Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tuessay 45 mins stepmill with 30 lb vest

-Bench with chains raw to 2 plates and 6 chains, then shirted for the first time in a very ling time. Ace shirt for 3plate/6 chain perside off two softee pads for 3. I started rotating the elbows backwards at the bottom so I went to a two board. 4plates/6 chainsx3,4 and half plates/6 chain for 3, 5 plates/6 chain for a single. Good and clean to I left it there.
-Elevated incline dumbells. 65sx20, 80sx15,100sx15x2 sets.
-1 x 50 band press down
-Seated military with super fat bar 200lbx8x2 sets
-Assited pullup with neutral grip for 6 sets of 10.

Not too bad

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