Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday and Monday

6/14/2011 5:56:19 AM -

sat 8 laps, sunday 10 laps, monday 8 laps belt pull sled drag, tuesday 45 min stepmill

-bench off 2 softee pads worked up to 405x3 then got side tracked with 2 brain dead guys wandering around the supp store- one fatty talker face and one lip draggin dope smoker looking dude.they used to come with the mma class when we had it here. complete waste of time and i was cold so i went back down to 325x8,365x6
-cambered bar press off squat box with one blue band. this is a very trickey press as the bar shakes if you go too fast with it. great for patience and lock out work. worked up to 275x5 with one blue per side
-blast strap ab extensions 4x10
-neutral grip rows with shrug apparatus. 275x8x4 or 5 sets.
-one arm snatches 88lbx8 per arm as the last work set.

6/10/2011 2:19:20 PM -
Friday Training and Cardio

Sled work upper body, 5 laps

-same mixture as previous with somemore added one arm work
-rear delt, front raise, tricep,high pull/shrug, rows
-static high pull/shrug
-an interesting one i had never done was one arm vertical and one horizontal for as long as possible then switched. this was not fun.


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