Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some catch up posts..

10/18/2011 6:25:19 AM -

Saturday sled 8laps,2 laps run, Sunday 8 laps sled, Monday no cardio, Tuesday 45mins stepmill

-Pulldowns 8x10
-Bench raw warmups to 315x5, Spud Bench Assist 365x3,405x3,455x2,495x1 with 2 board on all but 365. Then 405 with no slingx 4 or 5 and 2 softee pads
-Flat dumbell press 3 setsx10 ending with 100lb
-Blast strap abs 3x8

-Helped the dudes prepare for their meet.

10/13/2011 5:46:40 AM -

Wed No cardio, Thur 45 mins stepmill

-Raw squat with straight bar 325x5x2,375x5x2
-GHR 5x10
-Reverse Hyper 5x10
-Standing abs 5x10

Helped the dudes out. Dale hit 1005for a couple of singles and Ben hit 855 for a couple of singles. Nice night for the guys.

10/11/2011 4:20:28 PM -

No cardio monday

-Put off training Monday night as I had what I call Brain Drain all day with employee bs and other ventures I am looking that kinda fell apart at the last minute. So that is my lame way out so I trained early am Tuesday and did
-Long ab strap pulldowns x10 with machine pulldownsx10x6 rounds
-Assisted pullupsx8 with chest supported row face pullsx10x6 rounds
-Single ball of thunder(sounds funny don't it) tricep pushdown for 2 sets of 10 per arm with standing cable curlx 10 per armx5 rounds
-Machine chest press. 11 sets with 5 or 6 reps on the last set so sort of failure.

This workout is good for bathroom boobie mirror poppin' which I did for a minute or two saying that is cool. Iknow that is terrible but it was funny at 515 am when you are still not awake .


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