Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday thru Sunday

Monday Am-45 mins stepmill
MOnday Pm-Shirt bench. Not that great a night as the shirt I had did not work well or Ijust sucked. Probablly some of both. Worked up 585x3 off 3 board, did 585x1 off 2 board and called it. No Spud pop on anything
.-Overhead band triceps 3x15,
-Long ab strap pulldowns 3x15
-Chest supposrted rows worked upto 4 platesx8 reps

Tues am40mins stairmaster

Wed am-40mins stepmill

Wed pmDeads off floor. Flat all night so I stuck with 5billsx3x5 sets. Alternated sumo and conventional with the hook grip. I can snap it off the floor and not loose the hook now so that is very encouraging.
-rev hyper 3x15
-ab work 5 sets x 8 reps
Thur am-45 mins stepmill. No even training.

Friday am35mins stepmill
Sat am-Some raw squatting with the Agrey Troll. He was on a roll with the election and his take on it. He pretty much had everyone pissed or aggitated all morning long no matter who you supported. I knowing the Troll as I do sat on the sidelines and watched people from all walks of life and age argue and debate with him. I think Old Dude got pissed and left early. The conversations and arguments spread throughout the gym as everyone had to throw in their two cents to make sure they were heard. He then badgered me and Dalen while we were squatting. Watch him, he can't take it, he has to do more then Dalen,.etc. Dale is going to do 6 reps to your 5, then it was 10 to my 5. I just lowered the super high box and did my 5s all morning. I thought about doing a "few" more reps, but what was the point. I could have done 20 more then likely but I left it at 5. 500x5x5 or 6 sets raw box.
-Abs off the concept two rower mixed with stabilty ball russian twists for 3 rounds of 8 each.
-No cardio today.

Sunday-10 laps with 2 plates regular sled. 8 forward, 2 backwards. Nothing hard here but time.

Huff and puff and try as you might Angry Troll,

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