday and THursday

wed, thur, friday cardio 30 mins stepmill

JUst drug the sled with 2.5 plates for 6 laps, 4forward, 2 backeards drags

-hammer incline no weight 5x100 reps
-long ab pulldowns 5x20
-pushdowns 10x25reps per set going up each set
-assisted pullups 5x20
-seated rotator swinging hands from bottom as far as possible up 4x100 till my neck cramped

Drug sled for 3 laps after.

Been alittle more difficult week. SInce I cant train heavy on upper right now and lower is limited I am dropping back down some weight wise and have been Warrior dieting all week for kick start things then I will go back to a regular carb cycle next week. Plan is drop about 10lb to 15lb before the surgery and getting alittle better shape so recovery will be alittle faster and easier at a lighter weight.


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