Friday, October 2, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday

Wed, Thur, Friday 30 mins stepmill
Wednesday-3 sets of hangin abs--close stance gms off straps 3s up to 285 then 350x1
-cambered bar squats med stance worked up to 235x3
-rev hypers 2x40
-windmills with 36lb 5x3
Thursday-Green band hammer row 4x15
- fat bar v grip ab pulldowns 8x8-Rope cable flye from teh bottom 6x10
-I did some behind the neck press where you start from the bar on the traps for the frist time in 10 years. I worked up to 195x3. This is the only thing that I have not tried to help my left shoulder with the nerve damage to get it stronger. They were not comfortable at all and this is unorthodox for even me but why not.
-band squats greenx10,bluex10, blue,greenx6
-I finished up with more windmills except i went heavy this time. 12kg,16kg,20,24,28,32x3 per arm,40kgx3 per arm x2 sets. This one along with the bent press are acouple more I have not used to help with the rehab on the shoulder and the bad leg.


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