Monday, November 9, 2009


Saturday off sort on cardio, Sunday 60 mins stepmill, Monday stepmill 30mins

Saturday-free squat with briefs 655x3,725x3,815x3 got to decent depth on the third rep of the 815.
-rev hypers 3x15
-one legged back hyper 3x8 per leg
-homemade belt with 300lb of weight for 4x8

-Felt really guilty about sleepin in and also not doing enough work so I did one lap with the chain.

The wife went up with a Jade,A figure contesant we have been working with. She ended up with third behind two girls who were already qualified for nationals. Not bad for her first go. Wanted to give her a congrats as she has been hustling hard for 4 months now with cardio and her diet. Will try to get some pics for you guys.

Great to see goals met and accomplished

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